ActionScript 2.0 :: Move Cubes On Stage Using Mouse?

Apr 26, 2007

My code below is used to move cubes on stage using mouse but sofar it simply isnt working. the code seems correct and ive spent days just trying to figure it out, but no luck So wondering, whether an outside view could spot the problem?

//connect, create a shared object, and connect it
user_nc = new NetConnection();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mouse Move Event When Mouse Out Of Stage?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Collision Detection - Nine 3d Cubes Floating Around The Stage?

Nov 17, 2004

At the moment I have a flash movie which consists of nine 3d cubes floating around (but confined to) the stage. Whenever they collide with each other they should bounce off in opposite directions. It DOES do this but not every time! A lot of times the cubes will interact with each other in a movement I can only describe as a "judder". I've uploaded the flash file.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add 5 Cubes Made From Container Movie Clips To The Stage?

Aug 21, 2011

I need to add 5 cubes made from container movie clips to the stage. So far I have added the container movie clips to the stage, given them instance names and then referenced them in code from there. e.g.

ActionScript Code:


(cubes.cubef is the function for creating the cube from the container movie clip)So I was wandering if I could dynamically and add the clips to the stage from the library by just using code. I have tried this so far:

ActionScript Code:
for (var i:int = 0; i<5; i++) {
var cub:MovieClip = new cube_mc;


From that code, I get this error:

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at cubes$/traverseParents()
at cubes$/cubef()
at rota_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()

EDIT: I have solved this. I used an array for storing the instances then refer to it.

ActionScript Code:
var cubeArray:Array = new Array();
for (var i:int = 0; i<5; i++) {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Move Stage With Mouse Movement?

Nov 23, 2009

I'm wanting to make a flash site using a layout similar to the following website:


I would like to point out the features I'm interested in learning how to do:

1) The stage "scrolls" or moves to the left and right as the mouse moves to the edge of the screen accordingly.

2) There is no horizontal scrollbar in the web browser even though the flash stage seems to be very large horizontally.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Move Stage With Mouse Position?

May 27, 2010

I can't get his to work like it works on this site...http:[url].....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Move Stage With Mouse Position

Jun 6, 2010

I want to move the bg with mouse movement and use this code.

leftMouse = mask_mc._x;
rightMouse = mask_mc._x + mask_mc._width;
topMouse = mask_mc._y;


There are two movie clip one is mc and another one is mask_mc. I made the Registration point for both the movie clips to the left and tested locally and it seems OK when I am in the left edge, top edge or any edge the background is not visible and after that I uploaded to look how it goes. But I can see the background when the mouse is at the edges. How can i adjust the same?

My mask has a size of 1024 x 768 and the mc has a size of 1250 x 940.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stage Mouse Move Event Not Working In Loaded Swf?

Jan 13, 2011

I have loaded one swf inside my main file movieClip..I wrote a code in loaded swf

function drawLine(e:MouseEvent) {
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, drawLine);

how to access a mouseEvent in loaded swf

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Override Event Target - Move Other Sprite According To The Mouse Events On The Stage

May 27, 2009

i am trying to do a simple blackboard on mouse down, start drawing on mouse move, if drawing, draw line on mouse up, stop drawing i set the listeners on a simple clip with a rectangle. if i dont fill the rectangle, the mouse events wont fall into the rectangle, but if i fill the rectangle, it will paint behind the rectangle, so anyway i wont see any succesfull results. what i did was create another sprite and paint within it; something like


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Flash :: Javascript - Tracking Mouse Position After Click-and-drag (down-and-move), Even Outside The Stage / Browser?

Feb 17, 2011

What's the correct way to track mouse position, from Adobe Flash, when someone has: Started a drag within the Flash application (a MOUSE_DOWN event), Dragged the mouse outside the app or even the browser window (a MOUSE_MOVE event), and Released the mouse button (a MOUSE_UP event)? For example (imagine Stack Overflow is a Flash application):

Within the app, I'm able to track the mouse X and Y positions with a MOUSE_MOVE event listener, but I lose it when it goes outside of the browser... So, how do I track the position of the mouse no matter where it goes? For a good example, try Google Finance. Try dragging the chart around; it'll still drag around if you move your mouse out of the browser window, and the mouse will be outside of the browser when you release it.

Also, check out KOKO KAKA; If you click on the scrollbar (make the browser window really small) and move outside of the browser window, the scroll bar moves just like a real one would. I believe both only work because the MOUSE_DOWN event "captures" the mouse, allowing the Flash application to track the position of the mouse even when it is outside of the browser.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Move A "mc" When The Mouse Moves Across The Entire Stage?

Aug 19, 2010

I am trying to figure out how to move a "mc" when the mouse moves across the entire stage.Assuming we have an image within an "mc" which is larger from our screen resolution how can we move it so that we can see the whole "mc"?I' ve started playing with a piece of actionscript found on the web but still can't make it work properly.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: When Mouse Down On The Menu And Then Drag The Mouse Off Of The Menu AND Off Of The Stage, I.e The SWF (whilst In Mouse Down) And Then Mouse Up Completely Off Of The Stage?

Jun 24, 2010

I have designed a menu that When you mouse over it, a custom cursor appears. When you mouse down it disappears and when you mouse up it returns. If you happen to mouse down and then drag the mouse off of the menu (whilst in mouse down) and then mouse up outside the menu, the custom cursor disappears. All good. The only issue is: If you happen to mouse down on the menu and then drag the mouse off of the menu AND off of the stage, i.e the SWF (whilst in mouse down) and then mouse up completely off of the stage, the custom cursor appears at the point it left the menu. I have tried to fix this using MOUSE_LEAVE but this dosnt work when the mouse button is pressed down. I have attached an FLA, SWF and the AS below.

import com.greensock.*;
import com.greensock.easing.*;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mouse Events Fail To Trigger If Mouse Move Too Fast?

