ActionScript 3.0 :: Movieclip Gets "stuck" - Jumps Between The Start And End Of The Animation

Oct 7, 2009

I have an over_mc on the stage that is set up for MouseEvents, everything seems to work the way I want until i move the mouse off the area before the movie slider_mc has finished playing. After that the movie only jumps between the start and end of the animation and none of the frames between. slider_mc is a MC with 30 frames and a motion tween. Frame 1 is labeled "start" and frame 15 "middle" with stops(); on both frame 1 and frame 15 in the AS layer. slider_mc is an arrow that moves across the stage and stops on a mouse over, it moves off the stage in on a mouseout.


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var s = 0
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loop)
function loop(e:Event) {
if(s==2) mc1.animation.gotoAndPlay(1), mc1.gotoAndStop(2)
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Here is an example:


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addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveRoad);
var deltaY:Number = 0;
function moveRoad(event:Event):void


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if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) {
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private function beginClass(e:Event):void{
_root = MovieClip(root);
do {


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thumb_test_4.onRollOver=function  () {

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txt1: will easeOut larger/ easeIn smallertxt2: will fade in.
Script:txt1.onRollOver = function() {
txt1.onRollOut = function() {
gotoAndPlay("off"); };

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function showPic(e:Event):void{
}function tweenPicEI ():void{
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Aug 19, 2010

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Run Through Animation And Start Again On Mouse Click

Aug 13, 2009

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Making Button To Start Animation

Nov 15, 2009

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I created a simple animation that is 90 frames long. How can I start and stop it at specific keyframes so it takes 3 separate mouse clicks to complete. Example: a picture is on my website. When you click it, the first 30 frames play and then stop. A 2nd click makes the next 30 frames play and a 3rd click makes the last 30 frames play.

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I have a most simple animation which I want to start on mouse click. I use CS5 and ActionScript 3.0. I have one layer where my animation is in, and an actions layer. When I add a stop(); at frame 1, the whole thing does not start. So far, so good. How do I tell Flash that it should then start the animation after clicking the mouse?I am a complete newbie but have tried since hours to overcome this problem. 

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