Blue Box - StopDrag When The Mouse Is Released?

Nov 9, 2009

I need a blue box with "man" typed into it made into a MC. (can do that bit).Which when I move it around on a startDrag command needs to change to "woman" in a pink box when it encounters a hitTest with other stationary words on the stage.I obviously need to stopDrag when the mouse is released.Is this about an MC inside another MC?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: What Should Happen Is A Blue Line Should Extend From The Box To The Mouse

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[URL] If you look at the file above, you'll see a bunch of boxes. If you hover over the right edge of a box, it will glow green, if you then click and drag from that edge, what should happen is a blue line should extend from the box to the mouse. However, it doesn't. Furthermore, the endpoint of the blue line (which should be the mouse) is somehow related to the numbered box on the right in the middle. If you drag that box around, you'll see the behavior I mentioned above change. Here's the bit of code that draws that line:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Run Only Once StartDrag And StopDrag?

Dec 31, 2011

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square1_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, drag);
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, drop);
function drag(e:MouseEvent):void


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Actionscript 3 :: Stopdrag Doesnt Work As It Should?

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I got 2 questions, first, this works good when i drag and stopdrag correctly(the requirements in the if are fullfilled). but if the requirements are not fullfilled i get an error saying that the place i'm referring to cant be null. I know that the problem lies after the || part but dont know how to resolve it. 2nd, isnt there a shorter way of doing these checks? Atm i'm going through alot of parents and getchildats and was wondering if there was another way.

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Actionscript 2.0 :: StopDrag When Scale Is Equal To 100%

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I have a movieclip called background_mc; this movieclip contains 20 different movieclips each loading content. This works so far. When the minus key is pressed the background movieclip scales to 25% [this works] while scaled down the movieClip can be dragged around[this works]. I should note that while the movieClip is at 25% if a nested movieclip is clicked(onRelease) it tweens to 100% at the correct cooridinate. The problem is that after the movieClip is scaled back to 100% it can still be dragged whereas I only want it be dragged when scaled down.

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This is my code so far

Code: Select allvar minusKey:Object = new Object();
minusKey.onKeyDown = function()
if (Key.isDown(109)) {


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May 11, 2009

I don't even know where to go looking for this.
I have a game with a timer. Lots of moveable pieces using startDrag and stopDrag on a dropTarget. when the timer hits Zero, all the pieces are disabled using enabled=false;
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Dec 31, 2011

Actually i have a quiz.fla. In the file ,two of them fill inthe blank questions and others are multiple questions.square1_mc must run only once not twice. Ä°f user correct selected, doesnt run it again.However,if mybadscoretext is 1 not increase 2,3,4. :Show i can do all?

var myScore:Number = 0;
var myBadScore:Number=0;[code]....

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function windowDragon(){
_root.partners_container_resize.partners_container.vidWin_Panasonic.vidWinheader_panasonic.onPress = function(){
[Code] .....

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Flash :: Debug Run Time Errors In Released Flex App

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Was wondering if anyone has any tips on how to approach this. All I can think of is logging as many events as possible in some buffer and then dumping that to the server when a crash happens. I've implemented this and it's ok but, unfortunately, adding logging all over the place doesn't seem very practical if your code base is reasonably extensive. But maybe there's a catch all way to log all sorts of stuff in some simple way that I have not thought of - some sort of centralized listener? Or maybe some other approach?

Will take any advice (although ideally skip the "you should test your app before you release it"?).

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if (button has not been released) {
_root.container.ref._alpha = 0;


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Aug 4, 2009

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Nov 9, 2009

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videoConsole.scrubber.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, dragScrubber);
videoConsole.scrubber.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, releaseScrubber);
private function dragScrubber(e:MouseEvent):void{


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May 17, 2011

I know how to do the component UI scroll bar. But what I want to do is have my own custom scroll bar, and all the others tutorial looks confusing. I was just messing around with startdrag function and I notice that whenever you don't specify what you want to drag, it just drag everything. Ex: redBox_mc.startDrag(); will drag only the red box startDrag(); will drag everything. Using this I think I can make a UI scroll bar. The only problem is that everything go in the opposite direction. Is there any way I can fix this?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash MX - StartDrag - StopDrag - Get The MC Drag To Stop ?

Aug 30, 2007

I can't seem to get the MC drag to stop


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Get The Movie Clip To Be Removed From The Stage If Close Is Released?

Dec 7, 2010

In the setOne_mc I have three buttons close_btn, min_btn and max_btn....I want the movie clip to be removed from the stage if close is released.I seem not to be conecting with the buttons...the clip appears on the screen.
menuBar_mc.dropMenu_mc.subMenu01_mc.onRelease = function() { holder_mc.attachMovie("setOne_mc","setOne_mc",2,{_x:0, _y:0}); halt();};holder_mc.setOne_mc.close_btn.onRelease = function() { go();};function go() { this.removeMovieClip();}
function halt() { menuBar_mc.dropMenu_mc.subMenu01_mc.enabled = false; menuBar_mc.dropMenu_mc.subMenu02_mc.enabled = false; menuBar_mc.dropMenu_mc.subMenu03_mc.enabled = false; menuBar_mc.dropMenu_mc.subMenu04_mc.enabled = false; menuBar_mc.dropMenu_mc.subMenu05_mc.enabled = false;}

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 StartDrag And StopDrag Movie Clip - Icon Seems To Be Disabled

Apr 22, 2009

I have an icon that when pressed displays a msg. BUT why i decide to StartDrag that same movie clip, the icon seems to be disabled? My movie clips


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ActionScript 3.0 :: StartDrag - StopDrag - HitTestObject - Instances Should Disappear From View

Mar 8, 2010

The Flash movie has three movie clips, square_mc and circle_mc that are draggable objects. The blackCircle_mc is the object that the other two instances, when dragged over it, should disappear from view. However, at the moment the example does not allow the movie clip instances square_mc and circle_mc to disappear. The instances disappear and are not visible in the target area of the blackCircle_mc instance, but not over the black circle area itself. The hitTestObject method is working on the target area outside the circle, but not within the circle circumference.


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