ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Function To Process Few Movieclips At The Same Time?
Sep 4, 2007
I have a problem when few movieclips calls the same function, every movie clip when it is onMouseOver give to the function their properties witch function process.
If i OnMouseOver a few movieclips at the time the function cant calculate every movieclip alone... Maybe i have to put some array.. ??? i dont know..
On OnMouseOver the movieclips move i random direction and when i passes 15 seconds they return to their original place..
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Jan 10, 2012
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public class PER
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var data_set1:PER = function_name(arg1, arg2, arg3);
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Aug 28, 2009
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The project should start by a button in the first movieclip.
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Aug 11, 2009
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If this was the original code...
clip1_mc.onRollOver = function () {
clip2_mc._visible = false;
clip3_mc._visible = false;
The above doesn't work... but i'm wondering if anyone knows of a method that will work... saving me from having to write so much code in future?
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Aug 24, 2009
Currently I have a function that makes a movieclip copied from one specified in the GUI,moves it to a certain point on the stage, then ends. This is called several times to create various patterns etc on the stage.
Code shown below:Code:
function draw_block( iX, iY , sBlockName )
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May 14, 2010
I'm a game developer and I have been (trying) to optimize an engine I'm making for my game. So far I have done almost every code trick there is (almost, because I'm not even close to be a professional programmer so I don't know how to do this perfectly )The game is working very smoothly now, I'm impressed, but its still generating some issues with MovieClips. When I load a new map, it loads up a movieclip that contains all the ingame objects (Screen). Inside, I add all the enemies, player and map elements I need. After that, I sort the index of the objects inside it by their position on Y.
While this works fine (using vector), my problem is that each map has like 30-40 movieclips (like doors, walls, etc), plus the player (another movieclip), plus some objects (20-30 movieclips), plus some enemies (10-40) movieclips... and when I move the camera (following the player), all the flash window area needs to refresh, and generates lag. If I only have the doors, walls and player, it runs ok... but when I start adding the enemies and other objects... Is there any efficient way to work with movieclips? Notice 90% of map elements like doors and walls are a movieclip with only one frame.
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