ActionScript 3.0 :: Triggering GotoAndPlay From Within MovieClip?

Apr 2, 2008

How do I trigger gotoAndPlay(1, "Scene 2") from within a MovieClip?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Triggering An Event At The End Of A MovieClip's Timeline?

Oct 19, 2009

I've a MovieClip named "Player" that contains three MovieClips (one on each frame): "Idle", "Walk", and "Attack". Idle and Walk are working as intended�when Player is on the appropriate frame, the animation cycles constantly; however, I am having trouble with my Attack animation.I want the Attack animation to only play through completely one time then throw an event so I can resume either the Idle or Walk animation. Is there an event that fires at the end of a MovieClip's timeline, or is there a better way to do this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To GotoAndPlay Another Movieclip

Sep 27, 2009

im using as3 to make buttons, and basically when you click on something, all other tabs close, i can not get this to work....

invisible.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fn_tab3_1); // invisible is the invisible button, mouse move in this area triggering this event//
function fn_tab3_1(event:MouseEvent){


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ActionScript 3.0 :: GotoAndPlay From Different Movieclip?

Feb 22, 2009

I have a movieclip on the stage instance name: "man_mc"and another movieclip on the stage named: "tree_mc"At the end of the timeline in "man_mc" I want to call the"tree_mc" to gotoAndPlay('fall').I've tried tree_mc.gotoAndPlay('fall'); and a few others

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Flash 9 :: Gotoandplay Using A Button Or Movieclip In AS3?

Aug 23, 2008

I have a video that starts after an introduction is plays fine but my members are asking for a non autoplay video. So I'm trying to put a "start video" button or movieclip to start the video manually.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: GotoAndPlay WITHOUT A Button Or Movieclip?

Oct 9, 2009

Is there a simple gotoAndPlay code to tell a scene what scene to go upon completition?I know they automatically go to the next scene in the timeline, but I have multiple scenes that I want to play through and all link to the same scene. I want to do this without a stop(); and without the user having to click a button or movieclip...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: GotoAndPlay Next Scene Within MovieClip

Jun 23, 2010

I want to have an animated button that go's to the next scene and plays. This is the code I have on the button inside the movie clip:

ActionScript Code:
on (rollOver) {
} on (rollOut) {
} on (release) {
gotoAndPlay("Scene 2", 1);

For some reason this doesn't work? Is the problem that the code on the button is within a movie clip?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: GotoAndPlay Inside A Movieclip

Apr 28, 2005

In the game there is a scene (called scene 1) in that scene there is a movieclip.. Inside that movieclip there is alot of frames, and on the last frame there shall be a gotoAndPlay script that makes you go to scene 2 that is outside the movieclip... I have tried with gotoAndPlay("Scene 2", 1); and stuff, but it doesn't work

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ActionScript 2.0 :: GotoAndPlay Inside A Movieclip?

Apr 28, 2005

In the game there is a scene (called scene 1) in that scene there is a movieclip.. Inside that movieclip there is alot of frames, and on the last frame there shall be a gotoAndPlay script that makes you go to scene 2 that is outside the movieclip... I have tried with gotoAndPlay("Scene 2", 1); and stuff, but it doesn't work

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Create HitTest And GotoAndPlay MovieClip

Jul 21, 2011

I have three symbols. First is a Shield MovieClip, where in the first frame I have placed a stop(); Action and the second frame is where the animation starts..Second is a Ship and third is a PowerUp. Inside the Ship symbol, I placed the Shield MovieClip. I wanted to create a hitTest when the Ship hits the PowerUp, the Shield MovieClip inside of the Ship will start playing.

This is my code that doesn't work:
if(this.hitTest(_root.ship)) {

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ActionScript 3.0 :: After MovieClip Finishes GotoAndPlay Frame?

