ActionScript 3.0 :: Detect Middle Mouse Clicks Without The Use Of ASnative?

Aug 19, 2010

Is there a way to detect middle mouse clicks without the use of ASnative (or Key.isDOwn) through AS2?

It seems that ASnative is blocked while editing TextField, so i try to find different solution

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Disable Mouse Clicks To The Walls And Character While Allowing Clicks To The Floor?

Sep 23, 2010

I'm building a project that has a character navigate through a room by clicking on the floor. Right now, the walls, character, and floor are all children of the same display object for sorting purposes. My question: is there a way to disable mouse clicks to the walls and character while allowing clicks to the floor? Using mouseChildren appears to be an all or nothing deal and I can't seem to isolate individual floor/wall/character objects for use with mouseEnabled.

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Flex :: Detect Right Clicks On A RichEditableText?

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I am currently implementing squiggly in a flex application to enable spell checking. Due to certain requirements, I can not use SquigglyUI to hook onto my spark RichEditableText.I have successfully used com.adobe.linguistics.utils.TextTokenizer to tokenize and highlight mispelt words.I would like to be able to let the user rightclick on a mispelled word and show a I have tried to attach a listener to my RichEditableText:

richtexteditor.addEventListener("rightClick", showSuggestions);
And this is my event handler:
private function showSuggestions(event:MouseEvent):void{


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Detect Clicks Twice / More Times

Mar 7, 2006

How will I detect if the user clicks a movieclip twice or more times. Say I have answer1_mc, then i'll drag it to put in box1_mc, the user will earn 1 pt. But if the user clicks answer1_mc AGAIN, and put it in box1_mc AGAIN, he will not earn another points again.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Time Out Function When No Mouse Clicks Or Mouse Holds Detected?

Mar 29, 2010

i was trying to do in the above subject title... I have now decided to create a project using AS3 and would again be in any of your debts if you can guide me towards a similar code / function to the following:

var nTimeoutId:Number;var nTimeTolerance:Number = 6000;
import mx.utils.Delegate;
_root.onMouseDown = Delegate.create(this, setUserActivityTimeout);setUserActivityTimeout();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mouse Event Propagation - Capture Independent Mouse Clicks On Both Of These Two Movie Clips?

Jan 22, 2009

I have a "large" movie clip and "small" movie inside a "large" movie clip but on it's let's say upper right corner:


If i try to catch Mouse.DOWN events on them the following way:

largeMc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, largeClicked);
smallMc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, smallClicked);

Then of course both event are captured no matter where i click.Is it possible to capture independent mouse clicks on both of these two movie clips and if so, how can i do that?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mouse Event Propagation - Capture Independent Mouse Clicks On Both Of Two Movie Clips?

Jan 22, 2009

i have a following situation: I have a "large" movie clip and "small" movie inside a "large" movie clip but on it's let's say upper right corner:


If i try to catch Mouse.DOWN events on them the following way:

largeMc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, largeClicked);
smallMc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, smallClicked);

Then of course both event are captured no matter where i click.Is it possible to capture independent mouse clicks on both of these two movie clips and if so, how can i do that?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Detect If User Clicks Text Input Box

Nov 17, 2009

I have a text input box inside a movieclip. I want to detect when the user clicks inside and open up a modal window with the full form. I use the following line of code:

this.addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN, _onFocus);

And it works fine, but just the first time. When I close my modal window without entering any information and click on the input form again, nothing happens. The listener is there, but nothing happens. My guess is because the focus is already there. Should I be using another listener? MouseEvent.CLICK is not what I'm looking for because I only want the window to fire when inside the textbox is clicked, not the whole thing...

I also tried
stage.focus = null;
and it also doesn't work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: ASnative Not Working In Fullscreen?

Jan 22, 2009

need to detect if the middlemouse button is pressed or not..and for that Im useing

ActionScript Code:
if (ASnative(800, 2)(4))
//Do something

and ofcourse the whole if-statement is inside of an enterFrame"Listener" or what its ever...this doesnt work once your i fullscreen mode..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Middle Mouse Scroller Fail?

Mar 16, 2010


Code: 1172: Definition could not be found. 1119: Access of possibly undefined property MIDDLE_MOUSE_DOWN through a reference with static type Class.

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Disable Browser Scrolling With Middle Mouse Scroll Button?

Mar 31, 2010

I have a flash element on my page that you interact with by using the middle mouse scroll wheel. The page is long. So when scrolling with the mouse wheel it interacts with the Flash element AND scrolls the browser window.

Is there a way to disable browser scrolling while the Flash element is active?

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Actionscript 3 :: Why Don't MOUSE_MOVE Events Get Sent When The Middle Mouse Button Is Pressed

Mar 8, 2012

I'm listening for MOUSE_MOVE events.They are sent and received just fine unless the middle mouse button is held down. I don't get any more MOUSE_MOVE events until the middle button is released.Is this an issue with Flash, or something to do with my specific ouse/computer configuration (bluetooth Mighty Mouse on Lion)?Are there any known workarounds?Here is a sample project to demonstrate the problem.Left click and drag traces mouse move events, but middle click only shows middle mouse down and middle mouse up.

this.stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MIDDLE_MOUSE_DOWN, onMiddleMouseDown);
this.stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onMouseDown);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Listening For Mouse Clicks?

Feb 8, 2006

I have a very simple question (in fact I've done it before, but forgotten). What code do you use to get flash to do something when you click and release the mouse button anywhere on the stage?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Detecting Mouse Clicks?