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It has been awhile since I have worked in flash.Right now I am working on something where I would like a panel to disappear when someone mouses off the stage.stage.addEventListener(Event.MOUSE_LEAVE, leaveHandler); It usually works fine but if I move my mouse really fast it doesn't fire. I have also tried the same thing using a custom invisible button that surounds the perimeter of the stage and I have tried ROLL_OVER and MOUSE_OVERand again, if I do it too fast my event doesn't fire (I am using trace)I can't find anything on the net about this - is this typical of flash that if you move your mouse too fast you break it? Do I need to increase my frame rate (I would really rather not because I have perfectly timed animations - I am at 30 frames per second)

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Professional :: Get Small Rectangle To Appear (with Text) & Move With The Mouse When The Mouse Is Over Image?

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when the mouse rolls over an image, text appears (in a small rectangle) and it moves with the mouse, only while it is still over the image.
Or at least, does anyone know what this is called or how to do it?

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Flash 10.2 :: Update Hardware Mouse Cursor Immediately, Before Mouse Move?

Mar 13, 2012

As of Flash 10.2, Flash supports hardware accelerated mouse cursors:[URL]..Unfortunately, the mouse cursor doesn't update until AFTER the mouse moves. You can see this behavior on the web page above. If you click "Set to custom cursor" in the sample app at the bottom of the article, you'll see that the cursor doesn't change until you move the mouse.

Anyone have a trick for updating the mouse cursor immediately, before the user moves the mouse? I tried doing Mouse.hide();; but that doesn't work.

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Flex :: Mouse Move Fires Mouse Click (Adobe Air)

Oct 11, 2011

I am trying to have two guestures on a SpriteVisualElement which I thought should be pretty simple implemented: Mouse_Move for sweep Gestures and mouse click to enable.. So I have 2 Eventlisteners on my stage:


The main problem is that every type of sweeping on the screen also fires the taphandler().. how to identify the correct event? I tried to to my taphandler only if(!event.buttondown) but no success.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Swarm To Mouse With Elasticity And Move Randomly With No Mouse

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I started another thread where i had gotten help and combined the snow tutorial and the programatic mask tutorial to create particles that reveal an in-focus image over a blurred one. I just need help making the particles swarm around the mouse when it is present and have the particles just float around when not. Presently the random motion is just fine and looks like this (i just inverted the this._x and this._y so that they would go with the mouse direction not away from):


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Move Mc With Mouse But When Mouse Stop Mc Hide?

May 13, 2010

i am using this on Mc

diffx = _root._xmouse - this._x ;
diffy = _root._ymouse - this._y ;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Restrict The Mouse So That Users Cannot Move Their Mouse?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Movieclip Move Horizontally From The Start Of The Stage To 3/4 Of The Stage?

Jul 11, 2011

How do you make a movieclip move horizontally from the start of the stage to 3/4 of the stage. Stage size is 700 px by 600 px i want just one row in the middle of the stage. i want that movieclip to disappear right after it reach the end of the 3/4 mark.

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CS3 :: Start From Scratch Or Move Every Object That Is Off Stage Onto Stage

Jul 30, 2011

figure out why the movie i just made is off stage. I just I don't want to start from scratch or move every object that is off stage onto stage. What did i do to get it here to begin with???

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Multiple EventListeners, Modulus And Rotating Cubes?

Feb 23, 2011

I've created a grid of 3D cubes using modulus, and the 3d cubes are were created from the Math and Flash Tutorial, if you are interested it is here http:[url]....What I am trying to accomplish (and it works, just the performance is lousy). All the cubes in the grid are inactive until the mouse hovers over them, then they start to rotate, and once the mouse moves off them they continue to rotate.Time for the script:

To create I create the grid like this:
public function FlowerMenu(){
var rowY:Number = 0;[code]........

this works, but after about 4 or 5 cubes have started rotating theperformance drops considerably.

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3D Cubes - Event Listeners And Multiple Rotating Boxes

Feb 22, 2011

I've created a grid of 3D cubes using modulus, and the 3d cubes are were created from the Math and Flash tutorial. I have set up listeners so when the mouse hovers over a cube it starts to rotate:
private function setUpListeners():void {
That works fine.

To begin the rotation of the cube when the mouse passes over it I have used:
private function boardOut(e:MouseEvent):void {
var i:int = 1;
function rotateSquare(e:Event) {

I can see why this would be inefficient, as it is running the loop every every frame, and for so many multiple cubes it just lags (very badly). I should clarify, I'm hoping for the rotation to continue indefinitely once the mouse moves off the cube. Here is how I am creating the cubes onto the "grid":

public function FlowerMenu(){
var rowY:Number = 0;
for (var i:int = 0; i < 190; i++) {
[Code] .....

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Jul 24, 2010

I've seen today this website. [URL]..It's really simple but it's really great. Can you guys please tell me if the use papervision or five3d for the main cubes of the menu? also because the font optimization is really great so i don't know what library they have used...

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Oct 26, 2010

Is it possible to use a movie clip to block the mouse from activating the stage MOUSE_OVER event?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mouse On / Off - When The Mouse Is Moving On The Stage The Counter Is Constantly Set To 0

Aug 24, 2009

[URL] when you have not clicked on all five dots, and you take the mouse of the stage, the interactive line should be deleted(graphics.clear(); ), and the little animation from the start should come back. my idea is to have a counter that ++ every frame, but when the mouse is moving on the stage the counter is constantly sett to 0. when the counter is, for example, 50 the animation i visible. do anyone have any methods that don't give the 50(for example) frame wait? and i would also like criticism and ideas on the rest.

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