ActionScript 2.0 :: StopDrag - User Drag The Seek Bar And Release It
Aug 4, 2009
i m developing a seekbar which user can drag to the end of the movie. its working but when the user drag the seek bar and release it , it stops on the current frame. and do not go further.
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May 11, 2009
I don't even know where to go looking for this.
I have a game with a timer. Lots of moveable pieces using startDrag and stopDrag on a dropTarget. when the timer hits Zero, all the pieces are disabled using enabled=false;
but if I am mid-drag with a piece when the clock runs out, I can't get rid of it, and it won't let me hit my "reset" button.
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May 20, 2011
Im trying to do a drag and drop system where the user can drag a movie clip into an area. Although i would like to make it snap to a target instead of just sitting wherever it lands in the area. Problem Two:
The next thing i am trying to do is when the user has a movie clip on a target already, and trys to put another movie clip in that target area, it will replace the one thats in there and go back to its current position. Here is the script of what i have done so far:
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Apr 7, 2011
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Aug 19, 2010
Fk says my last login was 3/23/2006! So I'm rather rusty! All I wanted for now is to drag an image and update the view on release. So, I have two frames:
When I play, it starts and stops dragging nicely. But it will not advance the frame. If I try something else like getUrl, that works fine too. gotoandPlay does nothing as well, though. What am I missing? This is Flash MX2004, as2.
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Mar 13, 2009
There's no problem in my computer at work on this issue. When I press on something that is draggable, it's dragged. When I realease it (or realease it outside), it stops being dragged. But it does happen in my boss' computer! what a coincidence! It happens to be something related to very quick double clicks. Sometimes, the draggable movieclip gets stuck to the mouse movement even if it has been released. Is there something to take control on this? or is it any issue from an old version of the flash plugin?
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Feb 4, 2010
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Nov 15, 2011
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this.createEmptyMovieClip("maskMC_mc", this.getNextHighestDepth());
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Jan 3, 2011
I am trying to recreate an effect like the clouds on[url]...I would like to be able to click and drag on an object then once mouse is released the object would dynamically return to start position. I am struggling to get my script (AS3) to dynamically return it to original location.
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Mar 10, 2011
Release to Drop NOT WORKING on drag and drop? Or is it something else?Can be seen here:
var origX:Number;
var origY:Number;
for(var i:uint=1; i<6; i++){
this["choice_"+String(i)].buttonMode = true;
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Dec 6, 2005
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But when I add the on (release) to the movie it doesnt advance the timeline on (release). And when I change the file to a button instead of a movie clip it doesnt do the underline on (rollOver).
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If you need I will attach .fla project
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Feb 3, 2009
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Sep 29, 2007
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Feb 3, 2009
I'm stuck trying to achieve something in AS2. The principle is easy: the user can drag/throw a timeline (with thumbnails) around, but I want it to snap to certain positions. I've created an example to show what I need ,You can already drag/throw the timeline around, but, as it slows down, I want it to always snap into a position where one of the purple rectangles snaps to the grey area so a thumbnail is always covering the grey area.
So when you throw the timeline hard enough, it would fly quite far (speed of timeline > attraction force of the snapping points), but as it slows down, the snapping force takes over and the timeline snaps in place.
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Oct 31, 2011
A student of mine is wanting to create a drag and drop game in which the user selects a possible answer for a range, drags it over a object named as "dropzone". the correct answer is left over the dropzone, and the user clicks the check button they need to be sent to a frame displaying "correct" - otherwise, sent to a frame for incorrect.I currently have a set up in which the user is given an auto response using a dynamic text box and all is done on the one frame, but this student wants to be a little different.
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Mar 13, 2010
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Apr 29, 2009
ive got the following code. bevvy is a movieclip, theres a dynamic text box called feedText nd a box.. imaginately called box. I'm trying to create a drag and drop game when the user drags a word into the box that will have its meaning beside it in a text box, the dynamic text box will tell them if they are right or not. if they are right the word stays, if not the word will go back to its original location. the dynamic text box will give feedback whether they are right or not.
the code below means that the word will stay in the box, but the text message is displayed all the time. i also have a reset button to make the word return to its origal location but id rather not have the button.
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Jun 24, 2004
I want to have layer pop in my flash movie that allows the user to click and drag it around the screen. I also want this to have minimize, maximize, and close buttons on it.
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Feb 11, 2009
I'm working on a small application that uses some throw physics to fling items around the stage. Everything is working as it should, apart from when I test it on my touch screen, the throw physics don't work. I've tried all sorts of things, in in those tests noticed that AS2 release and release outside do work on the screen perfectly, whereas mouse up and mouse out do not!
So, is there a way to emulate the AS2 mouse events in AS3, as I have to stick with AS3 this time.
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Sep 6, 2009
I have run into a drag and drop issue .I have an item that I would like to drag and drop. Seems simple enough, but I also want to make it that if the user drags the image off the screen, that it stops dragging and returns the image to the center of the screen. What happens now is that it continues dragging and sticks to the cursor if you release outside of the viewable area. The original piece has a lot of other things going on, so I ve created a simple piece with the AS in the timeline that shows only this particular issue.
var mrT:MC_mrT = new MC_mrT;
mrT.x = stage.stageWidth*.5;[code].............
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Mar 5, 2010
In the game spank the monkey, how would I achieve the drag and drop functionality of the game? specifications: Press the hand to enable drag and drop As soon as user drags the hand out of the flash movie, the hand is released, despite whether or not the user's mouse is still pressed.If the user's mouse is still pressed even after coming back to the flash screen the hand does not respond until pressed again.I tried multiple things but to no avail.
One of my attempts involved having a constant onMouseMove event handler that flagged a "out_of_bound" area, but mc.onPress = function(){ //drag } does not respond after the initial press.
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Jun 1, 2010
Is there anyway to add easing out to the stopdrag command? for example i drag something and instead of it stopping dead, it eases out.
I have tweenlite so maybe there is something in there that is possible to use?
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Dec 31, 2011
i created quiz. Questions of quiz, two question are fill inthe blank and others are multiple questions. i want to add matches question using startdrag-stopDrag. it runs in seperated fla. But it doesnt runk when i add to quiz.fla, actually mybadscrore doesnt work. However , how i can do to run only once
square1_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, drag);
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, drop);
function drag(e:MouseEvent):void
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Nov 9, 2009
I need a blue box with "man" typed into it made into a MC. (can do that bit).Which when I move it around on a startDrag command needs to change to "woman" in a pink box when it encounters a hitTest with other stationary words on the stage.I obviously need to stopDrag when the mouse is released.Is this about an MC inside another MC?
View 14 Replies
Aug 23, 2010
i'm trying to drag something, and on stopdrag it should start a function if certain requirements are fullfilled. My code looks like this.if( == targetName ||"cloud").getChildByName("itemPlacer").getChildAt(1) == targetName){
I got 2 questions, first, this works good when i drag and stopdrag correctly(the requirements in the if are fullfilled). but if the requirements are not fullfilled i get an error saying that the place i'm referring to cant be null. I know that the problem lies after the || part but dont know how to resolve it. 2nd, isnt there a shorter way of doing these checks? Atm i'm going through alot of parents and getchildats and was wondering if there was another way.
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