ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding Buttons Via Display List Breaks This Function?

Jan 31, 2012

I'm trying to add the btns in array "but" via stageMc.addChild(section1), but instead of tracing "section1" I get "instance1", and of course stageMc wont advance. I guess what I'm asking, is whats the diff. from a functional standpoint if I embed the clips in flash, or embed them into the stageMc clip via the display list? what am I missing? FYI, this code works, so long as i place the assets on stage myself. But I want to add the btns via the display list, and i can add them, they just instanciate wrong?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: A Class Adding Itself To Display List?

Dec 14, 2009

What i'm trying to do is create an errorAlert class. The role of this class is to as you might expect display an alert:) So the current class is set up in such a way.
1. pass in an errorcode returned from the server into the constructor.
2. This runs through a switch and sets a msg variable to the right textual prompt based on the code. At this stage it also sets an alert type, so as an example it could be a severe alert where the user has no option other than ot refresh the browser. Or it is a softer alert where the user is able to press a close button and proceed.
Because all of the type handling and everything is held within the class. I want to avoid adding the instance to the display list within the main document class. Ideally just letting the class add itself to the stage AND IF it is a softer alert, it can show the close button, add an event listener, and, then remove itself.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding Image More Than Once To Display List

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding Single Image To Display List?

Mar 31, 2010

I have a single image I imported to the library of an Fla document. I could have easily imported it to the stage, but I chose the library instead. It is a .png file. It's name is ace_clubs.png. On import a symbol was created  by Flash and I deleted it. THE ONLY THING IN THE LIBRARY IS ace_clubs.png . I then right clicked on the the image and filled in for properties the following:

1. Export for ActionScript

2. Export in Frame 1

3. The class was by default named ace_clubs.png which I renamed to
my_images .

4. The base class by auto default is flash.display.BitmapData

So how do you get the image (ace_clubs.png) to display in the Flash movie at say
(0,0) ? Meaning in the ActionScript window what code is needed?

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Flex :: Resize A SpriteAsset Without Adding It To The Display List?

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I try this:

spriteAsset.width = w;

But when I then draw out the bitmapdata with graphics.beginBitmapFill(), I just get the original un-stretched image.

Or do I need to take 9 separate BitmapData images and make 9 separate bitmap fills?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding And Removing Movieclip From The Display List?

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ActionScript Code:
import com.greensock.*;


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function callMc(){
if(myMc) removeChild(myMc);


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AS3 :: Flash - Dynamically Adding Buttons To Stage And Accessing In Different Function?

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package src {
import flash.display.MovieClip;


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My AS code:
ActionScript Code:
dynamic_txt.visible = false;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Cycling Banner Breaks With Buttons

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Slide 1
ActionScript Code:
var timelinePause:Timer = new Timer(5000);
timelinePause.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, timerHandler);
function timerHandler(evt:Object):void {
[Code] .....

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Display list:
A (root)

My list:
list = [E1, F4, A, B2, B1, C3, ..., N9, N8]

N9, N8, F4, E1, C3, B2, B1, A

A, B2, B1, C3, E1, F4, N9, N8
Does not matter if N9 before N8 or N8 before N9. Important is that any N is before M (first run) or any M before its children N* (second run).

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there should now only be one "myDisplayObject" on the stage.

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function replayMovie(event:MouseEvent):void


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Apr 6, 2011

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textField.appendText(""+ bldg.S11[i].Title.text())textField.appendText("Square Footage: "+ bldg.S11[i].SF.text())textField.appendText("Tenant: "+ bldg.S11[i].Tenant.text())textField.appendText("Status: "+ bldg.S11[i].Status.text())

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Store A List Of Parameters Needed For A Function In An Array And Then Use That In A Function Call?

Jun 23, 2009

is it possible to store a list of params needed for a function in an array and then use that in a funciton call?


or something like that?? Prob have to iterate the array but how do i get the params into the function call? Is this even possible?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding Elements To An XML List?

Mar 21, 2010

I have 2 arrays, one of images, the other of links  I would like to create an XML list using the values in these arrays.  My code is similar to:

public function savecards():void  var coverflow:XML = new XML(<coverflow/>); var cover:XML = new XML(<cover/>);
for (var j:Number = 0; j < 2;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding Labels Associated With A List

Jan 18, 2009

i am using: ActionScript Code: vidList.addItem({Label: " first path showing ", data: "../myflash/vid/path1.flv"}); The list and buttons work, the videos play - however my labels are not showing on the buttons even though i have added a label to each video as shown above...

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Adding Thumbnails To Xml Vid List?

Feb 9, 2009

I tried to add some thumbnails attributes to list component,i was using the xml vidlist however i was unsuccesfull.i thought just adding another attribute would work but it didnt .am i suppose to make an image holder i am sorta lost at this point

Code: Select allvar vlist:XML = new XML();
vlist.ignoreWhite = true;
vlist.onLoad = function() {[code].........

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Actionscript :: Adding Cue Points To A List Of Flvs?

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I have an XML file, I read the data and want to add it to a List and then use the List to be displayed.

Something like this is what I want to do:

List data = new ArrayList();

How can I do this, also how will I display the List in a table!!

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Jul 30, 2010

when I add items nothing appears in the component but when I make a second adding cycle List shows the one I added previously...The code with which I add my elements is this.The studied method is updateStorages(), the rest is to understand how's the process cycle.All the trace you see in the code works with no problem.

ActionScript Code:
public function Scopa() //constructor


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Way To Trace Display List

Jun 2, 2009

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