Professional :: Flash 10h.ocx  Playing Havoc With Vb6 App?

Jun 28, 2010

I've seen a few posts in relation to the latest 10h update generating System Error &H80004005 (-2147467259) issues with embedding/using the ocx in vb6 projects and I'm having the same problems.I know the uninstall then 10e install works, but this is not good.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Suddenly Project Went Havoc And Stopped Working By Itself

Mar 21, 2006

url...My first and current flash project is located at url...In the background is a XML-based slideshow. In addition to the pictures being loaded, each of these pictures have one or two words associated to it.The word is supposed to fade in, stay for a second or two, then move and fade out. All this works fine locally, and it was working fine on the internet until one day.Someone mentioned that I shouldnt use setInterval etc. but im really stuck here. Doesnt help that im totally green on flash either.

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Professional :: Playing Scenes In Test Movie Animations Stop Playing?

Dec 4, 2011

I am using AS2 in CS5.5.I am creating a project for a class that introduced me to adobe flash.  The issue is I have gotten to a certain point about 15 scenes.  During say the 15th scene scrolling through the timeline animations works fine, playing it on test scene works fine.  When I go to play it on test movie it stops at a certain point.  At first I thought it might have been a misplaced stop action but there is none to be found.  The weird part is every other scene I create after that continues to freeze as well, the images are there, but the animations won't play.  All my previous animations play before those with the issue, it's justThese new ones won't play for some reason in test movie, but work completely fine in test scene and the timeline.

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Professional :: Stop A Sound From Playing If It Is Playing Already

Dec 6, 2011

ok so i have a button that plays an animation for fire when held down. and when realsed goes to and stops and frame one. when it reaches the end of the time line it goes to and plays at frame 10 and goes back to the end of the timeline. I have a sound for the fire animation that plays for the effect. The problem is the sound keeps going untill its over even if the button isnt held down. and when the playhead reaches the end of the timeline it goes to and plays and frame 10 and it replays the sound. if i hold it down it will just keep playing the sound over and over from start to finish. what i want it to do it when i hold the button down i want it to play the sound and when released it stops the sound where ever it is at. I also dont the sound to play again if there is a sound already going to stop it from playing 20 sounds at one time it gets loud and you need asprin after about 5 seconds of that.

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Professional :: Playing AS2 SWF File In Flash CS4

Feb 23, 2010

How adobe plays the AS2 SWF file so beautifully, including being able to go to next frame or prev frame or zoom functions? I have tried many different ways to play an AS2 SWF in my flex (AS3) SWF loader and it is a very difficult problem. I use a AS2 Shell as a proxy and I use local connection to communicate between the two AVMs. The result is quite a horrible one because, I am not able to scale the swf very well and also have a torrid time with the debugger. Any special methods used by Adobe to achieve that in CS4 Flash or do they also use LocalConnection to play the AS2?

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Professional :: Flash Crashes After Playing MP3 File

Feb 2, 2010

I use Hikari a C++ library which allow to display flash control in a texture for the Ogre 3D Engine. I have a flash control which play a sound (.mp3) when I set a param (param = 0 with arg = 1022). The string I sent to raw_CallFunction() is:
"<invoke name="SetParam" returntype="xml"><arguments><string>0</string><string>1022.000000</st ring></arguments></invoke>"

It works very well. But when I close the application, it crashes, even if the sound of the .mp3 is finished. It crashes only is an .mp3 sound have been played (all other setparams and getparams do not crash the application). I have the same problem with different flashes, and with different sounds. I don't think the source of the problem come from the Hikari library, but I think it come from the way i close the flash control. Is there something to do when I close the application after having played an mp3 in a flash control? A function to call?

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Professional :: Playing Flash On Remote Server?

May 29, 2010

I have been using flash for years deploying video for the web.For the life of me I cannot get my .FLV file to import into Flash from my URL.It's already on the server here is the address.I've always used this method.The only thing that is different is I'm now using GoDaddy to host my site instead of 1and1. http:[url]...........I do have the .F4V locally on my machine but I've never been able to get that to play from the remote server... meaning-

I import .F4V file locally into flash.I create a .swf file and place that in the same folder as the.f4v.I use GoLive to make my webpages.I create my webpage and import my .swf and .flv into the html webpage. It plays great locally on my machine.When I upload everything uploads. When I check it all out online, I get no video.

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Professional :: Requirements For Playing Flash Exe File?

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IDE :: Installed Adobe Flash Professional CS5 Now SWF Not Playing

Dec 20, 2010

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Professional :: Flash Player Stuck Playing Only 1 Video?

Mar 17, 2010

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Professional :: Windows 7 And Playing Flash In Full Screen?

Aug 9, 2010

am trying to figure out how to fix a problem. I have my computer hooked  upto the television to watch shows and movies. However playing flash  related content always freezes when in full screen mode. This includes if something is playing or if the movie has ended and the player is staying in full screen mode.I  have tried on IE8, Firefox and Safari. It happens at random times and on all flash video players

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Professional :: Flash Plugin Stops Playing When Hidden Or On Different Tab?

