ActionScript 3.0 :: Timer Event Not Running
Sep 30, 2010
I have placed the code is on frame 3 of the timeline. I tried using trace to see if the bugChange function is executed and it is not. The bugTimer does not start and call the function for some reason. see the code below:
var colorC:ColorTransform = new ColorTransform();
var bugTimer:Timer = new Timer(5000);
bugTimer:addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, bugChange)
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Feb 16, 2012
I am working on a very simple game in Flash. I want to make all the animations framerate agnostic, so that I can change the framerate without affecting the flow and speed of the game.I read somewhere that if you want to do that, you simply create a Timer object and attach an event listener to this timer.
What if I have many objects that have to listen to the same timer? See the code to understand what I am trying to do. At this stage nothing breaks, but the event does not fire.Here is the Main class, the one that runs on swf execution:
public class Main extends MovieClip {
private static var _stage:Stage;
private static var _timer:Timer;
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Aug 17, 2009
Is it possible to have more than one timer running?I have various movieClips that I want to do something for a certain amount of time then do something else, but I need them all to be running at the same time. Before I embark I would like to know if (so long as the timer is running inside the movieClips timeline and not the main timeline) will they work independently?
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Dec 25, 2011
How can I know if a timer is running, and if it is, remove it and create a new one or not. I have put a timer in my main swf when the timer is over I send the head to frame 1 and run to frame 20 where is my code, the problem is that every time the timer is over go to frame one and in frame 20 create a new timer, I would like to remove the old timer or not create a new one if there is one.
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Mar 27, 2009
I making a game in flash and I have a timer counting down 30 seconds and when the timer runs out I want it to go to a different fame! I've no idea how to do this.. the timer is working at counting down 30 secs .
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Apr 12, 2010
I making a game in flash and I have a timer counting down 30 seconds and when the timer runs out I want it to go to a different fame! I've no idea how to do this.. the timer is working at counting down 30 secs .
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May 13, 2010
Adobe's page doesn't cover it or I didn't see it, and nobody discusses in forums that's I've searched.
Is it possible? I tried just doing a setInterval between classes and it became difficult to reference.
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Jan 27, 2010
how do u check to see if a timer is running, and cancel it if it is?
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Nov 1, 2009
So i have a timer running infinitely time, and there are 2 things that can trigger the timer to stop and be removed, and both scenarios can occur, so I need to check if the timer is on before trying to stop and remove it. How can I check whether a timer exists and/or is running?
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May 13, 2011
I am developing a test as part of an e-learning module. The test has a timer on it, basically to dissuade users from looking up the answers online while doing the test.
I just realised however, that the framerate and timer are choked when a browser tab is invisible. In other words, when the user opens a new tab, the timer freezes! How can I get around this? The final product will run on an LMS, so going full-screen is not an option.
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Mar 30, 2011
I am going to be making a flash intro that involves using the flash transitions to transition between pictures and video content. I'm not looking to use this whole code from the template, I just want to implement the transitions with the timer instead of a keypress event. One like as follows:
var timer1:Timer = new Timer(200);
timer1.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, blah1);[code].....
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Jul 18, 2010
so today my question is how can we have 1 function triggered by both a Timer event and a Mouse event? 'm trying to avoid having to re-write/re-name a function just because I also have a Mouse event that triggers it and not just a Timer event.
I have a addThis bubble fade in with icons on a button rollover, the addThis bubble will fade out after the timer is finished, but I also have a close button in that bubble which needs to use the same function that the timer uses. (want to avoid writing 2 exactly alike functions)
I'm hoping this there is an easy workaround for this like event:null or something.[code]./...
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Mar 7, 2012
public function main() {<<<< CLASS CONSTRUCTORthis.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE,startapp)}private function startapp(event:Event):void{trace('start app') <<TRACING
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Apr 17, 2009
I start an eventListener on frame 73. If I stop my movie and test animations in the flash player (going back to frame 1 for instance), the movie starts throwing errors because the listener is basically trying to listen on an object that doesn't exist anymore. So I was wondering if I could try somekind of "try {stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, myfunction}". I tried that with a catch statement but of course "try {}" doesn't work with asynchronous events. How would I go about that?
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May 30, 2010
I know that the thread concept (as a class) does not exist in as3, but I don't understand very well the internal execution when I'm sending/receiving data via sockects.timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, endData);socket.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.SOCKET_DATA, receiveData);(The former event detector is just for sending data every X ms. The second one is activated when I receive something from the socket.)Then, the question is: "sendData" is executing in a different thread that "receiveData"?
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Jul 13, 2010
I have a little flash app that I have running constantly on my server (I made it an exe). It runs great for a few days, but then eventually it just stops.
var myTimer:Timer = new Timer(5000, 1);
myTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, getData,false,0,true);
The code above should call the function getData once after 5 seconds have passed. This works 99.99% of the time, but for some reason (usually after a few days of it running) it doesn't call the getData function.
