ActionScript 2.0 :: Unable To Pull In An Xml File?
Apr 2, 2008
im able to pull in an xml file, and push all the data in to arrays. Im pulling out this data and performing calculations on it. Now, iv created a varialble called _global.newLocation = _global.percentage*100;
which equals my percentage change, multiplyed by 100. It works because i have used trace and you can see it.
I would like to then take all these newLocations and put these in to an array so i can refer to them by their index but i just cant seem to get it to work?
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1. What am I doing wrong here? or is the issue is elseware? (I'm PUBLISHING this to Flash Player 9 and AS2.0
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Jan 12, 2010
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<page src="user/_IMAGES_//image_0002.png" />
I am using Chinese /Japanese text in this Now the problem is that when i run it in the flash it loads those pages and when i load it in the browser then that file doesn't load anything.
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Sep 19, 2010
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--edit--for some reason it works in the swf file, but not the fla file.
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Jun 19, 2009
I am having a problem with ScrollRect. I am unable to upload a file( i don't know why..i am getting upload error msgs). So i have quoted the code.
ActionScript Code: import flash.geom.Rectangle;
var container:MovieClip = container_mc;//container_mc is in timeline(its widht is 600 )
var window:Rectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0 , 400, 100);
container.scrollRect = window;
container.cacheAsBitmap = true;
Currently the leftmost part of movieclip is visible. I want to make right most part of movieclip to be visible at first. What should i do ?
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Jun 28, 2010, Line 15001: The name of package 'portfolio.images' does not reflect the location of this file. Please change the package definition's name inside this file, or move the file.
My class file is located here:
My class file is defined as:
package portfolio.images
My FLA is importing it as :
import portfolio.images.DualGallery;
Normally I use portfolio.classes and I have no trouble. My AS3 prefs are set to the alexflash folder.
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May 6, 2010
I have a website using mvc in which I need to embed a flash file in view. I am unable to set the relative path for the flash file. Given below is the code I am using:
'codebase', ',0,19,0',
'width', '487',
where I copied butterfly.swf in a directory called images. images directory resides in the views folder.
If I use code behind( default.aspx default.aspx.cs) in a different solution with the same folder strucuture, browser is able to load the flash file.
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Oct 3, 2009
I have a Flash file that calls com.plaidfox.MainClass as it's document class (com/plaidfox/ This class has the following code:
ActionScript Code:
package com.plaidfox {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
This code works perfectly the way I want it to. However, I am having a very difficult time splitting this code up. What I want to do is take the function PlantGrass and place it in another action script file [URL] to help organize my functions and classes. I tried putting the PlantGrass function in the second file, but I can never get it to work.
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Jul 2, 2011
i tryied all 3 methods
but still m unable to unload file. Actually m loading a swf file which contains a video. The other video gets loaded but its sound continues. this is the code what i had tried:
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Aug 21, 2007
I am unable to access variables written in a class file.
This is the class file:
class readXML {
public var modArray:Array;
public function setModule() {
When I access the getModule method from flash (on click of a button), I get modArray as undefined.
how I could get the data of modArray?
View 2 Replies
Dec 22, 2003
I've been unable to send data to a text file. I am making a news poster for a website, but free or any XML, php MySQL or anything else; so is it possible to send data to a .txt file using no other files? is it getLocals or something?
View 6 Replies
Feb 13, 2011
I downloaded a flash template that includes a text file that it uses to load the content. So, I opened the text file and started to make changes to certain text and when I view the changes I noticed that certain letters and characters are not being displayed such as the letter w and the question mark ? and other is an example of the text I included in the text file:
&privacy_title1=Privacy Policy&privacy_txt1= what information do we collect?
We collect information from you when you register on our site, place an order or fill out a form.When ordering or registering on our site, as appropriate, you may be asked to enter your: name, e-mail address, mailing address or phone number. You may, however, visit our site anonymously.As you can see the w is missing and the question mark and some other letters.
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