Professional :: Button Get_url Only Worked After The First Loop?

May 31, 2010

I created a new layer, draw a rectangle, converted it to button, made its alpha to 0 and then added a snippet to go to the url. But when it played, the action only worked after the first loop had finished. It didn't work at the beginning.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Radio Button Code That Once Worked, No Longer Working?

Jul 21, 2010

I had a forum up a few months ago, and got help getting radio buttons to work with a continue button, causing the movie to gotoAndStop at a particular frame. (This is all being done on the main timeline).Everything was working fine, now, I keep trying to do it again, but regardless of which button I click, it only goes to frame 2 where the Novice radio button is supposed to go.I think the problem is in the line of code that reads:varframeNumber=2+Number( know it is set to only go to the novice area, but my understanding was that since these were radio buttons, any button clicked would work, and I only needed to type in one of the unique instance names

Here is the code:


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Professional :: Flash Player 10.1 Breaking Apps That Worked Fine In 10?

Jun 29, 2010

This slideshow used to work fine, until you install 10.1. I run it in the Flash CS4 and CS5 IDEs and it works fine. Does the Flash CS5 IDE use the 10.1 player? If not, how can I make it?

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Professional :: Rollover Button And Loop Frames In Different SWF File

Feb 20, 2010

I have two buttons and an swf file (a movie I created in After Effects). I want to do the following:

-When the page loads I would like the swf file (the TV) the stay frozen on frame 1 (the picture of the child's face).
-When the mouse is rolled-over the "Home" button, I want the swf file (the TV) to play frames 2-59, and loop on these frames until the mouse is rolled-off the "Home" button.
-When the mouse rolls off of the "Home" button I want the swf file (the TV) to instantly go back to frame 1 and stay on frame 1 until the mouse rollsover another button.

If the mouse rolls over the "Products" button, I want the TV to loop frames 60-109, and again instantly go back to frame 1 when the mouse is rolled-off the "Products" button. I will use these buttons as a template, copy and paste them, so that I can easily make different segments of the TV play when different buttons are rolled-over. Please take a look at the fla file [URL]. The fla file is a little large (about 23 megs).

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Professional :: Loop Button Is Unchecked In Dreamweaver Parameters?

Oct 12, 2010

I have created a Flash movie which, when previewed in Flash works perfectly. Flash CS4.I have put this code in at the start:
mysitebtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onMouseClick);  function onMouseClick(e:MouseEvent):void  {  var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest('http://www.example/home.html');  navigateToURL(request,'_self');  }
 navigateToURL (new URLRequest('http://www.example.html'), '_self');
and a Stop() action on at the end.
Publish with "Loop" in HTML tab is unchecked.
The Loop button is unchecked in Dreamweaver Parameters.

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AS3 :: Getting My Inheritance Variables Worked Out?

Mar 16, 2009

I'm having trouble getting my inheritance variables worked out. In 'plain English', this is what I want:

base class enemy:
{variable HP;
if(HP<=0){remove instance}[code].....

But when I try to do this, it just gives me some error either about conflicting namespace or about the variable not being defined. I've done stuff like this before in GM and Python, but I don't understand how it's supposed to be done in AS3.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Fla File Which Actually Worked On Flash5?

Nov 3, 2003

I've got a very basic fla file which actually worked on flash5 but it's no more working with flashmx 2004. A movie clip move from a position , let say A, to B, then to C.

I insert a stop(); action on B, so the movie stop. Inside the movie entitie I insert a button with the command play() (I have also try or expected that the movie continue playing from B to C but it does nothing..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Has Anyone Worked With Five3D Video3D Class

Aug 22, 2009

Has anyone worked with the five3D video3D class.I have started to work with it but when I put a video on the stage and then remove it and add another video the new video is been created to the old videos width and height. Its the strangest thing and I can't seem to find the answer to why this would happen.I first thought it might be a memory issue but I have nulled all the references and its still not working correctly.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Text Fields Worked Fine Under CS4?

Jan 3, 2012

So I picked up a project after some time of being away from it. The text fields worked fine under CS4, but under my new windows install and with CS5 the text fields turn blank when I try to change them. Everything else seems to work. I tried embedding the font with the embed button, but that didn't do anything.The text that it starts off with is there on the screen, but when I change it with something like: tEnemyPieces.text = "blah blah blah";the field turns blank.If I trace tEnemyPieces.text it will trace as "blah blah blah". But the text will not show on the screen.

