Actionscript 3.0 :: BytesTotal In FLV Player Reading 4294967295

Aug 15, 2008

I've got a very annoying problem and I've not got a clue why it is happening. I've created my own FLV player in actionscript 3.0 and I want to create a Progress Bar for my player. I've done all the code for it but it doesn't work properly as the bytesTotal number is 4294967295 instead of the actual size of the FLV until the bytesLoaded gets to the size of the FLV and then bytesTotal suddenly equals the FLV size. [code]As you can see once my 17MB FLV file has loaded the bytesTotal suddenly changes from 4096MB to the actual 17MB size.So how comes the bytesTotal is not picking up the size of the FLV?

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1) integrate someone else's source code to parse/play back the swf files, and capture the output directly that way.

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progressHandler loaded:837 total: 0
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Code: Select all<presentation>
<name>My First Presentation</name>


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The site that I made is [URL]

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<PRODUCT BUILD="06-20-2006" NAME="FileMaker Pro"/>


It keeps telling me a term is undefined and has no properties. This I've isolated to the backgroundArray.push statement. Just not sure how to fish the data out of that XML doc properly. What call would I use to iterate thru the different ROW tags to get to the DATA info?

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May 14, 2011

I'm creating a interactive 'thing' where I've got buttons which when clicked show a an image and display text relating to the value in the XML file.

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function LoadXML(e:Event):void
xmlData = new XML(;


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May 28, 2009

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How can I read all keys? Testing in a browser all the time is a bit inconvenient

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Recommended Reading For Beginner?

Jul 20, 2009

benefit a Flash/Action Script beginner?

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Reading SOL File From A C/C++ Application

Oct 19, 2009

I would like to have two applications communicate with each other. One app is a Flash running the browser and the other one is another app of ours that is distributed as *.exe file. We need the C/C++ application to read some info out of the SOL file, that is written by the Flash app.
Any other mean that can be used to read the SOL file from a C/C++ application? How often is the format of the SOL file being changed ?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Reading Variable From Php?

Nov 4, 2009

I know there is a way to read variables from PHP, i have seen the many tutorials. What I want to do is slightly different. I need to load the flash file with a variable.I want the user to have a url containing a variable, the PHP will then get the posted variable and load it into the flash file on the page. Is there a way to load the variable into the flash file?URLtest.php?var="list.xml"Inside PHPget posted variableload flash file and load the var into the actionscriptFlash embeded on page or on a redirect pageActionscript uses variable which was originally embedded in the URL

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Apr 22, 2010

What I have so far...sure there is a better way to do this and as I learn AS3 I will figure it out. The following is what I put together where I now have three instances of the segmented thumbnail button that shows an image when cliked on. What I figure out why it only reads the one xml file.

My XML files: images, images_a, images_b
<images><image full="images/full/image1.jpg" thumb="images/thumb/image1.jpg" /> <image full="images/full/image2.jpg" thumb="images/thumb/image2.jpg" /> <image


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