I have verified this through trace statements. When it eventually fails, it traces out test1, test2..... then nothing else. No test3.
I'm assuming I need to add an event listener for the timer object to check if it fails for whatever reason. How do I do this?
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Sep 21, 2010
i have a timer running infinitely time, and there are 2 things that can trigger the timer to stop and be removed, and both scenarios can occur, so I need to check if the timer is on before trying to stop and remove it. How can I check whether a timer exists and/or is running?
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Jul 15, 2010
The timer code looks like this:
var buffer:Timer = new Timer(2000, 1);
buffer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, later);
function later(e:TimerEvent):void
I keep getting the message that the "Parameter Listener must be non-null".
I have another time that is identical except for the names, and that one works fine.
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Feb 4, 2010
I have a timer event that updates certain things in my app (from a PHP Service) every 5 seconds. Every time this timer ticks, it makes the cursor blink to a clock and then back to the arrow. Since this is happening every 5 seconds, it gets pretty annoying. Is there a way for me to prevent the cursor from changing when the timer ticks?UPDATE: I've figured out a work-around by setting a custom cursor with high priority (I just made a .png with a cursor in it).
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Feb 8, 2010
My meter looks great and the needle rotates in a loop. How do I add easing to it? The meter is built from a timer event. I want the needle to bounce at the end. Rather than just adding a variable, I need some control of when it happens so I can adjust it with the animation.
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Jun 28, 2010
I just have a one quick question on Timer and TimerEvent ( & flash.utils.Timer) of Adobe Flex.I am currently working on a project wherein I need to occasionally change speed, stop and play an swf animation (loaded to a loader and instantiated as a ByteArray).Example, I have a moving car (swf animation) running at 40kph. Then I have a button which will change the speed by increments of 40kph. SO basically, whenever I hit the button, the playing car should change speed by the increment. The difficult part is, I already had this working in Adobe Flex but it doesn't change the speed yet. I mean, it only moves by the keyframe interval I set when I created the swf file on flash (which is, to say, 30 frame interval per keyframe).
So in short, I just need to make the speed change depending on how many increments I asked it to change. A colleague told me to use Timer and TimeEvent of Flex but I can't seem to quite get the hang of it since I'm still new to the ActionScript world.
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Aug 24, 2009
How to use "cancelable" in TweenEvent properties..?
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Mar 28, 2012
I've got a class that "Spawns" enemies to the display based on a timer. So if the timer is 3 seconds, such and such happens. The problem is that the function is firing the ENTIRE time the Timer says 3 seconds, instead of just once and for some reason I can't wrap my head around how to limit it to just going once. Logic Statements aren't showing to be my strong point.[code]Anything other than that shouldn't be relevant, the spawnZeroFormations() seems to be working perfectly. it's just being called far to often. The thing is it WAS working but then I rearranged code and deleted something and can't remember what it was.I tried wrapping the switch in a For loop, but it doesn't seem to do anything which is confusing in itself; but again Logic statements aren't showing to be my strong point.
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Nov 9, 2009
My code is contained in a movie clip that plays an animation on roll over and reverses the animation on roll off. The reverse uses a timer that backs up a frame on the each time event. It works for the most part.
Problem: I tried to use watchTimer.stop(); to end the timer. But the eventListener that tracks timer events keeps triggering which I don't want.
var watchTimer:Timer = new Timer(30);
this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, foldUp);
this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, foldDown);[code]....
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Apr 15, 2010
I have a hitTest on an enterFrame event that adds a movieClip.I then want the movie clip to be on a timer that changes it to another movieClip.As you can imagine, there is a conflict because the hitTest always finds the original Mc an so over-rides the timer.I know this is a logic problem but I cant seem to figure it out.I am pretty sure I am thinking about this the wrong is some of the code:
//this is the hitTest
function leftPillarHit(ev:Event):void {
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Apr 28, 2011
I am developing a project where ClassA creates the instances of ClassB , ClassC and ClassD and adds the eventsDispatcher with them. ClassB and ClassC are able to dispatch the events back to ClassA which is fine. But ClassD is not dispatching the event. It only dispatch the event only when I call the dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.Complete)) function after giving 1 Second delay.
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Aug 16, 2011
I have create a simple timer with repeat count of 0, so it loops unlimited times.The timer repeats a function which calls for a PHP and displays data on the screen, so the data can be refreshed automatically.What I noticed though, is that the whenever the timer starts, it creats a memory leak on the system which makes the application memory usage to always go up.Is there any way to fix this?
View 11 Replies
Aug 25, 2011
I tried to move 4 movie clips in a loop and with a 3 seconds interval. So first I tried a loop and a timer function inside. I supposed by the loop the timer should start and finish for times. But itdidnt work. So I used another code which is longer and complicated. So it worked. do-while doesn work also with first logic-why?
here are the codes - m s are clips
var arr:Array=new Array(m1,m2,m3,m4);trace(arr);
var timer1:Timer=new
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