View 5 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: Install Newsticker And It Worked Perfect

Jan 25, 2007

I tried to install the newsticker and it worked perfect. I still have a problem: there is no way to use the accent they just get ignore. I also tried to code them in html in the xml file but it didn't work.

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Professional :: If You Create An Animation Can You Loop The Last Frames Of That Animation If A Button Is Held Down?

Dec 6, 2011

ok lets say you create a button that when held down play an animation of 20 frames if realsed it goes to frame one and stops if held down it plays out this animation. for the topic lets say you have a fire animation and you want the fire to apear and if the user hold its down the animation reaches the end of the time line and loops back and plays the last 5 frames of the animation and as soon as it is let go it goes to and stops at frame one. Well i know how to make a button that when held down plays out an animation. And i know how to say when released goes to and stops at frame one. What i dont know how to do is to loop the fire at the last 5 or 6 frames so the user can hold it down all day long and play out that animation.

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Flex - Embed Pure Bitmap Assets With Flex4 (worked With Flex3)

Apr 19, 2010

In Flex3, I could compile pure as3 code and use "embed" tags to load in images. This was done by Flex making a BitmapAsset class.I can still do this in Flex4.

However, there was a trick to fakeout flex3 and use my own mx.core.BitmapAsset class to remove some of the extraneous stuff Flex's BitmapAsset brings in with it. This is described here: [URL]..Unfortunately, I cannot get these tricks to work with Flex4 and get smaller file sizes. I end up with the error "VerifyError: Error #1014: Class mx.core::BitmapAsset could not be found."[URL]..Following this advice, I add -static-link-runtime-shared-libraries=true, and my swf loads without an error... but this means I am loading in the pieces of the flex framework I wanted to omit (and the file size says so too).

Is there a better way to fake out flex4 when it comes to using Embed?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Script Worked Perfectly With Previous Word 'About' Which Was Changed To 'Animations'?

Nov 5, 2009

Just started learning AS, and have modified some code from a tutorial to put a couple of basic pages together. Each page apart from the loading screen consists of 4 buttons linking to 4 different pages.I have so far changed one word in the code, relating to one navigational button, and as far as I can tell, all the corresponding code, and the Properties and parameters inspectors. The error is apparently a "duplicate function definition" of all the functions in frame 2.Strange how the script worked perfectly with the previous word "About", which was changed to "Animations".The preview of the site just flicks through each page without stopping.[code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stop Sound Loop From One Button By Clicking New Button?

May 22, 2011

I want to stop the sound loop from one button by clicking new button. Does anyone know the code that would stop one button's sound from looping by just clicking another button (for another sound)?So you have these buttons:button 1 button 2 button 3 button 4and after clicking "button 1" a sound loops. when i click "button 2" i want the sound from "button 1' to stop.

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Professional :: How To Loop FLV Video

Mar 15, 2010


- I imported an AVI video clip to Flash converting it to FLV

- I published the project

- I put the files on my web server

- It automatically starts playing when you go to the web page

Question:How do I make the clip loop?


But I can't find their download sample And, they say click on Frame-1 and press F9 then put code snippit in after line 7 But, I see no Action Script when I click on Frame 1 and press F9... a window opens but no code appears...just a long menu on the left.

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Professional :: How To Loop This File

May 20, 2010

I recently modified a single page website for a family member (for fun). The family member had someone make a flash object a year ago at the very top of the page that cycles through a few different colors on the hair--the page can be viewed here [URL] She has asked me to see how to make it so the hair cycles through the colors continuously instead of just once--is this possible?

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Professional :: Loop FLV Video For Web?

Oct 15, 2010

I have an fla file exported from After Effects that I am trying to get ready for a website so it loops continuously and is web ready.
- Clip needs to be rasterized and not vectorized (hence the flv format)

- Dimensions are 1400 by 514

- No Interactivity, just a simple looping 4 second clip

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Professional :: No Loop In Swf Array?

