ActionScript 3.0 :: Export Shape As Vector File?

Nov 14, 2009

I create using actionscript to draw dynamic shapes

shape1 = new Shape();
shape2 = new Shape();

and draw some complicated things with actionscript that is done dynamically by user input

I need to save/export the drawing ,these shape as some kind of vector file
so this drawing can be manipulated later on by vector program as flash or illustrator

how to save shape file as a vector file

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Feb 25, 2011

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var bitmapDataBuffer:BitmapData = new BitmapData ( displayObject.width, displayObject.height, false);
bitmapDataBuffer.draw ( displayObject, displayObject.transform.matrix);

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I am working on a project that some one else created. There were very orgainized, but my question is this: There is a starburst shape, and in the property inspector it is labeling as yellow burst, and that's how it shows in the library. But one instance of it is red in the movie, and I can not find it to change or delete as they called everything dynamically. how this was done, or how I might locate this object?

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Flash :: Vector Shape Appears Jagged After GlowFilter

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* when you roll over the item the first time it immediately shows the end phase of the glow in stead of animating. I thought I'ld circumvent this with Tween.rewind() in the constructor, but that didn't do the trick.

* also I'm not sure whether the addEventListener for TweenEvent.MOTION_CHANGE is placed in the correct spot. I tried putting it in the constructor, but that resulted in the event being recieved continuously by _onMotionChange.

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Edit: Note that I'm using FlashDevelop and not Adobe Flash CS.

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Rephrasing :: Best File Format - Create The Highest Quality .flv Export From Their .mov File?

Oct 14, 2009

I asked this earlier but maybe I didn't give enough information. I am working on a website where video quality is very important and the client is delivering me the video already compressed. I then want to import it to flash CS3 and export it as .flv for progressive download with the media playback component. I have done all of this successfully in a sense that it all works but the video quality is not good enough, it's good but the client says it;s a bit grainy. I used the highest setting in Flash, on2 vp6 at 700kbs.
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am trying to export/publish a swf of a dress up game I made so I can put it in Dreamweaver and upload it to my site but I keep getting this error message:"Error Creating Flash Movie File: Be sure the destination file is not locked or on a locked drive. Also, check that the file name is not too long".I am also unable to test the movie, it gives me the same error message.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Vector Of A Superclass Hold A Reference To A Vector Of A Subclass?

Sep 13, 2011

I'm getting

ActionScript Code:
1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type>[code]....

which surprises me as ConfigurationVO inherits from NodeVO.Is the compiler really not able to figure out that a Vector of a superclass should be able to hold a reference to a Vector of a subclass?

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Load A Vector File Dynamically?

Dec 2, 2008

Can you load a vector file such as .svg or .eps dynamically? I know you can import a .jpg or a .swf file, but those same methods dont seem to work when it comes to vector

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Professional :: Import Photoshop Vector And/or Vector Styles?

May 7, 2010

I need to import a bunch of vector work from Photoshop into Flash. Is there a trick to it. So far, on import, it's converting the layer styles into black.

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Actionscript 3 :: Increase Vector Length To 200 After New Vector.<String>(100)?

Dec 24, 2010

Created Vector with the initial length of 100.

var v:Vector. = new Vector.(100);

v[90] = "Ninety"

v[190] ="oneninety" //RangeError: Error #1125: The index 110 is out of range 100.

//How to change the length from 100 to 200 to store a value at index 190

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F8 :: Generating Vector File From Flash Web Application?

Oct 6, 2008

I want to know if it is possible to create a vector based file (PDF) from a web based Flash application. The application would be a 'Design it yourself' type deal, it would just be a fancy text generator. All this will be designed by the user using the flash application.What I want to know is once the user has finished designing their text, can this 'creation' then be exported as preferably a PDF, or Jpg, etc. once the user submits the design?

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How To Reduce Vector Image File Size

Jan 19, 2010

How do I make a vector image smaller in file size than a jpg image? This sounds perhaps strange since vector in general is expected to be smaller in file size then pixel.
But take this image for example:
I can get this to about 8 kb if I were to use 'save for web' in photoshop (jpg / low compression). But then I thought I perhaps could get it even smaller by vectorizing it. But that resulted in an image of about 145 kb. Is vector not always better than pixel when it comes to file size?

