ActionScript 2.0 :: Playing Different Mc's In Specific Dates?

Apr 22, 2007

i want to play different movieclips in specific dates for example if the computer (system) date is 1 January i want to play the movieclip named "santa" if the date is 14 february i want to play the movieclip named "valentine"

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External TXT File ONLY On Specific Dates?

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for my latest task at work, oh what joy, i have to create a small banner thing which reads data from a text file... BUT... it only reads from the text file IF there is a text file present which i labeled TODAYS date!

Get todays date IF there is a file present in a certain directory which is called todays date.txt (ie. 02042006) then it reads the info in that text file and prints it into a certain area in the flash file. If there is nothing present it just displays the default stuff!!

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Playing Specific FLV's In List

Sep 16, 2008

I've got the following script working correctly. When button1 is clicked it populates a list with XML driven items. When each list item is selected the description is presented in a text area.

I'm having trouble however, with playing a specific FLV when the item is clicked in the list. I can get it to work by specifying a specific vid.source = ("http......") by I need each item to play a different FLV.

lb.setStyle("contentPadding", 0);
function play1(e:Event):void {
var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Playing Specific Frames?

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I am building a menu.. When I rollover the mouse over the menu, it opens sub menu Something like that...

(when rollover btn1)
(open submenu1)
(when rollover btn2)


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Playing To A Specific Frame?

Mar 29, 2007

Lets say i had an animation and i also had four buttons. The animation would have 4 frame labels at different areas of the timeline. For example:

"Label 1" "Label 2" "Label 3" "Label 4"

now if i'm on the "Label 1" frame and i hit button 3. I'd like to have the animation play until it reaches "Label 3". Also if I were at "Label 4" and hit button 1, I would want it to play backwards to "Label 1" OR maybe it could either play through to the end and loop back depending on which way is closer.

I don't know if this is really possible. I know each labeled frame would require a stop() action, but i'm not sure how to make something play until it reaches a specified destination frame.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Playing A Specific Frame?

Jul 30, 2008

I am using the following actionscript to load a external swf. I would like to actually start playing that movie at a specific location based on what is already loaded. I am using this tutorial here. what I want but basically lets say I have three swf's. A, B, C.

If I go from A to B I use this AS


B_bt.onRelease = function() {
if (_root.currMovie == undefined) {
_root.currMovie = "B"; container.loadMovie("B.swf");
} else if (_root.currMovie != "B") {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Playing Animation Once Navigated To Specific Frame?

May 5, 2010

I am making a simple application, 4 pages of information with the navigation buttons in a bar along the bottom of all four pages. (easy right!)
My problem is, i won't the information (pics,videos etc) to animate into each page when selected.

I can make them animate in by using the gotoAndPlay () method. BUT when i do this it just loops through all the remaining pages till the end.

gotoAndStop () doesn't play the animations, but the navigation works find.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading SWF Movie And Playing On Specific Frame

Jun 18, 2011

I am doing a presentation in flash in movie languages I have 7 buttons when some body click button 1 it should go to a new movie called animate frame number 2 when some body click button 2 in movie language it should go to movie animate frame 6 if people click button 3 in language movie it should play movie animate frame 11 like that for all 7 buttons I have used the following code but its always going and stopping at frame number 1 in animate movie

Here is the code:
button 2
on (release) {
loadMovieNum ("animate.swf", 6);
button 3
on (release) {
loadMovieNum ("animate.swf", 11);

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Playing A Timeline In Reverse Until A Specific Frame?

Jan 19, 2006

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stopping A Playing MC At A Specific Frame Without Stop(); On Keyframe?

Mar 7, 2004

What I want to have happen is when you mouse down on the button/MC the block_mc will first jump to frame 40 and then it needs to check and stop when the block_mc reaches frame 12. I have attached a simplified version of what I was trying to do

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Flash - Playing A MPEG Movie, Starting And Ending In Specific Places?

Aug 26, 2010

I've compiled an MTS video into MP4 format using FFMPEG. The video is 2 minutes long.

I want to be able to play the video back but start at 0:15 seconds and end at 0:45 seconds. Effectively I want the playback software to only show 30 seconds of playback available. The software must be a Flash-based application for integration into HTML.

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Flash :: Recommend A MP3 Player Supporting Starting Playing From A Specific Time?

Aug 18, 2011

I need a Flash player which can start my mp3 file from a specific time based on the embedding properties or on URL or just anything.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Thumb Image Playing Embed Video In Specific Location?

Jan 2, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: External Loaded Swf Completes Playing Should Jump To Main File Specific Frame

Nov 28, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Playing Specific Sound Files Based On Letters In User Entered Word?

Nov 19, 2006

I was thinking that it may be possible to create a primitive, yet usable actionscript based text to speech system for Flash movies (One that is platform independent).

Is it possible to right a series of actionscript commands that would play a collection of certain sound files based on what word or words the user has entered?

For example:

If the user types "Red Pen"

Can actionscript tear apart those two words and play sound files "Arr", "ee", "Dee", "Pee", "ee" and "EN"?

If it is possible, and if someone could help me out on it, then I'll start figuring out what phonetic sounds I'll need to record and program, and see if I can't build a simple text to speech program for flash movies.I have no immediate commercial application for it, and I don't plan on one.So if I can pull it off it'll be free to everyone, source code and all. Of course, it may be in my voice, but it shouldn't be hard to take what I plan to do and use it as a template for anyone else's voice recordings.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 - How To Compare The Dates

Oct 6, 2009

How does one Compare Dates, as in

If (sampleDate is before TodaysDate) {
do something
}elseif (sampleDate is after TodaysDate) {
do something else

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Best Way To Receive AMF Dates?

