Professional :: Button That Closes The Player On Click?

Mar 8, 2010

Today, I put a video into my website, the only problem is that I'd like to give it a close button (that would close the player, or make it invisible). How could I do that?

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Oct 12, 2011

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i ask for patience I will summarize as briefly as possible Imagine an animated presentation, interactive and extensive, with multiple ways or different possibilities The method I'm using is to divide in several different SWFs, otherwise it would be ridiculously heavy.But  there lies the problem: When I want to load another SWF, it ends up  overwriting the original and will become increasingly slow and overloaded, because  it will consume too much memory and frames per second decreasing  each new SWF loaded ..I wonder if there is any method to unload the SWF itself by button and go to the next OuvirLer foneticamente

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May 3, 2010

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myButton_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, buttonIsClicked); [code]....

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Professional :: Immediate Need Is To Take External Swf / Add Invisible Button Overlay / Click To URL

May 14, 2010

I am trying to close on as I am attempting to get this incorporated into my website. It came with the recommendation to try the CS5 today to see if this will meet the requirement at the moment.There is a desire to take custom SWF files (I think there is something called Swish files too?) from various sponsors for advertisement purposes and place them on my website.The implementation was straight-forward to make them work through the webserver.I tried a custom example of making a button that upon mouse click would open up a new webpage in CS5 which did work for me.My problem is since the SWF files are finalized, there is no way to put URL information into those files.After doing a lot of searching around today, it appears that the best way to redirect a user upon click of a video is to:
1) Open up a new Flash
2) Import the SWF video file into the project
3) Create a Invisible Button over top the SWF video so when the user clicks, they are redirected to a specific URL.
But for some reason, when I tried to overlay it with a sample SWF file I imported, there was all this flickering going on to where both were made transparent to one another on the screen not to mention the video wasn't even visible at all.My hope was that the SWF video could be seen clearly while the button remained invisbile to handle the click on the video.Is there someone on the forum that is able to guide me fairly quickly with a fast-path procedure so that I can try this?

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May 11, 2011

In my following code "Btn.onRelease" doesn't work after "LoadImg()" was call, How can I solve this, because I want to detect a click on Btn once the new picture was loaded.

Here is my code :
var mcLoader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
function LoadImg() {mcLoader.loadClip("images/p0.jpg", Btn);
Btn.onRelease = function(){trace("onRelease");

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Nov 29, 2010

With the aid of Dreamweaver CS4 I've manged to create a temp 'under construction website'. This website has a fullscreen .swf looping in the background.
I have made 4 of these very short looping .swf files.Is it possible, by adding one simple button on the screen, for the user click and the next .swf background starts playing? So basically this button acts a 'next' button, and each times it's clicked the next .swf starts to play.
Ps: check out the source code. The flash background code starts from '<!-- flash background -->'. 

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Professional :: Simple Image Gallery To Load When Click A Button

May 10, 2011

I need a simple image gallery to load when you click a button.  I've tried shadowbox but have had absolutely zero luck. I'm not sure how to load it from a flash file and I know there is work that has to be done outside of flash like in the root folder. All I need is  for a simple image gallery, nothing fancy, to open when I hit a button. how to use shadowbox in lamens terms or knows how to easily script a gallery that would be amazing.

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Professional :: Link Audio To Button To Make It Play And Stop On Click?

Mar 2, 2010

I am trying to connect audio to the button so when I click on the button music it starts playing and when clicked again music stops.

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Professional :: Flash Player 11.3 - Button Cursors Do Not Work Server Side

Oct 13, 2011

I have Flash CS5.5 I just uploaded an swf with a few button instances I got the msg that I needed to update my Flash player so I did. After that when I went to test the swf I get no button cursors on any buttons in the swf. The buttons work when I press on them but there is no cursor. If I publish the file locally the cursors are there, I made a few different fla's with test buttons to make sure and they all do the same thing. The publishing settings are set for 10.2 , this seems to have happened once I got the new Flash player 11.3.

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Professional :: Loading CSV Works On Enter Frame But On Button Click Text Disappears

Nov 17, 2010

I have a files that is loading and parsing a huge amount of data from a csv file and creating and plotting a graph using the data.  All is well if I have the file loaded on the first frame of the movie.  But if I pass in the URL by entering the file name in a text input field and clicking a button.  The X and Y axis values disappear as do intermittent notes placed above the bar graph.  I still see the x and y axis and it's hash marks and the bar graph (shapes)  but all of the text is gone.

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