ActionScript 2.0 :: Rotate ONCE Only When The Left Key Is Pressed?

Apr 12, 2007

I want something to rotate ONCE only when the left key is pressed, but i can't figure it out.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Rotate To Certain Destinations Depending On Buttons Pressed In The Navigation?

Mar 25, 2007

I have a circle movieclip that needs to rotate to certain destinations depending on buttons pressed in the navigation. Everything works fine, except when you go from green to cyan and vice versa, it does a full 360 rotation instead of just moving to the destination.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Different Selection On Textarea After Mouse Is Pressed And Left Stage?

Oct 11, 2010

I m using textarea. The problem is when i try to select a text and go out of stage and leave the mouse then again move mouse on text then selection of text will move with the mouse.
Here is what causes that:click somewhere on the text and drag the mouse in order to select the text then go out of the swf leave the mouse now move mouse on textarea -> the selection of text will move with the mouse...
How to stop this behavior?I tried to implement mouseleave on stage but the problem is i m not  able to detect mouseleave event when mouse is pressed and it leaves the  stage.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Making A Movie That Makes A Baseball Cap Rotate As Long As A Button Is Pressed

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Rotate A Mc 360º In 45º 'smooth' Steps With Buttons Left And Right?

May 6, 2009

I have a circular mc (wheel2) and this should rotate 'smooth' in steps of 45º, to the left and to the right (buttons).The script I use on the button (right);
on(release){var rotate:Function = function (obj:MovieClip) { obj._rotation += 3; if (obj._rotation == 45) { clearInterval(interval); } }; var interval:Number = setInterval(rotate, 10, wheel2); stop(); }
It moves ok 'once' then it spins 360º. Should I set a new value for my mc?

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Actionscript :: Make A MovieClip Rotate Around It's Center Point To The Left Or Right?

Jun 27, 2011

I need to make a MovieClip rotate around it's center point to the left or right depending on mouse drag. I got some basic semblance of what i want going, but it's pretty hackish. Normally i calculate the angle and such but i only really need to use the distance the mouse travels and apply it to the movieclip and for flavor add some nice easing when you let go.

public function Main()
var wereld:MainScreen = new MainScreen();
addChild( wereld );


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Green Movieclip Rotate Right And Left Until It Stops?

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I'd like to know how could I make the green movieclip rotate right and left until it stops?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Converting Website From Xml To Flash - Site Thumbnails To Rotate In 3d Left To Right?

Oct 16, 2010

I'm working on converting my website from xhtml to flash but want my site thumbnails to rotate in 3d left to right. go to http:[url].... and click on "eMail" on the left and see the Gmail thumbnail. I want that to rotate in 3d without skewing.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Right Button Code Works Perfectly, But When I Press Left It Doesnt Rotate?

Sep 24, 2008

I have a movieclip that will rotate by 10 right if the right button is pressed, or 10 left if the left button is pressed.Now, some genius tell me why the right button code works perfectly, but when i press left it doesnt rotate. It moves left, but no rotation to be found .heres the code

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {

if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) {
xspeed -= power;[code].....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Rotate Individual Jigsaw Puzzle Pieces Using The Left And Right Arrow Keys?

Oct 24, 2004

how to rotate individual jigsaw puzzle pieces using the left and right arrow keys.Here is the action script that I am using:

on (press) {
startDrag("_root.pic9", true);

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Actionscript 3 :: Wmode="opaque" Causes Selection On Textarea To Behave Wierdly After Mouse Is Pressed And Left Stage

Oct 11, 2010

I m using textarea in flash 10 cs5 as3. The problem is when i try to select a text and go out of stage and leave the mouse then again move mouse on text then selection of text will move with the mouse.

Here is what causes that:

* click somewhere on the text and drag the mouse in order to select the text
* then go out of the swf
* leave the mouse
* now move mouse on textarea

the selection of text will move with the mouse. How to stop this behavior? I tried to implement mouseleave on stage but the problem is i m not able to detect mouseleave event when mouse is pressed and it leaves the stage.

This is because of wmode="opaque" parameter. I found out that it doesn't do this when wmode="window". Is there a solution for this?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Box That Fades In When Pressed On The Button And Fade Out When Pressed For The Second Time?

