Professional :: CS4 - Masked Text Disappears When Published?

Apr 7, 2011

I have a simple static text MovieClip that is masked in the timeline the traditional way - layer above the text layer has a rectangle and that layer is set to mask. This looks fine in the timeline while authoring. As soon as I publish it as Flash 9, the text disappears

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LOL in a happy, rare accident, I discovered the answer myself. Page 432 of the Flash 8 Actionscript Bible says, "Aside from just allowing text to look the way you want it to look, embedded fonts actually enable your Textfield objects to do some things they wouldn't otherwise do. For example ... a TextField object that uses device fonts (nonembedded fonts) cannot be rotated nor can you change the alpha. But once you embed the font, you can do both of these things."

How: (for dynamic or input text objects) clicking the Embed button in the Property inspector.Note, this will increase the size of your swf. Just embedding the lowercase and uppercase letters from a-z of one font increased the swf filesize from 3-9KB.

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targ.getChildAt(2).text = "back"

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Dynamic Text Not Showing Up When Published?

Feb 11, 2009

Dynamic Text in Flash ActionScript 2.0 not showing when published

When published all else shows up except the dynamic text. The properties have been set on "Bitmap Text (no anti-alias)" and fonts not seemingly embedded..

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Jan 8, 2010

I have been using CS4 for about a week, getting used to it from CS3. I just noticed that I published a file in Flash Player 10 and do not see an AC Run file in the folder yet the swf displays.I uploaded to my server and it still display?

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May 22, 2010

I produced an ActionScript 3.0, Flash Player 10 swf in a newly downloaded CS5 (trial version). The file loads fine in both Chrome and Safari on my computer. But when I open it on another machine I only get five animated dots - ..... - in a "wait while loading" manner. The swf never starts. Same on my brother's computer.
My browser has Flash Player 10,1,52,14 installed along with CS5 (swf works). My other computer claims to have Flash Player 10,1,53,38 installed (swf doesn't work). My brother's computer has Flash Player 10,0,45,2 (swf doesn't work).I've tried various publish configs such as on/off xml meta data, on/off hidden layers, embed minimal or more of my font etc.When I configure for ActionScript 2.0 and/or Flash Player 9 my animation breaks totally.

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