ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating A Button Using Only Script (MX)?
Oct 14, 2002
I tried posting this once before, I will now try once again. I enjoy the challenge of creating all sorts of things entirely with actionscript (quizes, games, movies, etc). It is not particularily useful but it can be very difficult and fun. It's very satisfying to show someone an fla file with one empty frame and only an action attatched.
I have only been able to create buttons with actionscript by creating a movie clip this.createEmptyMovieClip ("InstanceName", depth) - and then specifying the fill and stroke.
I've always wondered what the script is for creating the actual button itself, instead of using a movie clip like a button. For instance, something like - this.createNewButtonInstance("InstanceName", depth) - this doesn't actually work, though.
I've looked around before, and I can continue using movie clips if necessary, I just thought I'd ask. If anyone knows and would like to post it here,
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var btn:Button = new Button;
btn.label = "Print";
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b1.label = "Close";
b1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, closePopUp);
b2.label="Other Information";"stateBut1";
It says that acesss to undefined property stateBut1. Now how should i call the id in my function.
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1. I create a Rectangle with a fill.
2. I convert it to a Symbol (Movie)3. Double Click on the graphic to create it's on Timeline.4. Why do i then need to convert to a symbol again?It will not animate unless i convert that timeline button again.
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Oct 11, 2009
Draw a rectangle using the rectangle tool; select the text tool and create a text box inside of the rectangle, and type in BEGIN; make sure it fits inside the rectangle; select entire image by left clicking then dragging over it; convert to symbol button.
Then, I add in the code of going to keyframe 4 when released (which works fine). But when I test it out and mouse over the button, I can still select the text which gives me like barely any space where I can click the button to go to keyframe 4. This is reeaaallly annoying me. How can I fix this?
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Dec 10, 2009
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Nov 16, 2009
creating a button animation for use on the web. I would like to use an animation similar to that on the buttons of the list on [URL]
I have created my four layers for the button, but i am new to flash and i am not sure where to go from there.
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Apr 25, 2009
I'm trying to make a "next track" button. "T" is meant to be track number, and every time they click this button, I wanted "T" to increase by one until T>4 where I need it to go back to T=1 (I've only got 4 tracks). Then, I want, depending on what "T" equals, for it to start playing Track"T" and stop playing previous track. I also want the track playing to be looping continuously. At the moment, everything is muted, until I press the button; where it then plays all four tracks at once. I also have a problem with the mute button, but I've got a strong feeling both are of the same reason. I think my problem is that it does not know what "T" equals to begin with so it accepts all if statements; playing all tracks. But I'm new to Flash (my second project) so I'm not sure.
on (release){
T =T+1
if (T>4){
} if (T = 1){
_root.snd1.start(0, 100);
[Code] .....
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Aug 24, 2009
I am creating a survey in flash to survey people's opinion about the temperature in a building. What I am hoping to do is have a scale which the surveyee can click on (see attached image) with 5 options from Too warm, warm, just right, cool, and too cold, and record where on the scale they click.
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It seems that the quick and dirty way I can think of doing this is to create a serious of invisible buttons over my scale which can then tell me where they click, but then I am limited in the granularity of the answer and it would just be a pain to create that many buttons.
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Jan 11, 2010
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steud.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onMouseClick);
function onMouseClick(e:MouseEvent):void
It works just fine, but the problem is that I want to add more buttons (and links) to it, and thats where I get stuck. When I try just adding a new layer and adding the code there, everything stops working. I've also tried copy/pasting the code beneath the first one, with no results.
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Sep 22, 2010
I am creating a button component in AS3, the idea of this button is that you can set its parameters to the name of movie clips you want to use as its images (mouse up/over/down etc).So basically it's a button that you can easily change the appearance of, and this would be reflected in the preview on the stage. I made this component in AS2 and it worked very well and was very useful.
However there is a problem with this component in AS3 - When I create an instance of my button component and try to set images for it (remember these are the names of movie clips in the library which have been exported for actionscript), the preview of the button component does not show the images. When I compile the SWF the button component does show the images ok though.
