Flash Movie Not Looping (even With Loop Parameter Set To "true")?

Oct 3, 2011

I have the following embedded flash code:

<object width="647" height="483" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=7,0,19,0">
<param name="salign" value="lt" />
<param name="quality" value="high" />


I've been trying to get it to loop after it finishes playing, but it doesn't seem to work even with the "loop" parameter set to "true." I read online that there may be something with the flash file (exporting from the original .fla), but this is actually a .flv file that I imported into Flash, and exported as an .swf file.

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Professional :: Looping Movie-clip: Contents Not Clickable After First Loop

May 14, 2010

I have a movie clip (scrollBar) in my site that contains a line of other movie clips moving across the stage (scrollContent1-4). Only two of these are visible at a time, so I have lined them all up, repeated the first two at the end, and have the animation looping.
I want each of the scrollContent1-4 clips to be clickable. It's all fine on the first loop, but once the clip reaches the end and returns to frame 1 the clips are no longer clickable.

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Actionscript :: Flash, Ns - Loop A Flv If A Condition Is True?

Feb 12, 2011

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So I tryed to add a listener but id doesn't work.. Code below:

textBox.addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN, focusInListener);

var connection:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
var stream:NetStream;
var video:
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ActionScript :: Flash - Check The Value Of The Loop Parameter?

Nov 24, 2010

There are a number of parameters that can be added to object and embed tags to embed flash videos. Most are listed here. Some of them can be accessed/changed programmatically via ActionScript (e.g. <param name="scale"> can be accessed via stage.scaleMode).

Can the value for the loop parameter be accessed/changed?

Edit to add: I know about flashvars, that's not what I'm asking.

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var allIsTrue = false;
_global.myArray = [false, true, false, true, false, true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false,false,false,true]
///would not do something


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Looping Part Of A FLV Movie In Flash

Jan 11, 2010

I have a .flv movie file that I purchased from Istockphoto.com. I have placed it in my Flash CS3 file, and it works fine. However, once it plays, it loops back to the beginning, and I would prefer to loop it at the last 5 seconds of frames, so that it doesn't replay the entire video. Can this be done with Flash actionscripting or do I need to somehow do it in a video editor? Which wouldn't be ideal, as it would make a much larger file size.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Passing A Parameter To The Function In The Loop?

Mar 19, 2011

for(var i=1;i<=2;i++)
var mc=attachMovie("mc_name","obj"+i,i)


this code places two objects obj1 and obj2 and two buttons button1 and button2

button1 is expected to return _level0.obj1
button2 is expected to return _level0.obj2

Instead they both return _level0.obj2. Obviously, each button is passed the object corresponding to the last "i" in the loop. How shall I sort this out? One of the obvious solution sis to attach each button to its object


but this is not acceptable for some other reason I also have to use this for(var i=1;i<=2;i++) block because in the final application the number of objects will be variable and set by the user at the run time.

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Aug 28, 2009

again fixed, now all i need to know is how to pause the background, and then have it continue playing when the "aim" animation is finished.

heres the AS2.0 of the actions: // set counter
counter = 0;
fire_button.onRelease = function(){


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-: b1 = blade.. rotating and moving along y axis... its position in the stage is x = 120 and y = 20.. but when i test it tracing(_y) shows dat d first value comes 42.85 and not 20(value from the properties).. i dont know how to get its exact value just like what is seen from the properties.. i've tried to have an if statement that if the value of _y = to the y coordinate the blade position that will alter its movement, it never turns like i want.. here is my facebook email add( punisheryuri11@gmail.com ).. please help me if u have a spare time..

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.b1._y += 2;
_rotation += 30;


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Flash Movie Looping Behind Animated Buttons?

Oct 26, 2009

I've been trying to get this to work, and I can't seem to get it right. I want to create something to the effect seen HERE

How is this done? Should I make the images/movie a separate flash file, then import it into the stage and then create all the buttons?

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Actionscript :: Flash Movie Not Looping After Upload?

Oct 12, 2011

I imported an FLV file to my FLA flash file, and exported it as an SWF movie.

I want to embed it into my website, and I want it to loop after it ends.

I've already checked the following:

files are fully uploaded using the latest version of flash "Publish Preview > Flash" works fine in Adobe Flash CS4 "Publish Preview > HTML" also works fine in Adobe Flash CS4

Actionscript solutions I've tried:

To the FLV component:

on (complete){


I heard that I might check something called "IDE" but I have no idea what that is or how to check that?

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Sep 4, 2009

about.buttonMode = true;
about.useHandCursor = true;

I have this on a MC I use for a button - and it works but only on HALF of the object - how can I make so it works on the whole object itself?

