ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Instances Through An Array?

Apr 9, 2010

I'm setting up some Radio Buttons. The desired effect is when you click a button, it calls a function which loops through an array of the button states, switching them off.

The stumbling block is changing the state of the buttons from on to off. I'm sure it's an issue with the way I'm trying to get the instant name (eg radioBtn1) into the MovieClip Variable 'currentRadioName'.

The error I receive is: TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert "radioBtn1" to flash.display.MovieClip.

So I'm trying to stick some object into a MovieClip object, which obviously doesn't work.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Instances On Second Frame?

Jun 13, 2009

I can't seem to access instances in a movie clip that aren't on the first frame of a parent movie clip even if I tell flash to go to that frame before I attempt to reference the instance in the actionscript.

Actually this works in flash player 10 but not 9. I could just export for flash player 10 but I would rather know the answer than just avoid it and of course for better compatibility reasons.

I've attached an fla example with source code to show the problem. I'm using CS4 and programming in classes in as3 as you will be able to see from the example.

P.S: the example is saved in CS3 so more people can open it.

Edit: Since there's not alot of code I'll paste it here for people to see.

package src
import flash.display.MovieClip;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Accessing Symbols Without Instances?

Aug 12, 2009

I am using CS3 / AS2 and was wondering if it was possible to load a movie into a symbol, not just an instance of that symbol, from the main timeline. I tried exporting the symbol for actionscript then using loadMovie but I suspect that is not the correct way to go about this.

PHP Code:

Is it even possible to do this or do I have to change every instance of the symbol individually?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Nested Instances From Another Class?

Feb 2, 2010

I made a movieclip (map) with nested instances (cities) in IDE and I want to access them from non-document class.

But the class can't access them until it's added at the stage too.

If I add the class at stage, class can see and access only map, but not cities inside of it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Instances Embedded In SimpleButton

Nov 11, 2011

With the GUI (Flash CS3), I made a button that included an instanced dynamic textfield. Whenever I try to access it, I get the error message 1119: Access of possibly undefined property

The line is:
big_btn.labelTxt.text = "Start";
the button is named big_btn and the textfield is name labelTxt

If I change big_btn to a MovieClip, no error and it works.

Can you imbed an instance inside a SimpleButton? If so, how? If not, what's the logic behind allowing it in a MovieClip, but not in a SimpleButton?

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ActionScript 3 :: Accessing All Instances Placed In Different Frames From Document Class?

Aug 11, 2011

I have programmed a game using the Flash authoring tool and a document class. I'm trying to graphically add instances and add functionality in the document class. Suppose I have a main timeline with 3 frames, each frame reperesents a different level of the game. In frame 1 I have an instance of the MovieClip class named tree1 on the stage and in frame 3 I have an instance of the MovieClip class named tree3 on the stage. In my document class, after an initial stop() command, I want some logic like:
tree3.scaleX = tree1.scaleX;
But tree3 is unknown to the runtime since we are not of frame 3 yet. Any way to access all the instances on all frames declared in the authoring tool from the document class?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Event Target And Other Class Instances?

Nov 6, 2009

I have mutliple instances on the stage of a custom ThumbNail class. As you click on a particular instance an associated enlarged external image will load. As this is happening I want to make sure that the ThumbNail class animations are inactive for all instances.

I was thinking of using a Boolean variable that would get set right before the image is loading. Using event.currentTarget should help with the instance that was clicked but how do I gain access to the instances that were not clicked?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Stage Instances And Instantiation Order?

Feb 25, 2009

I've been having a problem that I have not found a good solution for. I think this is a problem related to the Flash Player's architecture so an experienced eye here would be welcome.

Imagine you've got 3 symbols in the Library and create instances of them by dragging them onto the stage. Each object is linked to a class. Let's say the object classes are named ObjectA, ObjectB, ObjectC. Their stage instance names are objectA, objectB and objectC.