Dec 22, 2009

Whats the best way to receive AMF dates? The queue is an array of vo objects, and some testing vars.
public var itemID:uint;
public var itemSource:String;
public var itemCategory:String;
public var itemTitle:String;
public var dateString:String;
[Code] .....

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Flex :: Sorting Dates In Adg

Apr 4, 2011

I have an advancedDataGrid and I would like to sort the adg according one AdvancedDataGridColumn(studyDate) which use strings in format DD/MM /YYYY(I receive like this from the server):But i find another problem, I need to sort the columns of the adg the first time it displays so I used the following function but It doesn't sort from the recent day to old one, I do not know what I can I do cause I set sort.descending= true, any ideas?[code]

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Java :: Lost In Dates And Timezones?

Jun 4, 2010

I'm working on an application that stores conferences with their start and end date. Up until now, I was developing in Belgium and my server is in France, so everything is in the same timezone, no problem. But today, I'm in San Francisco, my server is in France and I noticed I have a bug.I'm setting dates from a Flex client (ActionScript automatically adapts date display according to client local timezone, which is GMT-8 for me today. My server runs on Hibernate and MySQL in France (GMT+1). So when I look at my database using phpMyAdmin, I see a date set to "2010-06-07 00:00:01" but in my Flex client it displays "2010-06-06 15:00:01".

Ultimately, what I want is that the dates are displayed in the local timezone of the event, which is the date I set it to. So when I'm in Belgium and I set the start date of an event to be "2010-06-07 00:00:01" I want to retrieve it that way.But I'm lost as to what layer adapts what. Is timezone stored in DATETIME MySQL columns (I can't see it in MySQL)? Does Hibernate to anything to it when it transfers it to java.lang.Date that has Timezone information?

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Flex - Set A Date Based On Other Dates?

Apr 10, 2011

I need to set a chart to start at midnight of the current day and end just before midnight of the next day
I'm trying to do something like this:minChartDate = currentDate.fullYear,currentDate.month,,0,0,0,0;

where currentDate:Date; is the day currently selected. I'm getting an implicit coercion error between the Number to Date type, as if currentDate.fullYear is a Date, but according to the documentation it should be a number. Or is my syntax defining this incorrect? Also wondering if there's a simpler way to get the min and max dates than this (the reason I am setting this is so that it starts at midnight rather than at the first data point in the series).

I'm also getting a weird error 'maximum' values of type Date cannot be represented in text.. it said I need a Date type object for the minimum and maximum so I'm really not sure what it's talking about...

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ActionScript :: Parse JSON Dates With It?

May 11, 2011

I have dates in JSON which are generated from ASP.NET pages using the JSON.NET library. [code]...

How do I parse these with ActionScript from Flex 3 Professional? I'd like to have this in a native data format.

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Flash :: Calculate Days Between Two Dates?

Sep 1, 2011

I use this script currently to determine the difference between two dates:


The problem with this is I want to monitor the actual physical day change so if someone accessed the application at 11:59 PM and then came back 5 minutes later this would register as a 1 day difference (a new day), this current script requires atleast 12 hours to have passed between two dates for it to register as a new day.

I have thought about using the date number etc, but because months and years are so different it is quite a complex route, there must be something simpler.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Can't Compare Dates In Array

Jan 29, 2010

I have a small problem with my script, and its due to the dates in the array. I have tried writing the dates in a different way, and that works well. However I need the dates as they are now, because of an other function later on.[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding Numbers From Dates

Aug 10, 2011

i want to create a calculater that can add scores from a scale of 1 to 10.for example, if the player gets between 0-3, he gets a point

-between 4-7, he gets 2 points
-between 8-12, he gets 3 points

when this is complete, the points are added up, depending on what the player gets, for example he scores between 4-7 and between 8-12, he gets gets 5 pionts. i can get them to add the points, but not when its between a certain value

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Gallery With Images Seperated By Dates?

Mar 12, 2010

I have a gallery with images seperated by dates.on another html page i have links to each date in the gallery.How can i choose witch gallery the xml load up first? At the moment it just loads which ever is first on the xml list.

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Flex :: Disable All Dates Before The CurrentDate In DateField

Feb 19, 2010

How to create a DateField in flex, that would disable all the dates before today's current date.

<mx:DateField id="dateField2" yearNavigationEnabled="true"
disabledRanges="{[ {rangeEnd: new Date(dateBeforeCurrentDate} ]}" color="0x000000"/>

I understand I will have to do sometime like the code above. But I don't know how to get dateBeforeCurrentDate, so that all the date from yesterday will be disabled.

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Javascript :: Finding The Difference In Days Between Two Dates?

Jun 9, 2010

I have been using a tidy little routine that I found here to calculate the difference in days between two dates in AS3. I am getting some strange results and I am wondering if any of you inter-codal-mega-lords can shed some light?


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Flex :: Compare Values Of 2 Dates Using Actionscript?

Jun 22, 2010

how to compare values of 2 dates using actionscript i executed this code in my program..

var time1:Date = new Date(Number(fromDate.substr(0,4)),Number(fromDate.substring(5,7))-1, Number(fromDate.substring(8,10)));


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Flex :: Automatically Format Dates According To Locale In 4?

Sep 30, 2010

I understand that one can use local-specific ResourceBundles in combination with DateFormatters to format dates according to locale. However this is a manual process - is there an automatic way to do this or to set a default for the application?

In Java for example, all your dates will automatically appear in dd/mm/yy or mm/dd/yy format simply by setting the locale. In Flex, a default date output will always be in US format unless manually formatted otherwise. I'm looking for a way to get closer to the Java functionality.

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