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Get All The Individual .fla Vector Images And Layers Into The Same File?

Mar 4, 2010

I'm just starting with Flash CS4. I have done a whole heap of vector images and before I did anything I turned it into a movie clip but for some reason they are no longer movie clipped. How can I get my vector layers from the "Scene 1" and move them into their own movie clip?

Also I have done them all in individual files (never again), but how do I get all the individual .fla vector images and layers into the same file?

Cut and Paste just doesn't seem to work like PS.

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Flex :: Count Colors In SWF Vector File?

Jan 8, 2010

Suppose I've converted a vector image file (.AI/.SVG) to .SWF for ease of importing dynamically as the source of an Image in Flex.

To count colors now, I have to create a "new BitMap", then ".draw()" and iterate over all pixels and use ".getPixel()" to retrieve the color.

Unfortunately, because of anti-aliasing, this seems to return several more colors than what are actually used to draw the image (say, a black logo).

Is there a better alternative to doing this in Flex?

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Export Fla To Swf File?

Jan 3, 2010

I started exporting the swf with no problem, but the next day i done a lot of editing and adding content, so when i try to exported didn't work, my swf file disappear from my folder and every time i try to exported the swf when it pass about the 75% of loading disappear. There is any software that can expor fla to swf ?? why flash is not exporting the swf correctly?.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Create A Vector File From A Flash App?

Dec 29, 2010

I'm currently building a create-your-own t-shirt application using AS3. My client needs the resulting design as an Adobe Illustrator file for printing. Is there a way to dynamically create an AI file from your Flash app? The only solution I have been able to come up with is recreating the design in a special version of the app that only the client has access to (the app would automatically load and create what the customer designed). This version of the app uses PrintJob to create a printable version of the design that the client saves to a PDF and then opens in Illustrator. It works, but as you can see, it's a messy process and creates additional steps for the client.

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Professional :: Reduce File Size Vector Graphics

Jun 16, 2010

When it comes to imported vector graphics are there any methods to decrease the swf's file size as much as possible? So far I have:

- imported an illustrator ai file (strokes 'expanded' in illustrator and unneeded swatches/ brushes etc. deleted and with no raster images embedded)
- exported the file in illustrator as swf and imported that swf into flash
- imported ai file and breaking it down to flash shapes
- optimized those shapes as much as possible
I rather use vector as much as possible. For a banner for examle, I've imported vector images of trees. I couldn't get it below 40 kb so I exported all illustrator files to png files which helped. Can detailed vector images be optimized just as much? Or is it better to use bitmap files when it comes to more detailed graphics? Does it matter if it is a vector images made in flash or a imported vector file even if both have the same number of paths?

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Actionscript 3 :: Vector Number Does Not Extend Vector

Nov 16, 2011

I am currently being confused by the Vector class.I wrote a beautiful XML to TypedClass parser. Works beautifully and without fault. UNTIL a co-worker noticed we got a Conversion Error for Vector.<Number> to Vector.<*>.

Every Vector I've ever tested all extend Vector.<*>.

Vector.<Sprite>, Vector.<String>, Vector.<Point>, Vector.<Boolean>, Vector.<TextField>, Vector.<CustomObject>, etc etc etc. ALL of them.
<type name="__AS3__.vec::Vector.<String>" base="__AS3__.vec::Vector.<*>" isDynamic="true" isFinal="false" isStatic="false">
<extendsClass type="__AS3__.vec::Vector.<*>"/>


But then when I use describeType on Vector.<Number>, Vector.<uint> and Vector.<int>.

<type name="__AS3__.vec::Vector.<Number>" base="Object" isDynamic="true" isFinal="true" isStatic="false">
<extendsClass type="Object"/>


Now I have accounted for these 3 vectors individually as even uint and int does not extend Vector.<Number> as I would have expected.
And my parsing function works for all types correctly again. But my confusion comes as to WHY this is the case, and why I couldn't find any documentation on the subject.

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