ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - How To Store Game Assets

Mar 8, 2012

Is there a way for Flash to store content that will not be deleted with the browser's cache?Imagine a game that runs in the browser but is still heavy enough that you don't want your users to go through downloading assets again every time.Now that LSO obeys browser cache deletion (it does, right?), is there another way? Using Air would work but you'd have to download and install a client, which defeats the purpose of browser games.

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"[BulkLoader] Error loading LoadingItem url: images/, type:text,
status: error Error #2032: Stream Error. URL:
Here are the files I need to load into the main file.

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// init:
enemies = new Array();
for (i=0; i<100; i++) {
temp = new Enemy(a, b, c);

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var rem_score:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("score"); = new Number(score);

The problem prolly lies in my write code but ill post the reading aswell just incase there is a problem with that too

var rem_score:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("score");
if ( != undefined) {
this.remdscore =;
if ( >=30) {


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im1 = new ImageLoader('../im1s.jpg');
im2 = new ImageLoader('../im2s.jpg');
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ss = new SlideSHow(new Array(im1,im2),dock);

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load External Assets Via Flash And XML?

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I have a folder for the sounds and one for the images. I have Flash load those assets via XML. I use XML to organize the order of playing the images /sounds.


My question:

Is there a way to not hard-code the image/sound names in XML and instead use it to organize and pull the assets from their respected folders? My goal is to be able to have Flash and XML working as an automated process and all I have to do is add images w/their respected sound files in their folders and never have to open Flash or XML. The Flash and XML would just automatically populate the slideshow per the number of image and sound files I add.

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Flex :: SWF Assets Loaded Into Flash SWF At Runtime Within Same ApplicationDomain

Dec 1, 2009

I'm trying to load a swf compiled by the Flex SDK into a swf exported by the Flash IDE and instantiate the assets by way of getDefinition(). Normally this works fine with assets exported from the Flash IDE then loaded into another swf also from Flash IDE.This is how I could normally do this using only the Flash IDE:Loader - > Using same ApplicationDomain - > getDefinition(class)Now, using the '' compiled from Flex SDK using the [Embed] metadata tag:Loader - > Using same ApplicationDomain - > getDefinition("Test_" + class)The problem is I'd rather not have to keep track of the asset libraries loaded to prefix the class name I'd like to get (('Test_" + class) vs (class)). Is there any way of doing this without referencing the library the class is being pulled from or without accessing the original loader? This way I don't need to know which swf the asset is coming from, just the class name that I could instantiate from the current ApplicaitonDomain.

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Actionscript :: Embedding Flash Assets In Flex Project?

Jan 28, 2010

I'm creating a project in flex builder but it's not using the flex framework, it's just pure actionscript.

At the moment I have some bitmap resources embedded for drawing things, but I'd like a little animation and thought I could create swf animations for them in flash and use the [Embed()] thing to embed them in the actionscript project.

This works perfectly well for me, however I'm a little concerned about efficiency and how well this approach will scale when my project gets larger.

Does anyone know if there are any efficiency implications to embedding maybe 20 or 30 swf files, or do they get efficiently integrated into the main swf file? Most of the animations are really simple and I could probably redo them in actionscript if needed but it's a lot easier just to draw them in flash and embed them.

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AS3 :: Flash Using Custom Graphical Assets In Pure Project

Mar 27, 2011

I created some button states in flash (swc), and I want to use them in a pure AS3 project. They are movie clips with class of neatButton_on and neatButton_off respectively. I call them like this:[code]I've also used assets, especially for different states of the same item, where I've put everything in one movie clip and then switched frames as needed. Is one way faster than the other? is there a best practice?

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Actionscript 3 :: Automated Importing/renaming Of Flash Assets?

May 17, 2011

So I have an AS3 flash project with A LOT of assets, roughly 1000 at the time being but that may expand to several thousand later. They are all images but half of them are Animated GIFs so I can't import them at runtime. I considered simply dragging them into the flash project but I don't seem to have any control over the naming scheme. Basically, what I want to know is:

Is there a way to automate importing and renaming of flash assets, like "Import these 1000 files and export them for Actionscript with this name"? Additionally, is there a better way for me to be doing this? I've tried [URL].. AS3GIF but it struggles with larger animated gifs like the ones I'm working with (650x450).

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Mar 17, 2011

Is there a way I can exclude apps from the "Open With menu?

Finder mistakenly lists all standalone Flash apps I've built as possible choices when opening a SWF.

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Jan 27, 2010

I have a Flex application that automatically loads the SWF and it's contents and displays the default progress bar like in all Flex apps. Currently I have a class in the application using a Loader instance to load an external bitmap to be added to the stage/canvas. I'd like to handle the loading of this bitmap in the Flex default preloader and get rid of the Loader instance entirely.

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Dec 8, 2010

Working on a 'video heavy' Flash site that has an intro video. While the intro video is playing, assets(images,flv files) should be loaded in the background. The problem is that, while the assets are loading, the intro video play gets jittery. What can I do to make the video playing smoothly while still loading assets? It might be the single threaded nature of actionscript, not sure. After using @Demian Brecht suggested method, I noticed that the culprit might be Memory allocation. As the FLVs load the memory usage goes up by ~266MB and while the videos are written to memory, the framerate drops to 1FPS.


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Flash :: Company Require Designers To Deliver Their Assets To Coders?

Aug 26, 2011

How do you or your company require designers to deliver their assets to coders? Do they deliver a PSD? A series of 24-bit PNGs?

If you are a coder, what would you include in a best-practice guideline to designers? If you are a designer, what questions would you like to see answered in such a document?


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