ActionScript 3.0 :: Buttons Are Betting Hidden By A Load In Image

Jan 21, 2011

Im trying to build a site where the images are load in via AS. The problem I'm running into is that the image that is loading from outside of the swf file is now covering my hot spot( buttons). How do I make it so that the load in image will always show up under the hot spots ( buttons)?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create Buttons When Pressed Load Image In Image Area Within Same Flash Document?

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Way To Show Hidden Buttons?

Jan 8, 2010

I'm working on a project for a presentation that has hidden buttons. I want a way that the hidden buttons can be located, if someone else has to give the presentation. I've seen an example where if the user hits the tab key it would cycle through all buttons and outline them in red. I am new to flash and action script and have no idea how to do this.

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IDE :: Import A Swf - Hidden Buttons Still Active

May 14, 2009

I have a timeline with several buttons on it - some if these are created at runtime, and some by putting buttons on the page on frame 1 I then have an emptyMC into which I import a swf that COVERS the whole stage. This all works fine - you can't see anything of the underlying material. However, as you "mouse around" it seems that the buttons that are covered are still active - pointer becomes a hand etc. I can disable the buttons using enabled=false. This is quite invloved, and I would have thought that these buttons wouldn't be active - surely they are covered! How is the possible, and is there a neater way to stop these buttons being active.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Assing Var To Buttons Hidden Inside A MovieClip?

Dec 13, 2010

As I was creating a cheap Flyout Menu I ended up being unable to assing a "global" variable to different buttons.I have a "main button bar" with 5 different buttons wich as you RollOver one brings up another bar with multiple buttons attach to it.

Now these "2nd level" buttons are set in a Movie Clip as this one starts invisible and I don't want people to see the hand cursor over them. I know how to make this happen to each button individually but since I have 8 "2nd level" btns I don't want my ActionScript to be 100 lines long So to put this easier to read and write, to minimize the chances of making mistake I am asking you this: Is there a way to assign a single variable to refer to these 8 different "2nd level" buttons?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: When Click Button1 And Play Video1 All The Buttons Should Be Hidden?

May 11, 2010

" I have 3 different video in (layer "content) each video in different frame(Video1 in frame 1),(video2 in frame10),(video 3 in frame 20) ..Also, i have 3 different buttons in "buttons layer" ( button1, when click, it play video1) (button2, when click, it play video2), (button3, when click, it play video3)...what i need when i click button1 and play video1 all the buttons should be hidden... when the video finish playing it should be appear again... same thing for button2 when i click it and play video2 all the buttons will be hidden until the video finish playing .this is my code

Code: Select allvideo_button1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,clickListener1);
function clickListener1(event:MouseEvent):void {

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Carousel Hidden Behind Of Image Background?

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const NUMBER_OF_ITEMS:uint = 8;
var menuItems:Array = new Array();
var txtArray:Array = ["Pop/Rock", "Hip Hop", "Electrónica", "Jazz", "Ambient", "Folk",


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ActionScript 3.0 :: List Of Buttons - Load And Unload Image

Aug 28, 2011

I have a list of buttons each one bring to stage an image. The problem is I want the button to both load image and unload the image that is now on the stage from previous press on other button.

ActionScript Code:
var loader:Loader;
c1_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, c1);
function c1(event:MouseEvent):void{
var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("1950s/julia1.jpg");
if(loader != null){
[Code] .....

This is an example of 2 buttons from my list. This code is for unload the other image but it only works ones. it's not working on the other buttons. So what the problem in this code?
if(loader != null){
Object(root).menu_mc.menuIn_mc.diary_mc.diaryW_mc. pic_mc.removeChild(loader);

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Flash :: Jquery - Hidden Div, Load Only When Div Is Shown?

Jun 26, 2011

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Flex :: Generate A Flex Image From A Hidden Component?

Jan 20, 2010

I'm trying to put an image, generated from some text, in a RichEditableText. Since it's a styled text, I thought about putting it another RichEditableText, style it, then print it to a Bitmap to use as source for InlineGraphicsElement.I use the following code to do that

var txt:RichEditableText = new RichEditableText();
txt.text = name;
// Appliy given styles to the text flow of input rich editable text


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Flash8 :: Image Slide Effect - From One Image To Another Using Next And Previous Buttons

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Images OnClipEvent(load) - First Image Has To Cycle Through Before The Second Image Loads

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I developing a site where on the homepage, there are about 6 images that rotate, but if you click on a sub link, a different image loads. But the problem is that, the first image has to cycle through before the second image loads. I want the second image to load immediately.


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Actionscript 3 :: SwfLoader Vs Mx Image - Spark Image Doesn't Load Swf Files

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Swf Load An Image File In An Image Container Within The Swf From The Querystring

Jul 24, 2010

I want to have an swf load an image file in an image container within the swf from the querystring. 1. In the query string I'd like the extension of the image file to not show:

2. In the swf I might have more then one place where the same howdy.jpg loads, but in different sizes. Which method would keep the aspect ratio of original and resize to fit varying container sizes?

3. I have some javascript parsing code with an swf example that I got from this page. [URL] But when I tried to alter the fla for my use it didn't work. I wasn't able to find 1 line of actionscript in the query.fla.

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Oct 18, 2010

I cant load an image from a class.I have which calls  Classplayer calls ClassMisiile.I cant load an image from ClassMissile .I can load the image in Classplayer and dont know why the image in ClassMissile doesnt appear and it is spelt right and in the correct directory.I dont get an error and the functions work but no image.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Image Gallery: Replacing Xml To Load New Image Set?

