IDE :: Play Multiple Flv's At The Same Time?
Dec 21, 2009
I would like to play two videos (progressive), on top of each other. Nothing serious. But the second video contains multiple counters that has to play synchrone (with other words:simultaneously) with the first video.The second video (which is much smaller than the first) will preload much quicker and thereby starts playing earlier than the other video. Is there a way to start the video's at the same time and play them in progressive mode? (embedding is not an option because of the large filesize)
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Apr 19, 2010
play a number of FLV files at the same time on one SWF? Basically I have a brief to create a video banner with a number of FLVs of people playing at the same time but starting at different points in the videos. My concerns are with loading times, memory consumption and the starting of each FLV at a different point and looping it.
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Apr 19, 2010
Is it feasible to play a number of FLV files at the same time on one SWF? Basically I have a brief to create a video banner with a number of FLVs of people playing at the same time but starting at different points in the videos. My concerns are with loading times, memory consumption and the starting of each FLV at a different point and looping it.
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Nov 10, 2010
I'm creating a video player that have 2 ways of playing the video file. 1st is by streaming. Will play the file directly on each click/ 2nd, is by preloading the video. And only plays it when its fully loaded. But while its preloading, I could still able to click on others video as well to preload the videos and put them on queue for playing.
Currently I'm on the 2nd stage. The problem I'm facing now is it only plays the sound bout not the video. And it overlaps. I'm not sure I have to duplicate the NetConnection or NetStream like how we usually do to duplicate some MovieClip.
ActionScript Code:
public function set newVideo(v:String):void
currentStatus = "play";
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May 29, 2010
I am working with the open source flash player at [URL].. and I am trying to figure out how to limit one sound file at a time. I know this has been done on a number of sites but I am unsure how to approach it.
Scenario: A page has five different instances of the flash player. The user is litening to one song but clicks on another to listen to it.Goal: The first audio file automatically stops while the second starts playing instead of both playing at the same time.
Do I need to have some sort of javascript handler than interacts with the swf or something?
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Mar 12, 2012
I made a game as the same site URL..Anyone knows how to prevent user open and play game on multiple browser windows at a time?I used flash control to embed flash into aspx page and connect to sql server
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Aug 24, 2009
I'm testing Live streaming with FMSS. The stream is pushed to FMSS buy Adobe FMLE software. Streaming works fine until I reach 1300-1400 simultaneous connections.No matter what the encoding ratebit is (150kbps or 2000kbps) the stream is no longer play from time to time (5-8 seconds).
The CPU (2xIntel Quad) is loaded less than 20% and memory used is about 2 GB (there is plenty of memory installed 32G). The OS is RedHat 5.3 64bit platform. Network uplink maximum rate is 4Gbps.I disabled the Queue but the problem still persist.
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May 24, 2010
i use loadmovie() to load youtube videos inside my flash website but when i load another video the old one doesn't stop, so i tried unloadmovie to destroy it but it seems that i did a mistake in my code
This is how the code looks to stop the old one an load the new:
How to do that? use other objects or classes, i only want to edit that code.
Note: I have an empty MOVIE CLIP called "vloader" where i load the video player.
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Jul 14, 2011
I am trying to make a swf with one FLV playback player and 6 buttons. I've got 6 different videofiles that I want to have linked to this swf. Some of the videos are quit large.When starting the Swf, the first video has to start, after playing it, it has to stop. Then you must be able to choose which video to play by clicking one of the buttons. I don't want to have small thumbnails of the video, just plain and simple buttons.I have to have all my files, both fla, swf and xml files in the same directory (I cannot have them stored in different folders, since I have to upload this to a cms system which has limited upload properties).
I've tried to find the right script on the internet, I'm not very good at scripting myselve, actually rather poor educated there.It seems to me that I have to make an xml file with a list of all my videos, I have my default swf ready, with a FLVplayback and buttons.Now there's just the coding part....
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Feb 4, 2010
I am creating a stand alone DVD to be used with Flash player. I am wanting to add different videos that play with different buttons. The following is the code I have for the video to play when the corresponding button is clicked..... My problem is how do I get that video to "leave" and stop playing when another button is pushed to play a different video.
function clickEducators(evtObj:MouseEvent)
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Mar 29, 2004
This thread i speak of is about how to play certain .swf's or MC's during the morning/afternoon/night.
I know for a fact i've seen this thread here before, but i just can't find it. Or if anyone wants to let me know how to accomplish this without the previous thread, that would be great also.
View 6 Replies
Nov 1, 2007
is there a way to drag multiple movieClips at the same time? Flash help explicitly says: Only one movie clip can be dragged at a time. After a startDrag() operation is executed, the movie clip remains draggable until it is explicitly stopped by stopDrag() or until a startDrag() action for another movie clip is called. anyone know of a way to do it anyway? maybe combining them in a dynamic mc or something?
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Jun 21, 2009
Is there a way to pause the playback for a set amount of time then resuming without any interaction from the viewer?
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Jun 26, 2009
I want to play 2 audio in same time is it possible.....
