ActionScript 3.0 :: Having MovieSymbol Continue Running Even After Mouse Over Ends
Aug 9, 2010
So i have a button that when i mouse over an animation starts... Unfortunely when i move the mouse away from where the button is the animation abruptly ends...
I would like it to play the entire animation... regardless of where the mouse is currently located...
Also what I might need is for it to permenant loop the animation once the button has been moused over:
WHY: I'm making it so when you mouse over the button the button "runs away from you" making it almost impossible to click on
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var link:URLRequest = new URLRequest("page.html")
stage (or something?).addEventListener(what goes here.ENDMOVIEor something like that, endMovie);
function endMovie(event:WhatGoesHere):void {
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function clicked(event:MouseEvent):void {
var video:Video = new Video();
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