ActionScript 3.0 :: Preloading Multiple Flv, And Play One At A Time On Each Click?

Nov 10, 2010

I'm creating a video player that have 2 ways of playing the video file. 1st is by streaming. Will play the file directly on each click/ 2nd, is by preloading the video. And only plays it when its fully loaded. But while its preloading, I could still able to click on others video as well to preload the videos and put them on queue for playing.

Currently I'm on the 2nd stage. The problem I'm facing now is it only plays the sound bout not the video. And it overlaps. I'm not sure I have to duplicate the NetConnection or NetStream like how we usually do to duplicate some MovieClip.

ActionScript Code:
public function set newVideo(v:String):void
currentStatus = "play";


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package mvc
import flash.display.*;


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//will be adding new video when this function is called
public function set newVideo():void


I tried to load all the metadata at once, but seems like it needs the video to be play only it will manage to get the metadata.

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Oct 24, 2011

I have two swf files that I exported from After Effects. They are both fairly large (1.7mb and 2.6mb) so I decided to load them into my main fla externally. This works fine but the playback is a little choppy. I tried creating a separate preloader.fla that will play my main movie once it is loaded. This doesn't work though since my main movie is only 4kb (since all the swfs are externally loaded). With me so far?

So then I created a regular preloader inside my main fla. Here is my code:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloading Multiple Mp3's Using A Looping Array?

Jun 9, 2005

I am preloading multiple mp3's dynamically using a looping array and it is working very well. However, I would like to display the percetage of the last mp3 loaded by the array.Does anyone know how I would modify the code to do this:

var my_array:Array = new Array();
my_array[0] = "Audio/audio_1.mp3";


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ActionScript 2.0 :: PreLoading Multiple Images Using Array?

Apr 25, 2006

I want to be able to preload images from all way thru to using an array i thought would be best but am having trouble getting it to work, i want it to load one image then load next then when it has finished to gotoandplay my main movie.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Preloading Of Multiple Images?

May 12, 2003

Scratch.prototype.loadImages = function() {
for(i = 1; i <= 6; i++) {
tempObj= _root.mcContainer["mcBox" + i].mcPhotoContainer;


As you can see, I'm dynamically loading 6 images into 6 boxes (containers). What I'm trying to make is preloader that shows the loading-status of all six images. So I need the totals (total filesize of the 6 images, and the total amount of loaded bytes)... But it doesn't seem to work this way

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloading Multiple External Swf Files?

Apr 19, 2007

I'm working in Flash MX

I made a site completly in flash.

But to lower file size I made the each section a different swf file

when you click a link you will have to wait for that section to load, it would be good if peoples can see the loading progress while they r waiting.

And i hav added a preloader in each of the external swf file.. and then i realise that if i wanna change or modify the preloader, i will have to change all the preloader too.. this is really kicking axx..

is there a way where on the main page there is only 1 preloader needed to show all the external swf files loading progress? i am using an empty mc as container to load thoose external swf files..

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