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Sep 15, 2010
I need the movie to play just once (the top header) per user session and then other pages not to restart the same movie from the beginning...At the same time protection against hotlinking should remain. Is it possible to make this without storing the swf file on the user's machine?[code].,,.
View 12 Replies
Nov 10, 2010
How do I make a command saying:
if sound is playing - dont play sound, else, play sound?
so that the sound effect only plays one at a time. So if holding down SPACEBAR for example, the sound will play and only after the sound finishes, can it loop if SPACEBAR is still pressed.
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May 16, 2011
I have two animated SWFs on the same web page and I am trying to get them to play at the same time when only clicking on one of them. How do I make this happen?
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May 17, 2011
How can I stop one SWF file playing when playing another in a HTML page?
I currently have a carousel that displays multiple SWF files and I don't want any overlapping of video or audio. I've been looking into LocalConnection and JavaScript options but with no luck. My SWF files are currently ActionScript 3 and Flash Player 10. I have a large play button on them, with the ActionScript code:
Is there a way to incoporate a "stop the other SWF files playing" in this somehow?
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Jan 21, 2009
I'm having a problem with sounds in AS3. I'm using the following code.
ActionScript Code:
sound = new Sound(new URLRequest("mytrack.mp3"));
channel =;
If i want to skip to a certain location in the track, say 1/2 way through, i then use
ActionScript Code:
channel.stop(); //stops old sound from continuing
sound = new Sound(new URLRequest("mytrack.mp3"));
channel =; // location = time in ms to start from
I've noticed by using loading bars, that in most browsers, if the song has not fully downloaded, it restarts downloading from 0 and then when completely done, plays at the desired point. If the song HAS downloaded, it quickly loads (as if downloading from 0 to complete in about 1/2 second) and then plays from the desired point.
My question: Is there a better way to seek to a position in a song, that would stop this strange behavior?
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Jul 27, 2005
ok does anyone know or can link me to a right tutorial on to set time condition:
if system idle for certain time it wil play certain MC or load certain swf.
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May 8, 2003
i have a about 20 frame animation but what I want to do is to find out is there a way to set a time to play a certain frames i.e when movie starts it plays only 10 frames and then stops for a minute then after 1 minute it continues from frame 10 to frame 20 and then again stops for one minute and it starts over again
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Mar 12, 2004
I know this seems weird but I want upon reaching a certain frame. I want something like this to happen.
that is fine but at the same time I want this to happen also
So basically target 2 movies to play at the same time. But for some reason it is not working for me.
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Jan 23, 2009
Im attempting to open 2 pop up windows from the same _btn (link). Does anybody know the proper java code to acheive this?
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Oct 26, 2006
I have a bunch of MCs that when you click each individual one it will start to move up and down with a yoyo-ing tween. I would like all of the MCs to move up and down at the same time rather than start exactly when you click on them so they are moving at different times.
View 8 Replies
Feb 25, 2010
Picking up on something wvxvw said recently in another thread:[code]you shouldn't start several loading operations concurrently, you should wait for the first loading to complete and then start another loading, otherwise you are risking to get "request timed out".Had me wondering. I recently changed things around in several of my scripts when I found that running multiple loaders would speed my overall time spent loading by a significant amount (often halving the loading time).So I was curious for some more information and opinions on the matter.[code]
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Apr 21, 2009
I have this script that plays a sound from the library randomly - it works and plays one of the three/four sounds each time it is clicked - but how can i make it play a different sound on each and never repeat - does that make sense?
so, on the first click it plays either 1, 2 or 3, chooses 2 so next click it will choose either 1 or 3, chooses 3, and next click it plays 1 and so on.
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Jul 5, 2010
is it possible to play mc in a specific time frame from the outside??
i'm actually making a card matching game and i'm having problem flipping the 1st card back if the cards don't match... i made 2 animation in 1 mc...the first one is to see the behind of the card...and the other one is to turn it back if wrong...
so is there a way that i could play the mc of the first card to frame 30 when clicking the 2nd card and they don't match??
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Jun 14, 2011
I have a one page web site with 5 links to pseudo pages, so my problem is that on every part of the web site the swf files start playing. (Of course I understand that I can set the first one to play and the others to stop mode, but that doesn't solve the problem) What I try do do is this: *When the web site starts only the first pseudo page let the swf play. *When clicking a link to an other pseudo page that particular movie on the linked page starts playing. *All other swf movies don't play.
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Jul 22, 2011
Having trouble figuring out the logic for this, I have an enter frame event that I move a character around trying to select correct numbers, using hit test. If they land on wrong number I have a sound that should play once but since is in enter frame it plays a million times, this seems like should be a common issue but haven't been able to find any solution on the internets. This is the basic idea:
private function enterFrameHandler(event:Event):void
if ( Collision(_player, _number )
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Aug 29, 2011
I am trying to make an animation that will pause and start again after a certain time. The problem is I don't have any experience with Actionscript (or programming of any sort for that matter)..I found this link that appears to explain how it's done, but I can't seem to replicate it. I'm not even sure which version of Actionscript this is.. [URL]
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