The classes of these objects reference stage instances. For example, ObjectA might have a reference to ObjectC, like this:

var _objectC = MovieClip(root).objectC;

ObjectC might have a reference to ObjectA, like this:

var _objectA = MovieClip(root).objectA;

It sounds like this should work but it doesn't. When the SWF is published, objects on the stage are instantiated in the order that they were dragged from the Library. This means if objectA is instantiated before objectC, it's reference to objectC will return null and the code will fail.

I know there are ways around this, but I'm trying to come up with a solution that doesn't involve the document class, a helper class like a singleton, or instatiating objects with addChild().

It seems that the only way you can be absolutely certain that all the objects have been instantiated is on the first frame of the movie. So I've been using a system that adds an enterFrame event listener to just get references of stage objects when the first frame runs, like this:

function findStageInstances(event:Event):void
var _objectA = MovieClip(root).objectA;
var _objectB = MovieClip(root).objectB;


(Note: The ADDED_TO_STAGE event won't help in this case because objects are added to the stage by the SWF based on the order they were dragged onto the stage from the Library.)

View 12 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Class Instances From Another Movie Clip?

Jun 2, 2009

I have a movie clip on the root which contains my menu. And another movie clip which plays my video. Basically when i click a menu item it calls a function which i want to able to send a command to my video player to play another video.

This is code inside my video player movie clip (i've missed out the including of the class and various config stuff - below is just so you see the name of the class instance)

var MDVideo:MD_VideoPlayer;
var videoPath:String = "assets/ski_video.flv";
MDVideo = new MD_VideoPlayer(videoPath, local_config_obj);


How do i access the MDVideo instance from my menu movie clip?

i know its probably been answered here before but I havent been able to find exactly what i need to make it work. Plus this is my first time doing AS3 so

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Stage Instances From Within The Main Constructor Class?

Oct 26, 2009

my movie is linked to an external class called game, and in the game cosntructor I am trying to access instances on my stage. I have tried MovieClip(root).instancename, root.instancename and even tried adding an event listener to listen when the movie is done loading because I thought maybe it was because the instances on the stage weren't created before the constructor is ran. This is the main class, shouldn't it be easy?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Accessing Stage Instances From .as File Linked To A Movieclip

Aug 28, 2010

i've been all afternoon trying to figure out a solution to my problem, and I can't seem to find it, or cannot implement it. Let me lay it out for you: I have an actionscript file linked to a movieclip. (movieclip:skate class linked: generic_skate).I have it set up that way so I can create an array of skates easily (i'm using a for loop to create them), and each skate has its own attributes (name, description, price and the image that is supposed to go on the deck)In the stage, i have three text boxes, one for the price, other for the name, and another one for the description.In the generic_skate class, I'm handling all the mouse events (in this case mouseOver and mouseOut.

What i want to accomplish is: when the user hovers over a skate, the info shows up in the text fields and when he hovers out, the info goes away. My problem: Since I'm doing all the mouse interaction in the class file, my guess is that I have to access the stage to get to the text boxes that are placed there to change its info or somehow create a "middle" man to do all the handling.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing An Array Of Items Within An Array

Jan 20, 2010

I'm so proud of myself. I figured this out all by myself and thought I would share. (If you can't tell, I'm new to AS) I needed a way to grab an item in a specific location and have it return an array of items. Here is how I did it:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add Movieclips From Instances In Array?

Mar 31, 2011

Ive created a array to hold an instance of the Zombie movie clip, the movie is given an instance of "Zombie" + 1, 2, 3..... But now i can't work out how to add the movie clips from the Array to the stage. [code]...

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As3 :: Flash - Array Loop With Instances?

Jun 22, 2010

There's 3 boxes I'm indexing through with a timer. They disappear in sequence. How do I make them reappear?

boxes disappear in sequence 1-3

var pink:Array = ["","boxInstance1","boxInstance2","boxInstance3"];
var timer:Timer = new Timer(555);
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, onTimer);


I'm not to particular about the sequence they disappear and appear, but it need to keep going in a loop.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Holding Instances In An Array?

