ActionScript 3.0 :: Determine Size Of A MovieClip?

Mar 24, 2009

I have a swf file that is 7367KB. I would like to reduce the size of the file. How do I go about figuiring out the respective sizes of my movieclips?

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//outputs 4 bytes

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In general, I haven't yet found a definitive way to get Flex and Spark containers to size themselves relative to their children. I have searched for good documentation for this concept many times but have yet to find anything that sufficiently explains the concepts. A simple example of something I often want to do is to draw a border uniformly around a set of controls. The goal here would be to have all UI elements to size themselves automatically.

<s:Label text="l1" />
<s:Label text="very long label 2" />

I would want the Labels to size themselves based on the text property, and the HGroup should be as big as needed to contain labels and BorderContainer should only just contain that HGroup. Now the more complicated example that I am working on now. I have a class that extends the BorderContainer. Within the class I create an HGroup with 5 Labels as children of the HGroup. Then the HGroup is added as a child of the ExtendedBorderContainer (using addElement() method).

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<my:ExtendedBorderContainer />
<!-- more NavigatorContents here -->

I have tried various [max|min]height/width combinations and I can not get the desired layout, which is very tight borders around elements without extraneous space starting from the deepest Label children all the way up to the NavigatorContent.

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fscommand("fullscreen", "true");
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ActionScript 2.0 :: Determine The Distance Between MovieClip

Dec 27, 2011

I am trying to create a scenario where I can have two or more movie clips interact with each other to determine the distance between themselves. I found a script online where it does two movieclips however I need it to do more than two, possibly up to about a dozen. That is the first part. The second part is that I need to be able to select one movieclip and for it to become the "master" and then the other clip determine there distance from the "master". I hope I am explaining this correctly. I have attached the fla file which has the script in it for two movieclips, and then I have modified to add the other clips but not sure of the coding to make it work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Determine Bottom Of A Movieclip

May 2, 2006

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Actionscript 3 :: Determine A Sub Movieclip Position Related To Stage?

Mar 22, 2012

I have some movieclips like this one: game_mc.substage_mc.rightHand and inside the rightHand i have a thread_mc like this:


Ok so here is the thing, i need to access the thread.x and thread.y position related to the stage or substage_mc i donīt really care, but if i do this[code]...

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Mar 28, 2009

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I figure that this would be easier to know if I knew how to calculate the distance which the second, smaller movieclip is from the center of the main stage in x and y coordinate values. Am I making any sense? If not I'll try to explain again.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: HitTest And Positioning - Create An Invisible Movieclip That Has The Exact Size And Shape Of The Animated Movieclip

Aug 23, 2005

This is the third thread I've written for my current project (1st was answered perfectly, 2nd failed [but I still figured it out anyways]) but I'm not sure if there is a solution to this problem. I can't really explain my problem, so once again I've included a helpful animation to show you what I mean. Bear in mind that the pale-blue box represents the movie clip's borders, and those borders are usually changed to include the animation (instead of the borders moving with the animation, the borders get bigger).

For the animation problem, I've already got a solution: create an invisible movie clip that has the exact size and shape of the animated movie clip and make it follow the movie clip as it animates, and make the hitTest check the invisible movie clip instead of the animated one. As for the rotation problem, well, I don't know how to fix it. Is there a way to change that?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Determine Which Way A MovieClip Is "facing"?

Apr 19, 2011

I have a MovieClip with an image in it that is designed to animate and move in a certain direction depending on which way the MC is "facing." To that extent, yes, there is a "front" to the MC.

However, I am at a loss for how to determine which way it is facing. Use of scaleX does not work as if I innately put the MC in my work area before the coding and flip it, scaleX will always be 1. Attempting to throw in a hidden MC within that MC and determining if its X value is greater or less than zero didn't work either, because THAT number will always remain the same.

For some additional info, the MC is designed such that 0,0 is in the BOTTOM left corner, at which point the image within the MC is facing left. Flipping it so 0,0 is in the bottom right makes it face right.

I cannot, in any way, shape or form, use a variable within the MC to say which way it is facing either, as there could be a dozen of this same MC active, only with different instance names, at a time. The only way I could use a variable within the MC is if I could determine which way it was facing anyway, which is exactly what I'm trying to do here.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Change The Size Of A Movieclip?

Nov 7, 2010

Okay so I want to add:
if (_root.Gir_mc._x<=595) {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Size Of Animated MovieClip

Jan 25, 2012

I have a problem concerning the size of an animated MovieClip.What I want to do is drawing a frame (.graphics.drawRect(...), etc.) around a loaded image file. This works well on loaded images that are static, no matter if it is a jpg, png or a non-animated swf.However, if I load a swf that is animated, its width and height properties are simply wrong. Much too small. They are, however, always the same wrong values for the same animated swf.I also tried with getBounds and getRect on the loaded swf (which I put in as a MovieClip), with the same results.What's up with this and how can I get the real size of the swf?

What we could do would be to insert a fully transparent layer into each swf that would define its size. That would hopefully make the MovieClip always have the correct size. But I would prefer a working way during runtime that workaround works, but I'd still prefer a way that does not involve additional work for our artists (minimal as it might be).

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Movieclip Jumps A Size Down, Then Rotate?

Sep 9, 2009

I have movie clip, when I go into the transform panel and change the rotation, the movieclip jumps a size down, then rotates.

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IDE :: Flash CS3: Specify The Size Of A MovieClip's Contents?