Apr 1, 2010

How to jump to a frame (gotoAndPlay) on the ROOT (or any frame anywhere) right after a movie clip is done playing. This is AS3 on Flash CS4.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: GotoAndPlay - MovieClip On 3rd Frame Not Playing

Aug 3, 2004

I'm making a flash site but I'm having a little problem: I preload my site with this code:
bytes_loaded = Math.round(this.getBytesLoaded());
bytes_total = Math.round(this.getBytesTotal());
getPercent = bytes_loaded / bytes_total;
this.loadBar._width = getPercent * 200;
this.loadText = Math.round(getPercent * 100) + "%";
if(bytes_loaded == bytes_total) {
This code works perfectly when I test it, but if it goes to frame 3, the MC's on that frame won't start playing... ? If I just remove the frames with the preload bar (so frame 3 becomes frame 1), all works perfectly...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: GotoAndPlay MovieClip On Stage At Certain Time?

Oct 12, 2010

I am trying to get a movieclip that is on the stage to play at a certain time. it isn't working (not getting errors) and I'm so lost. The odd thing is, it is not just not doing it, but doing something else: it is going to the frame and stopping.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Microphone Triggered To GotoAndPlay Movieclip?

Jun 15, 2011

I have attempted with little (read as: none) success in having movieclip(s) play when triggered via Microphone activity/silence level. I would like to have the microphone act as a simple trigger that plays movieclip(A) depending on silence cut off level and loudness of microphone input.

If The mic user were to speak into the mic relatively loud, movieclip(A) would play.As soon as the mic level decreases; movieclip(A) would either play in reverse, or play another movieclip. (MOVIECLIP B) .The idea is to have an simple animated mouth open and close in time to microphone input.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: GotoandPlay In Movieclip - Image To Fade In And Out

Nov 21, 2004

I'm using movie clips to make buttons because I want a image to fade in and out. When you click on it it should jump to a different frame but it does not happen. I'm not should if it's trying to go in to the frame in the movie clip or or not. How do I get that movie clip when I use the on release to gotoandplay on the main sence and not the movie clip? There was an image in the background but for size, I had to delete it to upload it. Not important but pointing it out for some reason.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Goto And Play Scene - _root.gotoandplay And Even Scene1.gotoandplay Won't Work?

Nov 9, 2007

For some reason i'm having problems swapping scenes in my flash movie. At first i put the action in a "actions" named layer and a link to a button. So basicly when scene1 loads the frame 1 action is "stop ();". The viewer clicks on button1 which has a code of;


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Flash8 :: Button Outside A Movieclip To "gotoandplay" Inside The Movieclip?

Aug 12, 2010

I have a frame with a movieclip in it (named "theclip" in the library and has the instance name of "guy"). The movieclip has two frames with stops on them. The second frame inside this movieclip has the label "guy2"

Now back in the basic frame i also have a button (outside the guy movieclip) that i'd like when i press it it jumps to the "guy2" frame of the "guy" movieclip.

on (release) {

what do i add to the script that makes it refer to the movieclip? Is there a line like the _root or _parent and so on?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: OnEnterFrameHandler + GotoAndPlay To Control Embedded Movieclip

Jun 2, 2010

A method I've used many times on AS2, is not working in AS3. I'm using a gotoAndPlay command within an Event.ENTER_FRAME loop to go to a particular frame on the timeline that holds a movieclip containing a looping movieclip.


It successfully moves the timeline to the "goright" and "goleft" labels, but the problem I'm having is that it never gets past the first frame of the embedded movieclip - clearly because it is resetting the mc every time the onEnterFrameHandler is called.

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Professional :: Possible To Have A Button Gotoandplay A Frame Inside A Different Movieclip?

Mar 22, 2010

hi i am having trouble getting my buttons to work right in flash cs4. is it possible to have a button gotoandplay a frame inside a different movieclip? if so how?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: GotoAndplay From The Instance On Stage To MovieClip In Library?

Nov 2, 2010

I am trying to learn ActionScript 3. I have a MovieClip called Ship in the library and have made class of it called ship. The Ship movieClip glows from Frame 6 to indicate when it crashes into an asteroid.The myShipMovieClip child is controlled by arrow keys and asteroid approaches. The hitTest works but I cant get the ship to glow i.e. from the timeline go to the Ship MovieCli in the library and go to frame 6 to start it to glow. I have managed to do this in ActionScript 2 but have tried for the last few days to try and do it in AS3here is my code :

import flash.display.MovieClip;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Animation Inside MovieClip - GotoAndPlay Never Works

Jan 25, 2007

I have an animation inside a movieclip thats located on the main timeline. There is a stop on the first frame of the movieclip, and whenever I try to do the _root.MC.gotoAndPlay(2) it will play like one frame then stop.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Make An Event Listener That Will Tell My Movieclip To GotoAndPlay A Different Frame ?