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Flash8 :: Looping Background And How To Stop A Loop

Aug 28, 2009

ive created a character loop for two characters that are in a walk cycle. when a button is pressed both characters change animation, now ONE of the characters is doing what i want it to, which is, change from walk to aim, then back to walk. but the other character is going from one animation to the second, and then just continuing to loop the second animation.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Keeping The Data Parameter Of The Object Created With A While Loop

Mar 7, 2004

i've been struggling with the following:

i am creating a list of buttons with an attachMovie. the AS is :

var i = -1;
var user = userlist[i];


okay the problem is this: then i assign an on click function to every button right in the while loop that uses the data parameter of the "ob" object and when i play the movie the data parameter is always the parameter of the last object created for all the buttons. I know why this is happening- it overWrites the old "ob" with the new with every itteration of the loop.

But how would i go differently about creating an individual "ob" for each button created and still be able to have a function with a data parameter like this.onRelease.userClicked(data)?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: If Condition - (condition1=true) AND (condition2=true)?

Jun 11, 2004

I know how to do this in other codes, but..if (condition1=true) AND (condition2=true) then... How do you do this in AS?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add Code To Get The Actions To Loop Like The Timeline Is Looping?

Jul 16, 2010

I am new to FLASH and have created a rotating banner for our website with 5 roatating images with 5 invisble buttons linking to 5 landing pages. And it works the first loop through.  However when it gets to action 5 for my last image, that link continues for all the buttons is subsequent loops.What do I need to add to my code to get the actions to loop like the timeline is looping? Code used for the links. This is the link that continues after the first run of the banner:

var url5:URLRequest = new URLRequest("http://www.facebook.com/MoDOT.KansasCity");, onStageClick5);

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Actionscript :: Looping Pauses On Last Frame Before Repeating Loop?

Feb 13, 2012

I am attempting to loop a portion of an animation in Adobe Flash Professional using actionscript 3.0.

I have added 2 extra layers to my project, called "Labels" and "Actionscript".

I have named the Labels layer "loop" and and added a blank keyframe at the start frame of the sequence I want to loop. On the Actionscript layer, I have added a blank keyframe at the last frame of the project and added the following actionscript code:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make Continuous Sound In A Looping Flash Movie?

Oct 31, 2010

I am having difficulty figuring out how to make a background soundtrack play continuously while my actual timeline will loop before the audio file is finished.

The way I have it set up now, every time the playhead loops back onto frame1, the audio track begins playing on top of the last one, making it utter cacophony. Even after a few seconds it becomes utter madness as 3 versions of the same song are playing simultaneously.

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Flash :: Professional - Looping A Movie Clip A Specific Number Of Times

Jul 8, 2011

how to get a movie clip to loop a specific number of times in Flash? I know how to stop a movie clip from looping by using the this.stop (); command by placing the command in a separate Action Script layer, in a keyframe, inside of the movie clip's timeline. This allows the movie clip to play through once and then stop. But I need for the movie clip to loop more than once, maybe 2 or 3 times, and then go back to the main timeline.

Also, is it possible to place a pause (I'm guessing, maybe by using a timer of some type?) between the loops, so that the movie will pause a couple of seconds before it loops again and then stop? Please note I do not need the movie clip to stop when there's an event like a rollover or anything. I just need it to play a couple of times, pause between plays and then stop and go back to the main timeline.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Looping Flash Movie?

Jan 25, 2011

I have a project in Flash AS 3 with several scenes. Each scene contains a flash movie. I want to loop the movies and used this code:

import fl.video.*;
function onFLVComplete(event:VideoEvent):void {

myPlayback.addEventListener(VideoEvent.COMPLETE, onFLVComplete);The loop is working. The problem is that if I go to another scene the sounds from all movies play at the same time.I've already added the script SoundMixer.stopAll(); to stop the other movies from playing hen I enter a new scene, so it was not a problem until I added the loop script

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Looping Menu - Go Back To Frame And Play From There So It Would Loop All Until The Button Is Clicked

Apr 10, 2010

I've got an intro for a movie,and a single button appears around frame 58,and I've tried giving it a function so it will skip to fram 478 and play the whole movie from there on:

PlayCompl_btn.onRelease = function() {

but it keeps saying "statement must appear within handler" and I've got the same problem when the movie reaches frame 477 I want it to go back to frame 58 and play from there so it would loop all until the button is clicked:

PlayCompl_btn.onEnterFrame = function() {

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Movie When Boolean Is True Automatically?

Mar 30, 2010

ActionScript Code:
var bustest:Boolean = false;
var balltest:Boolean = false;
var clocktest:Boolean = false;


are set to true later on in the code the reason is I want a movie to load saying well done you have the correct the answer in my quiz once they have got the answer correct(ie. the boolean turns to true)

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