Jan 20, 2011

I have this flash movie I've been working on for awhile. I've received in these forums. I have my file set to load an array of swfs.  Now, though, I'm wondering how to keep it from looping.  At the end of the last swf, I want the movie to go to the last swf and then just stop.  Here is my code:


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Professional :: SWF Constant Loop?

Dec 3, 2011

I made an SWF animation with classic tweens and which works inside the current project.ut when published as SWF, importing into another flash project... it does a constant loop.

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Button To Have Movie Clip Loop?

Feb 6, 2010

So I have created a button and am trying to program the button to start my movie clip of a metronome. I am able to have the movie clip not going, but when I press my start button, the move does one click and does not loopAlso, how do you change the "label" of a button. I have changed it to "start" on the stage and it shows up like that on the screen, but when I view the final scene the button's text says "label"

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Loop Until The User Clicks A Button?

Jun 7, 2009

I'm converting some old Director/Shockwave animations to Flash, and I'm setting up a navigation system. I have a simple animation that runs from from 1 to frame 110, and I'd like it to loop until the user clicks a button. The timeline goes on beyond frame 110 with other stuff. In an "actions" layer in frame 110, I have the following
I thought that this would lead to the looping, but it doesn't. The movie just moves on beyond frame 110. Just as a test, I put the following at frame 110 instead.
and when I test the movie, it doesn't stop. The commands don't seem to be seen.

View 12 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: MC Button Loop Won't OnRelease?

Sep 1, 2005

I have a loop to create clip buttons w/jpg images on face && load same jpgs into main viewer clip. Problem is, the mc buttons won't respond to onRelease.

var mc = "mc"+i; // button mc clip names


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Target Button In A Loop?

Jun 27, 2007

I have the below code which attaches a movieclip "btn1" to another movie clip within this loop I wish to setup up different functions for each different button but it only lets me set them up for the last one in the line of buttons. How to I target each button seperatly by using a string and then the value of miniLoop? i.e



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ActionScript 2.0 :: Next/prev Button In A Loop?

Oct 6, 2007

for (j=0; j<70; j++) {
var links = thumbsss.attachMovie("pt"+String(j), "pth"+String(j), j);
posX = xIni+ln*int(j%18)-70;


i'm trying to create next/previous buttons for externally loading movies. it works ok except a situation that when i load some movie first then i click the next button, it loads the same movie, when i clicked 2nd time it loads the next movie..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get Button Number Via For Loop

Oct 7, 2008

I have thumbnails(jpg) which are stored into an array after beign extracted thru xml.All the button are name as their are attached to the stage via a foor loop inside an empty movieclip. The for loop used to attached the thumbs is also used to name...for eg: thumb+(i+1) etc... I then use another for loop inside a function to apply the onRelease state on them as i dont wanna write each state of each button 200 times or more.It works fine but i need to get the number of each thumb to populate different variables which are gonna be later used.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Add Button Actions In Loop?

Apr 18, 2009

I'm trying to add button actions in a loop.

In the scene i have one empty movie clip.The loop code in this MC clip looks like this [code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Button Does Not Get Included In The Tab Loop?

May 3, 2010

I am building an application where I want to be able to tab through some custom buttons (sprites with mouse event handlers). This is working in the main UI, but when I load an external swf with a button in it, the button does not get included in the tab loop. I can give the button focus via the arrow keys, but not with tab.

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Professional :: Disapearing Text Loop?

Jun 5, 2010

So i'm making a flash text timeline animation that should loop goes continuesly but once its finished it disapears and goes back to frame there any as or way to stop the text from disapearing and have that nice flow of scrolling text?

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Professional :: Animation To Loop Every 5 Sec. Interval?

Jun 20, 2010

I have a logo which animates one time and stops. What I would like is, it should loop every 5 seconds interval. The following is the action scipt 3 written in the flash document.
var l:Loader=new Loader();addChild(l);
l.load(new URLRequest("MyLogo.swf"));l.x = 100;l.y = 100;
l.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.INIT, growLoader);


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Professional :: HitTestObject Causing Loop?

Jul 15, 2010

Im using hitTestObject to start a mc playing, but it continues to loop even though there is a stop(); on its last frame.


The mc "rolly" is the one being looped.  Its animation is within itself (hope that makes sense) it is not looping the main timeline.

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