ActionScript 3.0 :: Good To Format All Texts Using Style Sheets?

Jun 21, 2011

I am working developing a big project and I have a question regarding the formatting of the text, project wide. Is it a good idea to format all of the text using style sheets ? Including here, buttons labels, headers, and so on. Or is it a better idea to use a combination of style sheets and the TextFormat class depending on the situation? Using style sheets project wide seems like a good idea but there might be things that I am missing and I would like some advices from people with more experience.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Format All Texts Using Style Sheets?

Jun 21, 2011

I am working developing a big project and I have a question regarding the formatting of the text, project wide. Is it a good idea to format all of the text using style sheets ? Including here, buttons labels, headers, and so on.

Or is it a better idea to use a combination of style sheets and the TextFormat class depending on the situation ?

Using style sheets project wide seems like a good idea but there might be things that I am missing and I would like some advices from people with more experience.

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For Example

// Have a button component on stage
import mx.controls.Button
_global.styles.setStyle("themeColor", "haloOrange");


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var tf:TextFormat = new TextFormat();


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Preload <img> Tag Into Dyn Texts?

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How To Slide Texts Off Stage

May 18, 2009

I have a slide show. I followed this tutorial.However, for the description texts, I want to slide from the left to the middel of the stage at the bottom and stay there for the length of the image being displayed and then slide from the middle to off the stage as soon as the current image dissolved to the next image. Here's my code that I have:slideXTween = new Tween(txtField, "x", Regular.easeOut, postXFrom, postXTo, 1, true);he above code slide the texts from left to the middle but as soon as the next image appears, the texts just dissappear and that's not I want. I want to slide the texts of stage

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Since no one is able to answer my question in this thread, I like to ask a simpler question. How do I create a tween that will slide my texts from left to the middle and then pause for 3 seconds then continue to slide off stage to the right?

slideXTween = new Tween(txtField, "x", Regular.easeOut, postXFrom, postXTo, 1, true);

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URL...For loading the text from a txt document i am using the following code (which is the same as Kirupa's code - except for the names)[code]If i declare the value of the variable "scrollableText" within the actions panel then it works.

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Created Few Texts And Converted Into Buttons?

Dec 22, 2009

I am trying to build a menu. I have created few texts and converted into buttons, which goto some url on click. Now, I have to add "fire burning" animation to these texts on mouseover. I have a movie clip of burning fire. I want to reuse the same movie clip. Also, when the animation plays, I want text to be visible on top of flames.

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Send Jpg And Texts From Flash To Php In ONE CLICK?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Finding Texts In Flash?

Jun 21, 2005

I am making a presentation (to work on a CD) that needs to have a search for texts. In this presentation there are lots of texts and I need to give the user the opportunity to search word.I would like to have a text finder that goes to the word I am looking for, then, clicking again its to the next occurrence of this word.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Texts Position Is Always On Whole Numbers?

Feb 2, 2010

I found this really weird bug on a site I did a little while back. Click on a page (any page), then click somewhere outside the flash content (like another window) then again choose another page. The text dissappears every time, but only when I do exacly that (if you for example click outside the browser before first changing the page the text doesn't disappear).

I can't figure this out; I haven't even got a clue where to start looking for the problem. The text is created dynamically, and every time you click on a link its htmltext changes to highlight the current page - that is all that is happening. The font is embedded into the site, the texts position is always on whole numbers.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: HTMLText And CS5 (Embedding Texts)

Jun 21, 2010

I've done my fair share on searching for this, and I couldn't really find anything about it except CSS related stuff, which is not what I am looking for. I have a text field on the stage with font Arial, and I embed Arial Regular, Arial Bold, and Arial Italic, and set my font to Font1* (Arial Regular). Then I set textfi.htmlText = "<b>HI</b> YO"; Now this worked fine in my old Flash program, but it won't recognize it in the new one.

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Flash8 :: Motion Tween And Dynamic Texts?

Jul 22, 2009

saw various tutorials where dynamic fields had a motion teen effect. However If I tryto do the same, once I apply the motion tween the dynamic text becomes Graphic. How can I avoid this?

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