ActionScript 3.0 :: Continuity Of A Test Without Adding Multiple Frames

May 11, 2011

for instance I have head or tail game. a coin first comes to the screen as head or coin not visible. but program has assigned already for its a game. and I have two buttons, head and tail. it asks head or tail. I push one of the buttons. (up to here I can handle all the codes). but now if I guess it true, I want the program to ask it again. (I can also handle the code up to here, if I push the timeline for example 100 key frames, as knowing 100 over and over is almost impossible).
But by which code I can make the test continue Without multiple keyframes.

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EDIT: Screenshot as requested. As you can see, a frame is clearly selected...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use TextFormat On Multiple Frames?

Feb 19, 2009

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var bulletlist:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
bulletlist.bullet = true;

While I have successfully applied this to a box of text onthe first frame of the movie, I haven't be able to apply it to texton any other keyframe. So from what I can tell, I have to referencethe above TextFormat actionscript for every frame I need to use iton, and since I can't have duplicate TextFormat values, that meansI'd have to create a new instance with a new name for each frame.This seems rather inefficient and frankly ridiculous consider thatthe other ActionScript that I wrote seems to apply to the wholemovie. And what's the point of using ActionScript to format text ifyou have to redo it for every *******' keyframe? Is there somefunction that I'm missing somewhere to allow me to use one set ofTextFormat code on multiple frames or is this simply a dysfunctionof Flash and/or ActionScript 3.

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Apr 28, 2009

Can you make flash check for multiple frames loaded?Something like

ifFrameLoaded ("intro") ("home") {
gotoAndPlay ("intro")


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Extending A Component Over Multiple Frames

Nov 24, 2009

I found this sentence while googling out for Flash help: "Add 3 frames to your timeline. Drop a TextField on your Stage & make sure it extends over all the 3 frames." I was not able to accompolish the second task of this. I added the frames, dropped a TextField on the first frame, but could not find a way to extend it over all the 3 frames.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Display XML On Multiple Frames

Apr 12, 2010

AS3 I'm trying to load content from an XML Document into a Flash Presentation. My AS is in the top layer. This layer spand the entire document. Layer two is set up with keyframes every 10 frames. Each keyframe has a text box on it. I am trying to load the xml into each of these frames. Here is what I have in the AS Layer.


The content shows in the first text box on the first frame, When the playhead hits the second keyframe at frame 10 the xml isn't loaded in that text box. The text box instance names reflect what is in the code. When I put both text boxes on frame 1, the content shows..! What do I need to do to get the content to load in each text box?

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AS3 :: Flash - ColorTransform Over Multiple Frames?

Nov 30, 2011

(Flash Professional, AS3) I'm working on a custom avatar system where you can select various festures and colors. For example, I have a "hair" movieclip that has 10 hairstyles. Each frame has a movieclip of a different hairstyle (HairStyle1, HairStyle2, etc.). I also have a colorPicker to change the color. Here's my code:


This correctly changes the initial color. I have a "nextHair" button to advance to the next frame. When I click the button, I get an error message saying that I have a null object reference. I added a trace, and is null on frame 2. I've clearly named HairStyle2 as "colorLayer" in frame 2. I think the problem is related to me using the same name for different classes/movieclips, but I don't know how to fix the problem...

I added a square movieclip below my hairStyle movieclips, named the square "colorLevel", and deleted the name from my hairStyle clips. When I click the next button, the square correctly maintains the color from frame to frame. However, having a square doesn't do me much good. I tried converting the hairStyle layer to a mask. Doing this, however, results in yet another "null object" error - is null after frame 1. I even tried "spanning" my colorLevel across all frames (no keyframes), thinking that this would give me just one movieclip to work with. What's going on, here? Why am I getting these null objects, when they are clearly defined in my movieclip? I'm also open to suggestions on a better way to do multiple frames and colors.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Using A Function On Multiple Frames?

Feb 1, 2010

embarrassed to ask becasue i know its gonna be something simple i over looked. This is what im trying to do i have a movie clip that i want to use as a home button and i want this clip to be on every frame of the movie. well i created a function that whenever this clip is clicked it returns you to the second frame of the movie. now i declared the function on frame 2 when i try and call it from frame three it gives me a 1084 error. Is it even possible to call a function like that from a different frame? This is the actionscript i have in frame 2



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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash 5 With HTML Frames - Adding Frame On Top Of My Home Poage To Give Users Better Navigation?

Feb 10, 2002

I was thinking of adding frame on top of my home poage to give users better navigation with a meun on top.But how do you make when you press the button in flash the hyperlink will make the frame at the bottom or specific frame page to change?

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Multiple Instances Of A Symbol Stopping On Different Frames

Jul 30, 2010

I have a symbol that contains all the weapons. I placed 6 of them on the stage. I have 6 variables P1Weapon1... P1Weapon2..etc. I need each one to stop on whatever variable matches them. The scripts needs to be on a external as file linked to the symbol. The variables are declared on a external as file linked to the main timeline.

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AS3 :: Code In A Single Frame Or In Multiple Frames

Jul 25, 2011

I have a button that I want to work on multiple frames. Currently, I have a scene that automatically starts to play when the playhead enters the first frame (no stop command). I have an event listener in the first frame that listens for a click. After the click the user is supposed to go to another scene.

The problem is that the button is not working. I am assuming that the code in the first frame only applies to the first frame and I need to add additional code that applies as the playhead is playing across the multiple frames.


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