ActionScript 3.0 :: Mouse Event Propagation - Capture Independent Mouse Clicks On Both Of These Two Movie Clips?

Jan 22, 2009

I have a "large" movie clip and "small" movie inside a "large" movie clip but on it's let's say upper right corner:


If i try to catch Mouse.DOWN events on them the following way:

largeMc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, largeClicked);
smallMc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, smallClicked);

Then of course both event are captured no matter where i click.Is it possible to capture independent mouse clicks on both of these two movie clips and if so, how can i do that?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mouse Event Propagation - Capture Independent Mouse Clicks On Both Of Two Movie Clips?

Jan 22, 2009

i have a following situation: I have a "large" movie clip and "small" movie inside a "large" movie clip but on it's let's say upper right corner:


If i try to catch Mouse.DOWN events on them the following way:

largeMc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, largeClicked);
smallMc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, smallClicked);

Then of course both event are captured no matter where i click.Is it possible to capture independent mouse clicks on both of these two movie clips and if so, how can i do that?

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Make An Interactive Flash Application That Works By Detecting Mouse Overs And Clicks On Various Buttons/movie Clips?

Oct 10, 2009

I am trying to make an interactive flash application that works by detecting mouse overs and clicks on various buttons/movie clips and then moves to the appropriate part of the time line. But I am having an issue when I use more than one addEventListener in any one frame. I have attached the code for one such frame below. When I comment out the addEventListner and the other code relating to the followBall function this works fine and directs the user to frame Inlet_Valve_Open_Frame but now only the followBall function is working and when i try to click on the Inlet_Valve_Button movie clip nothing happens.

I have never read all the help files on the adobe flash CS3 as i don't have time and i have built this code up based on examples i have found online. I wanted to include my fla file but it's to big 6Mb. But i have attached the swf so you have an idea what i am doing.

Code: Select allstop();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Capture Mouse Click Event?

Mar 23, 2011

this seems to be a simple task at beginning. I have a mygameboard object which inherited from spirit class. I added eventlistener and handler in the constructor. For some reason, the click event handler only receives some of the clicks when the mouse points to certain area of the mygameboard object. I have noticed that areas receiving mouse events are child textfield objects of mygameboard.instance. Putting this.mouseEnabled = true; in the constructor has no effect. How can I enable the whole display area of mygameboard receiving mouse events?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Capture The Right Click Mouse Event?

Apr 19, 2009

I have been trying to find this on google for ages but can't seem to get a decent result, usually I find about the flash context menu.

In Flash Air, I want to be able to capture the Right Click Mouse Event, i'm sure this is very simple but i've checked the documentation and looked on google but can't seem to come up with a result.

Does anyone know how to capture this event?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use A Movie Clip To Block Mouse From Activating Stage MOUSE OVER Event?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Time Out Function When No Mouse Clicks Or Mouse Holds Detected?

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i was trying to do in the above subject title... I have now decided to create a project using AS3 and would again be in any of your debts if you can guide me towards a similar code / function to the following:

var nTimeoutId:Number;var nTimeTolerance:Number = 6000;
import mx.utils.Delegate;
_root.onMouseDown = Delegate.create(this, setUserActivityTimeout);setUserActivityTimeout();


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Mouseevent - Flash Release Mouse Capture On Mouse Out?

Jul 19, 2011

I have a flash app loaded in an iframe. User mouses down in flash and goes outside of stage. When user goes outside of stage, is there a way to release the mouse capture from flash so that parent receives further mouse events and not the flash app?

In Firefox and Chrome, parent doesn't receive events until the user mouses up

In IE, parent receives event when the user goes outside of stage.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make One Movie Clip Invisible To Mouse Clicks?

Oct 17, 2010

I have two movie clips on top of each other. The one underneath is a button and the first movieclip is not always no top of it so everything is fine, the bottom one listens for Clicks and Mouse.ROLL_OVER just fine. However whenever the first movie clip moves and happens to stop overtop the button, that is where the problems begin.

