ActionScript 3.0 :: Cannot Open 2 Instances Of CS4 Or CS3

Aug 26, 2009

Why I can not open 2 instances of CS4 or CS3. That is very annoying if I need to work on 2 applications. What is the meaning by Main(this.parent.parent.parent.parent);

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on (release) {
var jscommand:String = "'','win','height=344,width=4 25,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes');"; getURL("javascript:" + jscommand + " void(0);");

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Access Instances Within A MC?

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Mar 19, 2011

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coming from php i would just set up an associative array like list array('speed'=>array(false,false,true,...),'weapon '=>array(true,false,....and so on I can not for the life of me figure out how to store this information and then use it as a variable name end result should look something like this .. i just don't understand how to do this in as3 .. it seems unnecessarily convoluted.


foreach($upgrades['speed'] as $key => $val)
UpgradeScreen.'speed'.$key.visible = $val);
this would dynamically call


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Feb 3, 2009

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Feb 25, 2009

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The ActionScript 3.0 Language and Components reference is great but there still is a lot missing in the process of coding in AS.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Multiple Instances Of Same MC

Aug 17, 2009

can I use the same loader or do I have to have a loader for each instance (the one thing I haven't tried as yet)

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Flash :: Getting Instances Besides GetChildByName()?

Jul 7, 2010

I have many MovieClips and each has a name like "mcDummyClosed" and then and instance name "slideDummyClosed". Another MovieClip has a link to e.g. slideDummyClosed which I then call DummyClosed. I add a MouseEvent.CLICK event to DummyClosed.

Now without adding slideDummyClosed to the stage nor any other MovieClip can I with a string containing it's name get that instance? I've tried using getChildByName() but that only seems to work if I've already added the MC to be found and added before. My code looks something like this:


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Oop - Using The Same Function For Different Class Instances?

Oct 4, 2010

I have a piece of code, that moves an array depending on it's type. If the array is of TypeA objects, it will change TypeA. If it is TypeB it will change TypeB. The issue with the current code is the repeative blocks.


Which stops working whenever I need to access any property (user) selectedInstance.testSomething();

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Actionscript 3 :: Get Instances By Class Name?

Sep 17, 2011

I need to get all the instances in my stage according to an especific class name. I'm doing this:

var class_ref:Class = getDefinitionByName('fran.MyOwnClass') as Class;
var element;
for (var i:uint = 0; i < this.parent.numChildren; i++)


But I want a better way (more efficiently, without checking all the MCs).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Instances Of A Movieclip?

Aug 24, 2009

I have a movieclip that inside have secuence of image, I will like 1000 instances of this movieclip, but I not like reload the 100 of images inside the movieclip

It is posible.That the movieclip have a child share with more objects

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Instances Is Not Showing

Sep 22, 2009

On my stage I have a movieclip I place on called landscape and I have this code in there. The problem is when I click on the child I added it doesn't display the childs instance name but the landscape instance name. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong? its like the children are below the instance. The landscape is a a movieclip symbol.[code]

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Feb 9, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Multiple Instances Of MC?

Mar 21, 2010

i have a movieclip that is instanced on stage everytime i press space. problem being i can't seem to get it to hittest anything other than the first created spawn mc code is

function dropbox():Void {
this.attachMovie("box","box"+Math.random()*300,this.getNextHighestDepth(),{_x:, _y:});


the first one returns "It's working" but zip for all of the others.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Swap Instances Of XML?

Apr 6, 2011

I'm using this code to swap different charts rendered in XML, but all that is happening is that they are piling on top of each other! How do I unload each one while another is loaded?Notes on the code: I have 52 different XML sheets to swap, all labeled Finance/"State Name".

this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, financeSelect,true)
function financeSelect(evt:MouseEvent)


Overall, I'm not sure what you mean about putting in the charts by script.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get All Instances Of An Object?

Feb 16, 2012

I have a number of instances of a library object placed directly onto the stage (I don't want to have the code create them since they have to be positioned and scaled individually) want to be able to find all the instances in actionscript and assign them to an array. How do I do that? I think getDefinitionByName is what I need but I can't figure out how to get it to do that.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Two MovieClip Instances With The Same Name?

Sep 11, 2009

The zipped attachment for this post, contains two files trial.fla and img.jpg. In the flash movie, I have done the following: Created three frames with stop() on all the three. "Prev Frame" & "Next Frame" buttons allow us to move to all the three frames. There is a movieclip instance with the name: "abc" common to all the three frames. The button "Show/Hide Abc" makes "abc" visible & invisible. In the second frame, I am loading the external image "img.jpg" and setting the child index of "abc" to numChildren - 1.

Now if I move to frame 3 and try to hide "abc" (using "Show/Hide Abc"), it works fine. But once I switch back to frame 2 or subsequently to frame 1, I can see two instances named "abc" in the trace window. (I display all the children of the displayList on every frame). Why do two instances named "abc" appear? Due to two instances of "abc", the button to hide "abc" no longer works. Its very important. NOTE: If I do not change the childIndex of "abc" to numChildren - 1 then everything works fine. But I have to do this in my project where a similar problem has crept up.

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IDE :: How To Get Environment Instances Referenced In AS3

Apr 16, 2009

How can an instance name defined in the CS3 envionrment/stage be referenced successfully in AS3? My attempts seem to point at "just assuming its available in AS3" is not the case.

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IDE :: Use HitTestObject On All Instances Of A Movieclip

Sep 25, 2009

I'm trying to make a simple maze game. I have movement working, and now I'm trying to implement collision. Here's what I have:

An 8x8 grid, with walls of length 1 to break the grid up into a maze. the walls are instances of a movieclip I've named "mc_wall" a guitar-pick-shaped chip I'll control the movement of a cross-hair called "arms" that will check if there are walls immediately surrounding my chip by way of collision. "arms" is a movieclip made up of four individual movieclips: "uparm", "leftarm", "rightarm", and "downarm"

I have currently named each instance of "mc_wall" to be "wall" this is the code I have now (using only right as an example):

function moveRobot(event:KeyboardEvent):void
doslide = true;
if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.RIGHT)


this will work, causing the chip to remain in place if the rightarm detects "wall", and move if the rightarm does not detect "wall". My problem is that, although I have named every instance of "mc_wall" to be "wall", the only "wall" flash will recognize is the last one.

Is there a way to adjust this code to look at all 70-or-so instances of "mc_wall" instead of only the last one?

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