ActionScript 3.0 :: Reach Dynamic Created Mc's?

Oct 3, 2011

i created an MC that is made of dynamic mc clips that include a textfield named combo_txt, it is the same clip that i put on stage with add child and i dont knowhow to refer to them i, think i gave them different named but still cant reach them:


when i click on each of them i get the name i gave it but i want each clip to have a different text. this doesnt work:


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eval("movie" + x).onRelease = function() {
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// set box1 to green


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function finishLoading(evt : Event):void {
// Handle XML Settings


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Here is the code I am trying.

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Sep 23, 2010

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var myMC:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
myMC.x = 50;
myMC.y = 50; = "hunterToken";
And it is created, so far everything's good

Later I try to access the visible property, and I get an error
And I get this error:
TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties.
at newSiteHTR_fla::mCursos1_1/go()[newSiteHTR_fla.mCursos1_1::frame1:157]

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Mar 26, 2010

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container_mc.target_0_mc.alpha = 0; But how do I access the MovieClip dynamically? During runtime, a script will determine of which MovieClip i need to access a property. I will get the ID number of the MovieClip I want to access. So I need to be able to to something like this:

var mc_ID:int = 2; ["container_mc.target_"+mc_ID+_mc""].alpha = 0;

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Mar 10, 2011

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var newBtn:CustomButton = new CustomButton();
// set properties of new button
newBtn.x = INIT_X;


So far, so good. Everything works ok and the code sets the text of the new movieclip. Now, I wanted to actually write the CustomButton class and add some properties and eventually do other stuff with it and so I wrote this:

import flash.display.MovieClip;


On trying my script again, it gives me this error:

Code:1119: Access of possibly undefined property text through a reference with static type String

the line of code it refers to is:

newBtn.btnText.text = text;

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CS3 :: Reach Different Symbols In A Layer By Code?

Mar 17, 2010

The thing is, I am coloring though code the parts of a body, which is a movieclip composed by other movieclips. I am coding in AS2, using the setRGB function from the Color class. Everything is working ok, but there is one arm that is not being colored.

This arm actually is in one layer with several keyframes, half of them have one symbol, and the other half have another symbol. Both symbols represent the arm in different positions. Now, even though they are different symbols, I have named both instances with the same name, but with this solution the arm is not being colored. So I tried to remove the keyframes with the second symbol, and then it got colored.

To sum up, I don�t know how to reach all the symbols in different keyframes of the same layer through code.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reach Target But 1st Do A 90 Rotation?

Mar 28, 2011

here is my code:
var dx:Number = p1.x-bs.x
var dy:Number = p1.y-bs.height


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Can't Reach The Button

Jun 10, 2008

I have a inventory that will hide/show itself whenever the mouse is over it. And inside "inventory", I have a couple of slots that should trace "Pres" whenever I click on them. Problem is, it doesn't. I think it has something to do with my inventory hide/show code because when I took it out, everything worked. Heres the code for the inventory:


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Created A Dynamic Accordion Style Navigation Button Using Both Falsh And XML

Jun 11, 2009

I have created a dynamic accordion style navigation button using both Falsh and XML.I have the XML loading at a certain keyframe after the navigation button is fully expanded creating 7 sub navigation buttons which link to a certain website.

The Issue I'm having is when the user rolls off the button the it collaspes but the 7 sub navigation buttons still remain.


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I have made an input text filed in frame 2 (made at authoring time) and populated a variable with it i.e var g_nameEntry: String; g_nameEntry = nameField_txt.text; and now have performed the concactenation with this variable in the Frame 4 i.e loserField_txt.text = "Sorry" +g_nameEntry where loserField_txt is another dynamic field created at authoring time in Frame4. However this is not working.

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Code: Select allpackage com.own.ui
import flash.display.*;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reach Functions In The Document Class?

Oct 30, 2008

I have this Class:

package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class MainClass extends MovieClip {


I had used it as a document class, when I call the sum function from the main time line it works, but I need to call it from inside a movieclip.

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