ActionScript 3.0 :: TextField Mouseover In Dynamic Movieclip
Apr 22, 2009
I'm dynamically creating a navigational menu using a movieclip I've created that contains a textField. I want to change the text color of the TextField in the movieclip when a mouseover is performed. (The movieclip is in the library.)I've added "menuItem.menuText.textColor = 0x333333;" to the mouseover event, and that works, but only on the textField of the last movieclip placed on the stage.I somewhat understand why that's happening, I just don't know how to fix it (I'm still new to AS3).[code]
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May 4, 2009
ive been trying to get a mouseover working but im having some trouble.
I need it so when i mouseover a movieclip text appears in a textfield at the bottom of the stage.
also when i click the mc the text stays there as im dragging it into the correct location.
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Dec 30, 2011
I have a simple movie clip for which i bind two events 1-MouseOver and MouseOut
in these events i am just tracing simple text
But the Problem is when i take my mouse over the movie clip both events called tracing the string in the output panel
Infact, things should be done like that on mouse over, its text is printed and when i take my mouse away[out] from the movieClip MouseOut event should be called.
ActionScript Code:
import fl.motion.Color;
import flash.display.MovieClip;
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Jan 22, 2009
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tdata = new LoadVars();
tdata.onLoad = function(success) {
if (success) {
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Oct 21, 2009
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Jun 11, 2010
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(var i:int = 0; i < 100; i++) { var giorno:MovieClip; giorno = new MovieClip(); * 0xFFFFFF);*[code]....
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Aug 27, 2009
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Jun 17, 2009
I have a dynamic textfield in a libraried movieclip.
I referred to the movieclip from an external class and have the linkage setup for it.
However, no matter what I try to do to instanciate the text field inside it, I keep getting:
Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties.
Now I really want to have this dynamic textfield inside the movieclip because it's part of a preloader so I don't just want to addChild to the stage. So Now I think I can't just build it.
I've been working on this all afternoon long and can't seem to shake this error.
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Jul 3, 2007
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Sep 21, 2011
I have a flash-file with a movieclip holder (export for actionscript as : holder)In that movieclip I have two textfields, instance names "title" and "content".So when I call the function useHolder(), this should put the movieclip on stage and display "titelinhoud" in the title-field, no ?
function useHolder() {
_root.attachMovie("holder","holder", 725);
_root.holder._x = holder._y = 100;
_root.holder.title.text = "titelinhoud";
Now it shows just the background of the movieclip (so that gets loaded on stage), the title-field stays empty (although I embedded the font), only the content-field is showing the dummy content I put in in flash.
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Mar 4, 2010
I have a MovieClip that has a Dynamic TextField: let's call the instance of the field txtName. I want to set the text field on the fly for txtName, so I add a little ActionScript (3!) that does it nice and easily: txtName.text = "Foo";reat. Now why isn't it working when I try the same thing from a parent MovieClip which contains the MovieClip that has the dynamic text? Example:Child MovieClip with TextField ActionScript 3 in Frame #1:
function SetText(str:String):void {
txtName.text = str;
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Feb 3, 2011
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Apr 21, 2009
I am a newbie in Flash CS3. How to resize the width of of a movie clip according to the size the size of dynamic text inside it. I did it by creating a text field 'myText' and then converted it to a MovieClip symbol and named the MovieClip as myClip. The text in myText is assigned at run-time and its width changes according to the text.
I did it as follows:-
myClip.myText.selectable = false;
myClip.mouseChildren = false;
myClip.useHandCursor = true;
myClip.buttonMode = true;
myClip.myText.width = myClip.myText.textWidth + 5;
On doing this I find the clickable area changes according to the size of the text field but the text field doesn't appear at all.
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May 28, 2010
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<operator><name>OPerator1 </name></operator>
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Sep 30, 2010
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Jun 12, 2011
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Current development: [URL]
and code:
import flash.display.MovieClip;
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Sep 27, 2002
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Nov 25, 2010
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Dec 21, 2005
how can i make a movieclip and a textfield to resize to the content of the text in the textfield? I mean, if I have a textfield with 3 letters font name XXX and then the content of the field change, how can i resize te textfield so the text dont autoadjust to the 3 letter space?
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Feb 14, 2011
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Jun 1, 2005
How would I make it so that when you mouseover on a movie clip it plays? The effect I am going for is that of [URL] where the menu is on the right. Is that how I would approach doing that?
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Feb 15, 2008
I am giving motion tweening in the movie clip but I want to know how to stop movie clip on mouse over.
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Sep 12, 2008
I'm looking for a solution to scale (gradually scaling) the movieclip on mouseover and return to previous state on mouseout. Any movieclip prototypes available for that
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Jun 15, 2009
appears to be a problem with masking text. Trying to embed it now. So, I have a button that I want to display a label movieclip on mouseover, yeah? -and the clip contains a blank dynamic textField with an instance name of "label_text". So, I have one of these clips as a private variable in the button's class definition, and the constructor passes the button's instance name to the label's constructor to set the text field.Unfortunately, the text will only show if I actually open up the label's clip in the library and type something in. Not very dynamic!
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Aug 22, 2004
I want to have an event with a movieclip like with a button...
"on (mouseOver) {
whatever };"
how can i detect the mouse over the movie clip without it being a button?
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Mar 6, 2011
I have a basic mouseover in my flex application which changes an image onmouseover and changes it back onmouseout using the code mouse Over "functionToChangeImageSource()" and another one to mouseout.It works fine when you slowly mouse over and out, however if I quickly move the mouse over it, it occasionally stays on the mouseover image and the mouseout function doesnt appear to kick in. Is there anything I can do to fix this, or does anyone have any ideas why its happening?Also, I've tried the rollOver and rollOut instead but it has the same problem.[code]I'd imagine you're correct about the mouseover event not completing before mouseout is but how to I fix this?
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Sep 19, 2011
I have a problem: I'm trying to have a dynamic text box (htmlText) with a number of links (all dynamically generated themselves) within. I need some way that the html link can detect the user mousing over/off of it and fire off a function (to bring up a tooltip elsewhere on the interface, specifically). Is this at all possible in ActionScript 1.0?
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Oct 17, 2009
I've never used Flash for anything more than simple animations, I know nothing about actionscript. But I a sequence of images that I've loaded into a movie clip in flash, I need it to play when you mouseover it, stop when you roll off of it.
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