Mar 27, 2007

i have some movie clips on the stage and the background of these movie clips are, of course, the stage. now, i need to detect a click on any area of the background(the stage) to do something to the movieclips above it.What I did is, I laid a movieclip which has the same size as the stage, above the Stage and below the other movieclips. I then set this movieclip to visible = false. Next, I thought I could use onMouseDown to get the clicks but unfortunately, it isn't working because onMouseDown detects the click on anywhere I click.I am not using onPress because I don't want to have the hand cursor appearing on the entire flash movie.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Two Mouse Clicks For The Price Of One

Aug 22, 2010

I've got an annoying little problem with recreating a RTS style interface, specifically with selection and issuing movement commands to units. It's goes something like this...


The idea is that you click on the tank to select it (a new listener is added) and then you click again elsewhere on the screen to tell the tank to move/shoot whatever (the new listener is acted upon). However what actually happens is that when you select the tank, the listener for "handleOrder" is added but is then also immediately executed..!? How, why, what the f.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Delay Between User Mouse Clicks?

Jul 14, 2010

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For example, I don't want the user to be able to click really fast or hold button down (a small delay between firing).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get The Color Of A Pixel That The Mouse Clicks On

Oct 15, 2008

Is there a way to get the color of a pixel that the mouse clicks on. I want to load text into a dynamic text box according to that color.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Submenu Mouse Clicks Not Registering?

Dec 28, 2010

I really don't know half of what I'm doing when it comes to Action Script 3. Through a lot of trial and error, I finally have my menu with submenus displaying properly, but just not functioning the way that I have intended. The submenu items appear when a mouse over registers on the mainmenu item. The submenu mouse rollovers are registering correctly because the right content is displayed and the alpha channel changes are registering. The problem is with the mouse clicks for the submenu items. I don't understand why but a mouse click on a submenu button is registering as a click on the mainmenu item, not the submenu item. Could someone please explain to me why the rollover function is working and not the mouse click, and what I need to do to fix my code? I hate to admit it, but I am really clueless here.And here is the relevant part of my code:

SWFAddress.addEventListener(SWFAddressEvent.CHANGE, SWFAddress_changed);
menu1.alpha = 0.5;
menu1.buttonMode = true;


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Actionscript 3 :: Pass Mouse Clicks Through TLF Text?

Nov 20, 2011

The .mouseEnabled doesn't work like it does on usual MovieClips. What's up?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Disable The Left And Right Mouse Clicks?

Jul 27, 2009

Is there anyway to disable the left and right mouse clicks?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Line Draw Between Mouse Clicks?

Apr 23, 2010

To be able to have a dynamic line draw from mouseDown 1 to mouseDown 2. Like a connect the dots type thing.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Prevent Mouse Clicks In Certain Areas?

Dec 22, 2011

I have my player who moves to where ever I click on the stage.How to I prevent the player from moving to areas that I don't want him to?

Example:How do I define that if the player clicks on the tree to NOT move to it.I know I could attach listeners to different movieclips but it would get out of control pretty fast. Is there a better way? Perhaps something to do with layering? If I apply a listener to the map object for example will anything on top of the map block the listener?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Preventing Mouse Clicks From Re-Focusing?

Feb 18, 2009

(This is within a Document Class external controls are called in and successfully assigned to Manager.root via addEventListeners within Controls)

Manager.root = this;
this.root.addEventListener(FocusEvent.MOUSE_FOCUS_CHANGE, dont);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mouse Clicks From Main.swf To External Swf?

Feb 10, 2010

I have to make a presentation which consists of a main.swf that loads 5 external swfs. You pass from one swf to another by doing click. The external swfs (2 of them) have a tween in which you do click to load some shapes.How do I stop the click in the main swf and activate the click in the external swf and then return to the main.In the function "myClick" there is a condition which when it gets to the 3.swf (num==2), it stops the clicks in the main.swf bystage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myClick). It works, but I don't know how to return the clicks to the main.swf after the last click in 3.swf.

here is my code(main.fla):
import flash.ui.Keyboard;


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Actionscript 3 :: Detect Clicks Outside Of A Window For A Multi-window AIR App In Flex?

Mar 13, 2011

So I have this AIR app coded in flex where I have several floating native windows and what I want is to detect when a user clicks outside of a window so that I can close it. (I don't want to use the PopupManager Class and would want to use the native windows).

My question is, is there a way to detect a click outside of a spark window, or alternativley is there some root container/object which is a parent to all the native windows so that a click inside any native window would bubble up to it? (Apparently the stage object of the root windowed application is not that object since each window is not a child of the stage for the root application).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Movie - Recognize Mouse Clicks Is Working

Jul 14, 2010

I have a fisheye menu, (by the very talented David Manrique, check out his tutorial and source here: [URL] It uses an array of images imported into a library. The code to recognize mouse clicks is working, but I can't get it to load up specific frames of the Flash file. So, for example, when "image1" is clicked, it would load up frame 2 of the flash file. When "image2" is clicked, it would load up frame3...etc.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Prevent Mouse Clicks/Hide Hand?

Jul 18, 2006

Sometimes it's necessary in a Flash project to prevent the user from being able to click on a button at certain times during the presentation. I'll typically add an "invisible" button on top of the button (no graphics in the button except for the hit zone), which does the trick nicely BUT...The cursor, of course, turns into a hand icon, making the user think it's still a clickable button.Is there a way to prevent the cursor from changing from an arrow into a hand icon?Or, is there a better way to make buttons "unclickable" at times?

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