Mar 15, 2010

How do I make an event listener that will tell my movieclip to gotoAndPlay a different frame if x is < than 100?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: If Movieclip Leaves Movie Boundaries, GotoAndPlay New Frame?

Jun 4, 2010

I am using an older version of flash. This is technically a game question but it is in older flash.My MC is a movable char that can jump, fall, and land on platforms. I would like to program a way for if the char falls and doesn't meet ground (i.e. falls out of view entirely) for a new frame to play on the main timeline OR for a movie clip to load asking it to try again OR for the game to start over completely. Whichever method is easiest.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Call A Movieclip Using The String Class Together With It's Instance Name To Use GotoAndPlay() Method

Sep 20, 2009

I just want to ask if is it possible to call a movieclip using the String Class together with it's instance name to use gotoAndPlay() method. I know how to use the instance name and the method but then what if I want to use a string together with the instance name and the gotoAndPlay.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Code The Button Inside The Movieclip To GotoAndPlay To Frame 1 On The Main Timeline?

May 11, 2011

ive made a simple game for a uni project, when you get game over a movieclip comes up and inside the movie clip there is a button to restart the game. how to i code the button inside the movieclip to gotoAndPlay to frame 1 on the main timeline?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Triggering Events To SWF?

Feb 21, 2009

A made a class to make thumbs from loaded images. I add a listener to every thumb to trigger a event in the main swf. Already found 'dispatchEvent' But I can't seen to find a way to see what thumb called the event.

I need this info to apply some tween's to the thumb triggering the event

Here you have the code from the class

package classlibrary{


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Actionscript 3.0 :: DispatchEvent Is Not Triggering?

Jun 5, 2010

why my dispatchEvent is not triggering. All I'm trying to accomplish is passing a variable from the document class to a sub class.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Enter Key Triggering My Buttons?

Oct 16, 2009

what i've done is made an application where when you click on a "Proceed" button i've placed on stage said button is removed using removeChild() and more input fields are made available.a new button named "nextbutton" is also created at the same time to run a function which, when clicked, will check the input for validity and then advance the movie to the next frame if it all checks out.assuming the data does check out then the last command of the function (of the newly created "nextbutton" button) is to gotoAndStop(2); to advance the movie to the next frame.

i'm using the mouse_down mouseevent listener on both buttons to run my functions ie:

proceedbutton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.Mouse_Do wn, proceedbuttonCLICK);
nextbutton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.Mouse_Down, nextbuttonCLICK);

the problem i'm having is that if i tab thru my input textfields to enter data (and who doesn't) i end up tabbing to my "Proceed" button and then hitting the enter key. but if i hit enter on the button istead of clicking it then none of my if/else statements written into the nextbuttonCLICK function execute. even worse somehow the gotoAndStop(2); command somehow DOES execute (at least i think it does) because the movie advances to the next frame in my timeline. so now i'm at the next frame but my variables have not even been calculated ....what i don't get is the gotoAndStop(2); statement is written into the function for the "nextbuttonCLICK" so how the heck can hitting enter on a highlighted "Proceed" button have the effect it does? is it something built into the button class itself? i did choose to make my buttons "buttons" and not movie clips so the user would see the little hand cursor when mousing over them.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Triggering Clip To Stop?

Oct 7, 2008

I have an intersctive flash file I'm creating that has a skinned clip inserted. There are buttons in the file that direct to different frames in the timeline.

I want the the buttons to stop the clip when they are triggered. Creating event listeners with functions does not seem to work.

How can I stop the clip without pressing the stop buttob on the clip skin?

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Professional :: Triggering Event When A Textfield Changes?

Apr 24, 2010

how to do this, but I was wondering if there is a way to do the following without setting up an event listener for each textfield...
I have a bunch of input textfields on the stage (50+).
I want flash to gotoAndStop at frame 5 whenever ANY of the text fields have something typed in them.
Possible to do without setting up 50 event listeners?  Is it possible to just set up one event listener that is trigerred when any input field on the stage is changed?

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