Nov 16, 2004

I have a function on root:

_root.fadeBox_mc.onEnterFrame = function (){
if (fade){

This causes a mc to fade in and out on rollover/rollout. But what I wanna make is a box that fades in when pressed on the button and fade out when pressed for the second time. But if I say

on (press){
_root.fade = true;

the mc fades in, but I cant do another on (press) to fade out. Is this too confusing?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Disabling Left Right Navigation Button On Photogallery When No Image Left

Jul 2, 2008

i hav a left right moving thumbnail gallery from xml, i need that on the last image image come on focus from the left side so automatically the left button will be disable or opacity goes 0 anything and same thing from right side also.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Series Of Thumbnails Should Scroll From Left To Right & Right To Left When Roll Over The Movie Clip Buttons

Jul 20, 2006

I have a series of thumbnails that should scroll from left to right & right to left when you roll over the movie clip buttons on either side. IT was working in another flash movie, but I moved it to a different flash file and now it's not working. The hit buttons within the movie clip buttons have this action script:


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Keys Pressed Or Not Pressed?

Dec 6, 2010

I am struggling a bit with keys on the keyboards controlling a movieclip to happen.Ive got a person moving when pressing right and left, and a movieclip with three frames: First frame is a movieclip with the person standing still, looking bored. The second frame is the person moving right, and the third frame is the person moving left.This is the code that Ive inserted into the persons actions on scene1:

if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) {_x += speed;this.gotoAndStop(2);_xscale = +scale;} 
if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) {_x -= speed;this.gotoAndStop(3);_xscale = -scale;}
this code works alright accept that when the keys are not pressed it doesnt stand still, the legs are still moving, so I tried to include this code aswell:

if (!Key.isDown(KEY.RIGHT)) [code]....this makes the person standing still when not pressed but not moving the legs when turning right and left.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Create An Image/mc Slider That Moves Form Right To Left Via User Clicks Of A Left And Right Button?

Sep 11, 2009

looking to create an image/mc slider that moves form right to left via user clicks of a left and right button.I would assume I would create an array to hold a series of mc's in (my images) and then tell the left and right buttons CLICK events to move linearly through the array (displaying next in line and previous etc.

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Flex :: Set Bottom-left Coordinate Of Component Instead Of The Top-left?

May 12, 2010

I've some components with dynamic heights. They have to be aligned with respect to the bottom of my canvas container, so I cannot set the same y for all components.

I could compute their heights and successively set the y but I was wondering if there was an easier way to do it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Move An Image Left To Right & Right To Left Automatically?

Jun 22, 2011

I have an Image called "PanoramaImage" (which is very long in width). I want this image to move from right to left & from left to right automatically.

I am using flash as3. I am loading this image from the same folder where the .fla file exist. my image to move by using Up & Down arrow keys.

The following is the sample code i found on web.

var loader:Loader = new Loader();
loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.CO MPLETE, completeHandler);
loader.load(new URLRequest("panorama.jpg"));


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Move An Image Left To Right And Right To Left Automatically?

Apr 24, 2005

I have an Image called "PanoramaImage" (which is very long in width). I want this image to move from right to left & from left to right automatically.I am using flash as3. I am loading this image from the same folder where the .fla file exist. Right now I have the code which will help my image to move by using Up & Down arrow keys.The following is the sample code i found on web.

var loader:Loader = new Loader();
loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.CO MPLETE, completeHandler);
loader.load(new URLRequest("panorama.jpg"));
var content_mc:Sprite = new Sprite();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Enemy Animation Sequence - Rotate + Move, Then Stop Then Shoot Then Rotate Back And Move Off Screen

Aug 10, 2009

I am having some dificulty making a path for this enemy i'm trying to create... cause i want him to rotate + move, then stop, then shoot, then rotate back and move off screen... Its easier if you see it.. you can download the swf file in the zipped archive to demonstrate what i mean. I did it there with tweens. Anyway.. i tried and make it but i'm a little stuck on the stopping part... you can also see what i did in the fla file attatched...

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Flash CS4 :: Top/left Alignment Is 8 Px From Top/left In Browser?