Is there any way for me to make the movie clip on top somehow cause the ROLL_OVER to get through to the underlying movie clip as well as the clicks?

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IDE :: Pass Mouse Event To Other Clips?

Nov 2, 2009

I have a mostly transparent clip floating over my movie and it it getting the mouse clicks instead of the buttons below it. How do I either disable this top clip from getting the click event, or pass the event on to the buttons underneath?I figure I could have a event listener on the stage that does a hit test to trigger a button, but I know there must be a more direct way to do this. Yes?

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Sep 23, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Rollover Menu And Go To A Certain Frame In A Movie Clip And Stop When The User Mouse Clicks

Aug 31, 2010

i'm making a rollover menu with AS3, and when the user mouse clicks I want it to go to a certain frame in a movie clip and stop. It does this fine, however I have an animation for it to play on Mouse out. So when user mouse clicks then mouse outs from the button area it plays my mouse out animation and i'm back to square one. How can i tell it to ignore the mouse out animation if the user has clicked the button?


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import flash.geom.Point;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Moving Big Movie-clip With Mouse-over On Movie-clips?

Sep 15, 2010

i'm kinda new to actionscript but im trying to find out how to realise a banner i am making.I have 1 big movieclip thats about 5x larger then what is shown, i have 4 movieclips each on each side of the movieclip, left, right, up and down.The idea is that when i hover on 1 of the movieclips the big movie clip moves that way until the mouse isn't hovering above it or when the movieclip reaches the end of the side.I have given a mouse listener event to each movieclip on the side, the trace works well, but i i don't know how to make the big movieclip move when i hover the side, i hope someone can give me some pointers on how to proceed.


function move_left(event_object:MouseEvent) {


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IDE :: Mouse Events And Overlapping Movie Clips

Jul 27, 2009

If two or move movie clips overlap, everything underneath the top movie clip does not seem to receive mouse events. I tried many things, including setting ".mouseEnabled = false;" on the top movie clip and its constituents, but it still eats up all mouse interaction. Is there a way around this? Listening to all mouse events and using hitTest is not an option in my case.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Isolate Mouse Click To Different Movie Clips

Oct 18, 2010

I am creating a interactive ad and am having problems getting the onMouseDowns to work properly.I have 4 thumbnail images that, when clicked on, need to enlarge and show a caption. My problem is that when the user clicks, it triggers an onMouseDown for all of the image thumbnail movieclips. What should happen is that only the thumbnail that was clicked on should enlarge.How can I isolate the click so that it just triggers the thumbnail movieclip that was actually clicked on? I have to use Actionscript 2 for this.I'm attaching my FLA (CS3) here as well as SWF file.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Movie Clips With Multiple Mouse Events?

Apr 17, 2011

I have a project in AS2, and my question for that was posted in AS2 thread. But in the meantime, I was considering switching the project entirely to AS3 because AS2 is giving me a headache.

Basically what I need to have is this:

When you rollover the btn "learn how" a toggle window expands and a countdown movie clip starts. When you roll off the btn, the window and movie clip will both disappear. That works perfect. The next part is what is tricky for me. (to better make sense of it, the countdown is there as prep to a graphic movie clip. So if the user sees the countdown and decides they dont want to see the graphic movie, they can simply rollout with the mouse and the clip will go away.

Now...if the countdown plays all the way through... I need the second movie clip to start. The tricky part, is that when that movie clip starts.. it should no longer have the rollout mouse function. I need it to stay there unless the user clicks an Exit out button.. which I haven't done yet, because I have no idea if I can even get that far.

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Flash :: Mouse Event Handling (Make Symbol Transparent To Mouse)?

Feb 3, 2010

I have a flash that has a background symbol that responds to CLICK event. On top of that symbol I have a sprite that contains a Bitmap with transparent pixels. Both of them are added to the stage, so they are not related directly.