Oct 7, 2010

I would like to be able to add the functionality of being able to load different galleries from a menu without loading a new mc with gallery inside it. I managed to botch the file up pretty good on my own, and was wondering if there is a ready answer nearby.So I'm thinking have but1, but2 and but3, with a seperate xml file for each. What would you recommend for a smooth way to swap the the xml files to the gallery, and load the first image of the new xml file? Also, can it be done with one big ol' xml file while keeping the galleries seperate? It's not necessary, but could be handy, and save some loading.It would also be interesting to apply the same principle to the resizing script that Scotty has in that big Resizing thread, just a thought.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML Image Gallery: Replacing Xml To Load New Image Set?

Feb 23, 2005

Second, I'm struggling a bit on xml and hoping for a hand. Your xml image gallery is a sweet piece of work, and I would like to be able to add the functionality of being able to load different galleries from a menu without loading a new mc with gallery inside it. I managed to botch the file up pretty good on my own, and was wondering if there is a ready answer nearby.So I'm thinking have but1, but2 and but3, with a seperate xml file for each. What would you recommend for a smooth way to swap the the xml files to the gallery, and load the first image of the new xml file? Also, can it be done with one big ol' xml file while keeping the galleries seperate? It's not necessary, but could be handy, and save some loading.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Image Via Asp - Getting Security Error When I Tried To Load?

Jul 2, 2009

I am requesting an image via an ASP script: http:[url].....Shows up in browser but doesnt show up in flash when I use the moviecliploader to load it.I had a security error when I tried to load it earlier, but that warning doesnt show up anymore in the output window.

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Actionscript 3 :: Image Load With Site Load?

Jan 2, 2012

I make simple site but I have a little trouble with loading images. As you can see with new category there is new image. There is a problem, beacause only then img is loading, and I want to load all images when my site is loading. sample code how I operate with those img.

var k3:Boolean=false;


How can I load all img with site.?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load A Swf File Within Another Swf File And Then Load Different Swf Files From Buttons?

Oct 8, 2011

I'm trying to load a swf file within another swf file and then load different swf files from buttons.This is the code I'm using, but I can't get any of the swf files to load.

var Xpos:Number = 0;
var Ypos:Number = 0;
var swf:MovieClip;[code]...........

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Actionscript 3 :: Load 2 Different Swf's Using 2 Different Buttons?

Jul 18, 2010

What I am trying to do is load 2 different swf's using 2 different buttons.

What I want to happen is when you click on button 1 it loads the first swf and button 2 loads the second swf removing any other swf from the stage first.

The problem I seem to be running into is with the loader. I cannot seem to load the images into the loader without putting them on the stage. And when I try to load the images dynamically it keeps on recreating the swf's by placing another one in the loader even though I am using :

loader = new Loader();.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Buttons From Xml?

Sep 20, 2011

I have photo gallery loads from xml file - i need to add to each picture one button loading dynamically

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IDE :: Hide Buttons On Load / Run

Dec 6, 2009

I've been trying to build an application in flash whereby everything is held on a single frame (the different 'screens' held on seperate layers). My problem is that I want to hide some buttons and other things when the application loads but I can't find anything on it. I have tried an onEnterFrame (AS3 addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME) ) but that didn't hide anything. I tried just having the button.visible = false but that didn't seem to work either. It's probably a stupid question, it's very likely I've missed something in the properties window or something basic, I'm rather new to AS3 and have been working on this for a couple of days now without any success.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Zooming In & Out Of An Image Using Buttons?

Jan 7, 2009

I have an image that is loaded into a scrollpane, which works fine. I have two buttons on the stage that I want the user to be able to click on in order to zoom in or out of the image that is loaded into the scrollpane. I can't seem to get these zoom buttons to work on the movieClip with the image that is loaded into the scrollpane.

Lastly, I don't know if this makes a difference, but this swf file is loaded upon release of another button on the root timeline of another swf.

I tried attaching a simplified version of this file to this message but even zipped I cant get it lower than 380kb. I can email it to anyone if they are interested.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Xml Image Loader & Buttons?

Jun 28, 2009

Attached is a link to a file I made named "index".I would have liked to have included the following files but was limited due to "you-send-it" not uploading folders.Files not included: [but functioning and vital to the site as well as the question]- xml list- images [folder]- thumbnails [folder]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Nav Buttons In An Image Gallery?

Feb 17, 2011

I'm very new to flash and am using CS4/AS3. I have three image galleries of three images each. The images load dynamically from files on my computer. I've set it up so that when you click on a tab, you see a different set of three images.
The images load properly and it works to click forward to view them (that is, clicking on the image itself or the forward nav arrow). The issue I'm having is with the backward nav arrow. I keep geting an error message "Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #2035: URL Not Found" when I click it.
The backward nav arrow works on the first gallery (egypt gallery) if I click that one first. But it doesn't work on the other two, and if I click back to the Egypt gallery after having been in the other two galleries, the back navigation no longer works in their either. Basically, I want the user to be able to click on a tab to load the images, and then be able to click back and forth between the images.If they reach the last image in a gallery, I just want it to stop advancing and stay put on the final image, but for the user to be able to click backwards through them if desired. My code is pasted below (I'm sure it's more complicated than it needs to be...


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