Jan 24, 2006

I'm working on a project where I have Multiple instances with the same actions.

Instead of typing out

btn1._visible = false;
btn2._visible = false;
btn3._visible = false;
btn4._visible = false;

Could I store these instances in an array so that I could minimize my code to something like:

btnArray._visible = false;

I've tried to do this but it seems to read the instances as strings instead.

View 11 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Playing Mc Instances Sequentially In An Array?

Feb 26, 2009

I have a movieclip tweened of a lightbulb bright then fading. 50 or so instances are placed within another movieclip and given instance names of bulb0 to bulb50. I have a stop action on the first frame of this movieclip.

Other animation within the main movieclip is activated on rollover and I have used actionscript to place this main movieclip on the stage and to control the other animation within it.

Within my external as. I have an array as follows:

var bulbclips:Array = new Array();
for (var i:uint; i < 58; i++) {


View 7 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Incrementing Through Instances Of Movieclips To Get Them Into An Array?

Jun 2, 2009

the user needs to select an answer from a dropdown list.  I am then creating  an array that will store the answer to each question when the user clicks the submit button.  Each of the drop down menus is named sequentially.  So what I am trying to do is write  a while loop that will increment through and read each of the values into the array so I can process the responses later.  The issue that I am having is writing the syntax to recognize the Instance name of the specific drop down I am trying to reference.
Here is the basic code I am using:
var Store:Array = new Array(2);
public var Increment:Number;
Increment = 1;


So the DropDowns instance names are DropDown1, DropDown2 etc...  It works fine if I manually enter in each instance name (but there are 43 total and I don't want to do each one individually).  
I am assuming that I need to setup some sort of variable to temporarily add the increment number to the "DropDown" and then use that as the reference:
Increment = 1;
while (Increment <=2){
ItemNumber = "DropDown" + Increment;
Store[Increment] = MovieClip(Scroller2.Form_Scroller.content).ItemNumber.value;
But when I do that, I get the following error message:
TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties.
at combotest/submitted()
I assume this is because it is looking for an instance of ItemNumber instead of the instance of the value of ItemNumber. 

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create Two Instances Of An Array Object?

Jun 30, 2009

My project downloads an array from a MySQL server that has URLs for pictures in it. Part of my script then downloads these pictures and splices the array (removing the URL and replacing it with the bitmap). Now i need to use those bitmaps on the stage but i need two instances of the same bitmap at the same time, and it seems like flash is having a problem with this.
How do i create two instances of the same array bitmap?

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Flash - Add Dynamic Instances Of MovieClips To An Array

Aug 29, 2010

I'm trying to add an instance of a MovieClip inside an array. Inside the House Class is a property called HouseObjects. Inside that array, I created a Comp and a Light class. MovieClips are dynamically placed on the stage, via linkage. The MovieClips also act as "toggle buttons." If the button state is ON, value is 1. If the button state if OFF, value is 0.

If the value is 1, I am trying to add MovieClip instance inside the onList Array. Inside that array will be all the instances that have a button state ON.

I created a property called objSelect.

var objSelect:Object;

That variable holds the currentTarget selected. I'm trying to pass it to function trackItems to either push/pop it in the onList array, based on the button status.

I receive an error for this line:
Incorrect number of arguments. Expected no more than 0.
public class House extends MovieClip


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Actionscript 3 :: Get An Array Of All Instances Of A Class On A Stage?

May 22, 2011

Assume I have the myCircle class all defined and all that. If my code is as follows:


How would I write a function to return an array of [circle1, circle 2, circle3, circle4] automatically?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Removing And Adding Instances To Array

Mar 8, 2011

I have a MC called Enemy. It contains a monster that pops out at a random time (a timer with animation inside the MC). It stays on the stage for a few seconds and then hides again. If it hides, I want it to be removed and another enemy be added instead. All the monsters are instances of Enemy MC that are inside enemies[] array.[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use An Array To Record Names Of Instances?