I want clicks on the transparent pixels on the sprite to go straight through to the background. I have read about mouseEnabled / mouseChildren but have not been able to make these work. The symbol ignores the mouse events when I use them, but does not pass it along as if its transparent.

Is this possible to do with flash? Or will I have to re-route mouse events?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Perform An Event When The Mouse Moves AND When The Mouse Button Is Down

Sep 22, 2009

I need to perform an event when the mouse moves AND when the mouse button is down, how can I do that? What will happen is that when I click and drag the mouse, the width of an object will change. Here is what I have so far:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: CLICK Event Won't Work But MOUSE ROLL & MOUSE OUT Does?

Jul 27, 2010

Frame 1

band_button.buttonMode = true;
band_button.useHandCursor = true;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mouse-over And Mouse-out Event Not Recognised / When Added As A Child?

Aug 11, 2010

Basically I am dynamically calling product buttons, which on rollover invoke a child of a dropdown, which in turn invokes children which are squares filled with colour.What I need is for these squares to be clickable which will then colour something else using the colourMatrixFilter (I'll probably start another post for this problem at a later date).For some reason though adding the Square as a child to it's rightful parent - the dropdown makes the listeners completely useless. Add to the stage and the listeners work. I can't work out why either and have done loads of searching.[code] also if someone could show me in the right direction of pulling the XMLdata for the squares (which will be a name attribute).

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Mouse Location Controlling A Movie Clips Roation?

Oct 13, 2010

So I want to control a movie clips rotation with the location of the mouse, with easing if possible. But I am having some trouble figuring out where to start

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mouse Move Event When Mouse Out Of Stage?

Sep 1, 2011

I'm wondering how is this task done that listen to mouse move event when user cursor is out of stage?

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Actionscript 3 :: Add A Event Listener For Mouse Over And Mouse Out To Each Item

Sep 28, 2010

I have a map of items and I need to know when a mouse moves over the item. Should I add a event listener for mouse over and mouse out to each item (there may be a lot) or I should add mouse over and mouse out listeners to whole container and do some checking to detect whether the target has item on it or not? In the second way it would mean that the event would occur on entering each map tile in the container i would be listening. This seems a bit pointless, but I heard somewhere that I should add as little as possible.. So what should I do?

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Flex :: Mouse-event - Using 2 Distinct Mouse Events?

Mar 14, 2011

I am looking to provide some UI functionality using the mouse- I have two distinct UI events to be achieved via mouse

a) change value
b) delete object

I don't seem to have sufficient mouseclick events for both. I am avoiding using the right click as it has some default options(whose signing off will affect the whole project- not just this). I have mouse click used for change value- how do I use the doubleclick as the single-click events seems to get invoked prior?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mouse Event For Mouse Stand On An Object?

Feb 27, 2012

I'd like to animate a button when I put the mouse over it. I use mouse_over or roll_over events, ok. But what if I hide the button when I click it and then I show it again later without moving the mouse? The mouse stays over the button, but the button does not animate, as there is no out/over event: I have to move the mouse out and over again to see the animation.

How can I detect the mouse standing on a button without the out/over event?

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Make Entire Group React On Mouse Over / Not Individual Movie Clips Themselves

Dec 10, 2009

i have a bunch of movie clips and in order to make them rotate the way i want i have grouped them together, made the entire group into a movie clip and applied the motion tween. I'm trying to code it so that when i mouse over the movie clips WITHIN the group movie clip, something happens. How would i go about it? All i can work out is how to make the entire group react on mouse over, not the individual movie clips themselves.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Move My Mouse To The Button It Resets The Movie Clips Thats Playing

Apr 18, 2011

I am having a movie clip playing on a loop on the ON frame of a button , and something else on the OVER frame, and everytime i move my mouse to the button it resets the movie clips thats playing. heres my file:

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