ActionScript 2.0 :: GotoAndStop Corresponding With Number Values?
Jul 17, 2010
im trying to get a movieclip to go to a certain frame when its health is at a certain number. Ive coded it so that if the health is 14, it will go to the first frame, and if the health is 13, it will go to the second frame using this code, and if the box touches it, its health will decrease by 1.
but before the box even touches the movieclip, the movieclip is already on the second frame.
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Or maybe there's a way to set up that at once (find random number that is not equal to 4 or 5).
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-dollar sign indicates a variable or array "$numbers"
-import flash.utils.Dictionary; "indicates an associative string"
-Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties
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