IDE :: Increase The Spawn Count Slowly Over Time?

Apr 13, 2010

Im creating a Game and Watch style game. Now with these games the enemies/obstacles spawn slowly at first then increase their amount over time.

I have created a function to spawn the enemy movie clips until a number of clips have spawned, they then move along their Class keyframes until they are either killed or game over.

how I can increase the spawn count slowly over time? I�d also like to randomize the spawn of certain enemies, how can i do that? Do i make for if conditions?

Here is my spawn and move code.


// ============ ENEMY SPAWNER
function spawnEnemy():void {
var chance:int=Math.floor(Math.random()*8);
var newEnemy:MovieClip;


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Apr 21, 2010

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__________________________________________________ ____________
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//en trace variabel til hover state. Fjern da ogs� variablen de steder den benyttes.
var hover:Boolean;


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//Create your Date() object
var endDate:Date = new Date(2010,5,15);
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[Code] .....

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- ||||| +

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var count:Number = 0;
var maxNum:Number = 1250;
var num:Number = 1;
this.createTextField("txt", this.getNextHighestDepth(), 0, 0, 100, 50);


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Is it possible to make a count up timer (from a specific date, birthday for exemple) from the count down timer ?

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If not, do somebody know a count up timer (.fla) that I can use ?

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How To Randomly Spawn 3 Out Of 10 Questions From Library

Feb 12, 2010

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var defValue:Number = 1;
stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, vetIkke);
function vetIkke(e:Event
[Code] .....

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var Question:MovieClip = new randomQ();
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