Jul 8, 2011

I've continued with it and have hit another hurdle. When I run the loop to load in the XML images, inside the same loop I add instances of a "thumb" movieclip onto the stage. It's just a little graphic that I want to use as thumbnail buttons. So for example, if the XML loads in 3 images, 3 instances of the "thumb" mc also load onto the stage. I currently give then unique names in the loop but that name gets overwritten each time the loop runs. How can I record each name of the instance? I'm guessing an array but how do you populate an array with a loop?

Then, I'm hoping if those names are recorded in an array, then I can reference the different thumb instances (so they can do different things with the images) and also use removeChild on them when I close the gallery and load in the next gallery. Here is my code so far,


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Removing All Instances Of A String From An Array?

Feb 27, 2007

there an easy way of removing all instances of a string from an array?Say i had, [0] forward, [1] forward, [2] right, [3] crash, [4] crash, [5] crash(this structure will change)How would i remove all "crash" instances? the splice method just doesn't cut it =/

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Instances In An Array Cannot Be Displayed?

Feb 26, 2011

There isn't any error displaying. I traced the "rectAry[1]" and it's "undefined"

When I change the variable "i" inside the statement to 3 or other values,
the instance will be displayed probably.

import flash.display.Sprite;
public class testClass extends Sprite


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Spawning Several Instances Of A Button With A Different Names By Using Array

Mar 4, 2009

where each of my buttons have a dynamic text label.

So this button is a symbol, and the instances are named let say btn1, btn2, btn3. The label tag name inside the symbol is btnName.

How I can make this work if I define my array on top level? How I can make sure that the label btnName will have the correct array name for each btn instances?

found out the benefits of .children usage...

btn1.children.btnName = xArray[0];
btn2.children.btnName = xArray[1];

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create Array To Hold Some Movieclip Instances?

Feb 3, 2009

I wanted to do something like:

ActionScript Code:
arrayTucano = (tucano1, tucano2, tucano3); // movieclips instances
// Function to drag


But it drags only the last movieclip, tucano3.

Why? How could I make to drag all of them?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reference Parts Of An Array And Keep Both Instances Updated?

Dec 20, 2011

long title i know. This concerns the data handling for a physics engine i'm writing. At the moment, i divide objects in my engine, into three broad groups (2d arrays), which allows me to save on a lot of processing. every object has an array for its records which is held inside one of the three main arrays. however, this division is causing more processing work in other spots, particularly where finding things is concerned.

what i'm wondering is if it would be possible to make a master list, but still keep my three smaller arrays, and for an object's records to be synchronised regardless of whihc place i update it. actually going and synchronising it would be extra work that kind of defeats the point, but what i hope to do is reference object records from the master array, so thst both the master array and the three small arrays hold references to the same data objects

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Unable To Trigger The Instances Form Array

Jul 23, 2006

i got a array which stores some elements, in string form, and these elements actually represent the name of the instances on the stage. now i want to trigger the instance to reset it's alpha value..

eg: i got an array["A"."B"."C"];Instances name available: A,B,C,D....Znow how i should do to make the instance A to got triggered?? i call them by using on button. i try some like[0]=_alpha=0; but not success.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Cumulative Add Calls From An Array Of Point Instances?

Feb 28, 2009

I have a source array with simple Point instances in them (just an object with x and y properties). I want to have a resulting array with the cumulative result of calling Point.add() to each of the instances. (e.g. the resulting point object is a result of adding the current point to the total of the points before it in the source array.) is this possible to dynamically do this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Multiple Instances Of Same Object Via Array?

Dec 13, 2010

i would like to place various instances of the same library object on the stage.

the different instances (0,1,2,...) are meant to be containers for their individual content. hence, each instance (0,1,2,...) is one container and each containter embeds different placeholders (textfields- and image-instances) in itself.


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