Sep 14, 2009

My vision is to have a colored square at the top of the site Im working on which should span across the entire browser window. I have created a square 1280 x 100 pixels in size and imported it to the stage, alignment is set to x=0, y=0 ad alignment. The scene is the same size as the square I 've imported. When I view my Flash creation its displayed 8 pixels from the top left corner of the browser window. The flash file only contains the square and nothing else. take a look at the 3 files I've attached: issue-scrreen1-3.jpg. The first 2 screens are my Flash, properties and library screen shots. The third screen shot is my browser window.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Tweening - Box To Grow From Right To Left - Not Left To Right

Oct 19, 2003

I have a movieclip with the instance name of top. I want the box to grow from right to left, not left to right. Here is my code:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Panning Content From Left To Right (with Stop As Intervals) Then Right To Left (also With Intervals)?

Nov 30, 2006

panning my content from left to right (with stop as intervals) then right to left (also with intervals)

1. I created an mc (name: "content")Notice in this mc, I layout 4 sets of text (like a page) from left to right

2. I created another mc (name: "pancontent_mc")

-I added a layer for "content" and created a motion tween for it to pan from left to right

-I created a mask layer on top of "content" that will show 1 set at a time

-I created an action layer that has total of 4 stops(); on each frame where the 4 sets of text will show directly under the mask.

3. maintimeline -There's only 1 layer. I placed an instance of buttons (left/right) and an instance of "pancontent_mc"

4. actions for right button, works fine and stops on each set of text.

on (release) {;

5. actions for left button - none. I havent figured this out yet.

on (release) {
this.pancontent. - something like play previous frame until stop...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Name Of Key Pressed

Jun 29, 2010

Is there anyway to display the name of the key pressed on KEY_DOWN events? For example, if the user pressed the 'w' key I would want the SWF to print out 'w' and NOT the corresponding key code.

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IDE :: Test To See If The S Key Is Pressed?

Sep 26, 2009

How can i test to see if the S key is pressed? (all i need to do is gotoAndStop)

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Displaying A Graphic When A Key Is Pressed?

Apr 18, 2010

I am trying to play a sound and display a graphic when a key is pressed , so far i have been able to play my sound when i press the 'a' key but i also want to display a graphic that gets displayed while the key is down , i have created the graphic as a movie clip, not sure if thats right, iam not sure of the code i need to display the graphic.

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Button On Pressed Stage

Oct 13, 2010

I have 2buttons. Each have 3stages: up, over, down.I want to have 1st button to stay on its 'down state' when pressed and then you should see 2nd button 'up' stage(down stage of 1st button is the same as up stage in 2nd button).If someone hovered again you see 'over' stage of 2nd button,when will click, button move to 'up' stage of 1st button.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Do Sth While Mouse Pressed?

Oct 18, 2010

I made a button and want do something when mouse is press, I mean when mouse is pressed that button should do its job. When button release scale of image will increase, now, I want it to do while mouse is pressed.should I use loop or conditional statement?

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Flex :: Keep Focused After 'alt' Was Pressed?

Jan 18, 2011

I was making an application with AIR+Flex.

One Feature is like: when 'alt' key is down, the mouse cursor changes to B, when 'alt' key is up, the mouse cursor restores to A.

But the problem is that everytime a release 'alt' key, the mouse cursor will change back to system default (Arrow shape), and seems like the focus is on somewhere outside the stage.

That reminds me that, when 'alt' was pressed in a ordinary window, the menuBar will be focused.

How can I stop this default behavior?

p.s. I have tried the following ways and doesn't work:

1) listen to stage's KEY_DOWN/KEY_UP event, and add 'event.stopImmediatePropagation()' in the event handlers

2) listen to stage's KEY_DOWN/KEY_UP event, and add 'event.preventDefault()' in the event handlers

3) listen to stage's KEY_DOWN/KEY_UP event, and add 'this.setFocus()' in the event handlers. And 'callLater(this.setFocus)' doesn't work too.

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AS3 :: Flash - Print The Name Of A Pressed Key?

Sep 18, 2011

Does AS3 have a way to output the physical name of a key that has been pressed? (ie. "You pressed: Left Arrow")

The obvious solution is to convert the character code to a string, but this only works for things like the alphanumeric keys. Ctrl, Alt, etc have special cases, but this still doesn't help for things like the arrow keys or the F-keys.

Another possibly naive option is to have a Key, Value pair for all the keycodes and their names. It should be almost trivial (if tedious) to code this myself, but since AIR already has things like


I was wondering if this ability is already built in somewhere without having to keep my own collection of strings.

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