Mar 30, 2009

I have an MovieClip that loads a slideshow (imagerotator to be exact). I'm using AS2 loadMovie to achieve this. The images in the slideshow appear way oversized, extending the width of the entire stage. How to I constrain the size of the slideshow/MovieClip contents?All the images are going to be the same pixel dimensions so it doesn't have to be anything fancy.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Size Of Movieclip With Image?

Apr 20, 2010

I have a loop where I load a couple of images and I want to place them in the y-axis on stage, with 20 pixels space between them. To do this I have to know the height of each image, but as you know, I can't get the image height before it completed loading.I really don't want to do one loop for the loading, and another loop for the placing.

for (var i=0;i<productXml.productCategory.product.length();i++) {
var product_mc:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
var imgLoader:Loader = new Loader();[code].....

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IDE :: How To Change Bounding Box Size On MovieClip

May 25, 2010

I'm making a simple platformer. I have an array holding what my level looks like and my main character is a horse.... okay it's a unicorn... anyways, Whenever I jump to a platform the hittest is saying that he has landed even though his head or his tail is just over the edge... I'm trying to make it so that only his feet will allow him to land.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Increase The Hit Size In A Movieclip

Nov 7, 2011

I am building a site where it has a section that when i mouse over it, a new window with more buttons show up, except when i take my mouse out of the area of the Movieclip that contains those extra buttons, that area disappears

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Jpg Into Movieclip And Change Size?

Aug 28, 2009

I'm working on a UI for a set top box that has a linux os, which runs a java virtual machine, which loads a flash (swf) interface!

Im trying to load a jpg into a MovieClip using the loadMovie() command because the MovieClipLoader object was introduced in Flash 7, which the box cannot run. Im preloading the image using getBytesLoaded() and getBytesTotal() and after its loaded I want to stretch it to a certain size. Im having 2 problems:

1)The FIRST time I run the loadMovie command, it doesnt always load the jpg, and getBytesTotal is set to -1. After I load it a second time, the preloader works fine.

2)I cannot use mc_name._width = 1000 to scale the width of the jpg image to a certain width. Ive tried my code on a fresh flash file and it works on a computer using Flash 6, Actionscript 2, but not on the box. Whats weird is that if I use mc_name._xscale instead of mc_name._width, it works.

Here's the code:

ImgUrl = "";


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add A Clear Box To A Movieclip To Force Size?

Sep 7, 2009

I have a movieclip with my video player controls (play, stop, mute, etc). It is 480 pixels by 22 pixels. My video screen is behind it, which is 480x270. The video player controls are bottom-aligned.

I have some actionscript which makes the controls fade in and fade out, according to mouseover.

My problem is the video player controls movieclip is only 22 pixels tall.. so for anyone to see them (remember it requires a mouse over for them to appear), they have to put their mouse right on top of the controls. I want to make it so the video controls movieclip is not 22px tall, but really 270px tall.

So I need something to "hold it up" like a tent... to force it to be 480x270, clear background, with my 480x22 controls at the bottom.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash8 : Changing The Movieclip Size?

Feb 26, 2011

i want to make it so when the movieclip moves (arrow keys) closer to the top it gets smaller and moves slower, and when it gets to the bottom it gets bigger and moves faster.Here is a working code I have, but I need to think of something better.

Actionscript Code:
if (this._y < 700){this._xscale = 120;  this._yscale = 120;  _level0.speed = 3.6;}if (this._y < 650){  this._xscale = 115; this._yscale = 115  _level0.speed = 3.4;}if (this._y < 600){this._xscale = 110;this._yscale =


the only problem with this is that it is by 50's. I figure I would need a formula

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Resize A Movieclip To A Stage Size?

Dec 5, 2011

how can I do to resize the size of my movieClip and the content of my movieClip(swf, jpg) to the stage?

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Flash :: Return Movieclip To Original Size?

May 6, 2010

I made a gallery in flash. I have external images load in a fixed display area -- I call it 'imageStage'. When the image is loaded, I resize the movieclip at the _x and _y to make the image fit the stage.

But what happens -- when I flip prev/next through a couple images, they keep shrinking and shrinking. Images that are smaller than the fixed area are being shrunk even further.

I'm thinking maybe if I clear the existing image from the MovieClip, it will reset itself back to regular size and proportions. But I don't know how to go about it.

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Flash :: Absolute Component Size In Movieclip?

Feb 25, 2011

If a drag a component from the library into a movieclip and then drag the movieclip to the stage. Now if i resize the movieclip, can I set the component with a fixed width or height?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Increase/decrease Movieclip Size?

Mar 17, 2011

I have a movieclip slider_mc that can be dragged across the screen. There are also lots of small movieclips on the stage that I would like to increase and decrease their size depending on how close the draggable movieclip is to them

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change Dynamic Movieclip Size?

Jun 22, 2010

I have a container movieclip that it carries some children of a movieclip .its inner children are moving and therefore our container movieclip will resize to bigger and smaller width and height. but when i scatter then hoarding these children in container ,as trace of main container movieclip size , shows maximum value of dispersal of children and now i want to refresh the size of the container movieclip to resize its currently real size(as children dispersal) and set it as a picture of scroller.?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: MovieClip Size Once Jpeg Loaded

Jun 16, 2005

I am creating an empty movieclip and loading a jpeg into it. The mc does not seem to resize to account for the jpeg's size, also the parent mc (thisClip) which is also created dynamically (with attachmovie), is set at 500 why:

thisClip.createEmptyMovieClip("theJpeg", 2);
thisClip.theJpeg.onEnterFrame = function(){


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