When my button component redraws itself, it looks at it's parameters and calls getDefinitionByName to create an instance of the correct movieclip. I am guessing that the problem occurs because the movieclip I am trying to instantiate is not in the component's library, it is in the library of the project I am using the button in, so maybe the component doesnt know what that movieclip is?
But it's odd because when I compile/publish the SWF it works, like I said, it's just the preview of the component that doesnt work, and that's kind of the point, being able to get a preview of the button so it can be positioned and sized correctly.
I know I could get it to work by putting the movieclips I want to use for the button into the button component's library, but that again defeats the purpose of this component.
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Mar 23, 2010
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Mar 27, 2008
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Sep 19, 2009
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ActionScript Code:
function btnOver(evt:Event):void {"rollOver");
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Mar 12, 2010
I am trying to make my own script. And simply because I suck at making actionscripts, it hasnt gone too well.What I wanna do is that I have 5 miniature buttons for my navigation.When the main timeline is between frame 115 and 128, I want the first button to glow. The second button should glow when the main timeline is between 129 to 141 etc.[code]This is what I tried to make work, which it didnt. I have pasted the Actionscript directly into the button. "miniatyr_guld" is the button name.
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Sep 7, 2010
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text1 = "link1";
text2 = "link2";
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Jun 19, 2011
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import mx.controls.Button;
createClassObject(Button,"btnParam", 99, {_height:30, _width:60, _x:535, _y:523});
btnParam._visible = true;
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Jan 30, 2009
This used to be so easy to do back in the day, but not any more. I'm trying to create a reeaaally simple button in Flash CS3 that on release goes to and plays the next frame.[code]All the button does is starts an mp3 that's embedded in the file. I've made tons of these in the past, but now with CS3 I'm finding this task very difficult. The code is in the button instance, but I'm getting the following error when I publish.
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Feb 5, 2009
I have a simple project with 50 frames.There is a button that moves individuals to each frame one at a time. Each frame plays a sound clip and displays some content.Is there a way I can create a 'random clip' button.In other words, is it possible to create a 'button that will go through the 50 frames and just display one at RANDOM each time it is clicked?
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Oct 15, 2005
Well I have this MC, and I want a user to be able to save that MC to that users PC in either a .gif, or a .jpg. Is this even possible, I looked around the forms here and i didnt find anything. I am really sure this can be done but I dont know how :S.Oh I am using Flash MX 2004 for this as well.
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Nov 27, 2010
I'm completely new to ActionScript (as well as brand new to this forum). I'm using FlashDevelop and Flixel to attempt to make games.
The error code I'm getting is: "Call to a possibly undefined method addEventListener through a reference with static type QuitButton." I have an image, quit.png, that I want to use as a Quit button. When clicked on, I'd like the game to go back to the MenuState. I have the image embedded in, and MenuState is The actual button appears in Here is, as this is where the problem lies:
I have done some intense googling to try to find a solution, which I'd assume is obvious since I've only just started with flash and I'm not programming anything too difficult yet.
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Mar 5, 2011
I have a flash website that loads rather slowly, presumably because it is composed of a single .swf file, so I want to break that down into several. So how do I create a button that loads an external swf on top of the existing movie?
So far I have this which I pulled from {URL]
//This creates a new instance of the loader object.
var my_Loader:Loader = new Loader();
//This creates a new instance of the URLRequest object that contains the
//path to the external SWF.
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Jan 29, 2009
I need to create a button, or at least a movie clip that functions like a button that will print a page when clicked. Ideally I would like to have the button as part of the flash application, which will be online embedded into a web page as a .swf. on click the print page dialog box will appear, and the user will be able to print out the web page. What is the best way to code this?
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Mar 17, 2009
I need to create a button which will be on a MovieClip. The Movie clip contains columns and rows of data. I want the button to be able to take you from the point on the MC where the button is down a few rows to another point, this would be similar to creating an anchor text in an HTML document, but I don't know how to do it with AS.
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Nov 16, 2008
i am trying to make a button that when clicked will prompt the user to downalod a file to a target directory of the users choice. I have tried using URLRequest but it just opens the mp3 on another window with qiucktime which, i suspect, will happen with most users. is there a simple way to do this? i have no problem creating the button its just the function code for the button im lost on.url...
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