Jan 14, 2011

I've noticed (a few months ago, actually) that in most browsers I use  to test my application (Firefox, chrome and explorer) the flash plug in,  while playing it's content, will stop, or freeze, when the actual plug in  playback window is out of the window (due to scrolling, or switching  tabs), or covered by another window (a different browser or program  window that will cover the visible area of the player), which is  something good, and nice, when you think about web pages full of  commercials slowing down your browser and computer in general, but what  happens when you a games programmer, who work with multiplayer games, on  games which are mostly turn based? If one of my players switches  tabs, open a new window over the browser, or god forbids, scroll down  the page, the game is essentially stopped, since no events occur on that  players side of the game!! And this does not effect just simple  frame based animation, but everything, onEnterFrame events stop,  setInterval stops... the only thing that I could find that does not stop  when this happens is a setInterval action done in a different swf,  which is loaded to a different level of my game file.

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Professional :: Video In Flash Presentation Isn't Playing Ball

Feb 16, 2011

I am creating a flash presentation for something that I'm doing at university on Friday, and the video is the only thing in the presentation that isn't working.The presentation I have some words, music and video and the words and music are playing fine (but the music and video are on the FLVPlayback thing so I think that's causing a problem, but I can't see how I can separate them) and the video comes into play.When I put the actionscript - stop() - at one bit of the presentation, nothing plays afterwards, and I'm wanting the whole thing to stop at the end of the music, and when a line of the presentation to come up (which is the last line) and then the video is just the one thing that is playing, along with this line which is stationary under the video.I've used Flash before, but not with sound or video as I had no call for it, but now I do its not working.

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Professional :: Flash - Animation With Stream Sound Not Playing In Mac?

Jul 29, 2011

I have made a 5 min animation with stream sound. Its playing perfectly in PC. But in mac, its not playing. Stream sound starts from frame 60. So mac plays the swf plays till 60 frame, after that it pauses. I tried importing different sound format (wav, aif, mp3) and tried with all sound export setting but the problem remain same; its playing only till 60.When i removed the sound, it played till end. Even with event sound, it plays till end. But with stream sound, the problem. The problem is only in mac; in pc its perfect.I am using VMware Mac OS x leopard in window xp for testing purpose.

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Flash :: Professional - Adobe Player Crashing While Playing On A Game

Aug 26, 2010

After installing the latest version of flash (10.1 I think) it keeps crashing while playing on a game that requires it. I have uninstalled and reinstalled and it just keeps happening.

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Professional :: Get Flash To Stop Playing Audio When Previewing While Working?

Nov 25, 2011

For a class project I have to make kinetic typography and so I need text to go along with some audio from a movie (in Flash). Every time I press enter to preview what I've done and what I have to do next, the audio starts and doesn't stop till it's done and this is a little over a minute long, and it's really annoying. If I don't start from the first keyframe, I can't even hear the audio, it doesn't play if I play from the middle. How do I press enter to play and have it stop when I press enter again? I can load the swf by CTRL+ENTER but then I can't see what frame I'm on and what frame I want. :|

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Mar 16, 2012

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ActionScript 3.0 :: VIDEO Stops Playing, Continue Playing Flash Movie?

Aug 7, 2009

I am loading an external SWF file into my main timeline. The external SWF file contains an FLV video. At a certain point in my main timeline, the SWF file loads and plays the video. Is there a way to say...

If the VIDEO (FLV) is done playing, gotoAndPlay(X)?

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Professional :: Swf Video Not Playing?

Jan 19, 2010

I created a video player (flvplayer component) and have one video as the source.  I've had CS4 create the html and embed the video.  Locally the video plays fine, however once loaded on the server the player's skin and button show up but not the video.  The service provider said that they allow flash and have the MI

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Professional :: Video Not Playing On .swf?

Jun 21, 2010

I imported a video to my FLA (cs4), and added a playhead. On my local machine the video plays fine , but when emailed to someone to test, the page with the video displays only a blank spot. Also , on my local, I have a home page, and link for video, when I do click to videos, that works, but if I click home button I made, the video sounds keeps playing. I guess making the video display would be first priority, then the make it stop when not on the page containing it would be 2nd,

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Professional :: FLV File Not Playing?

Sep 8, 2010

I am using Dreamweaver CS$ version 10 and have embedded a flash video on a web page but it is not playing/showingwhen I put it on a test page it works, but not when I place it in my production page.

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Professional :: Flv Not Playing Automatically?

Mar 1, 2011

I have an .flv file that I was able to extract from a YouTube video. The video belongs to a friend and she wants it on her site without the YouTube wrapper it now has.  I want to put it on her website and have it play automatically when the page opens.  I cannot get this to work. I can get a link to show and when I click on it, it prompts me to save it or play in media-player or such.  Then it will download and start to play.What I'd like is for the page to just start playing the file when the page opens.
I've seen sites where a .flv file is hosted and when going to the page, the video just plays.  I've never worked with these files before.  I have worked with Flash some and created .swf files for the web.  Never, just a .flv file.

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Professional :: Playing A FLV Video?

Nov 28, 2011

I'm using Flash CS4.I just dropped an FLV file into my document and tested it.What asctionscript can I use to get it to not autoplay?Instead I would like to place the words "Click Here to play video" on top of the video so that when the user clicks on the text the video then begins to play.

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Professional :: Exporting Exe And App - App Not Playing On A Mac?

Dec 2, 2011

My Flash Pro version: CS5. My Mac version: Mac OS X Lion 10.7.2 (11C74)

Problem: I created a flash app (simple 1 screen with text that links to pdf(s) nothing fancy) When published as a .exe and .app.  The .exe works but the .app does not.  The Flash player icon just bouces in the Mac dock.

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Professional :: SWF Not Playing In Browser?

Jan 24, 2012

I have created a short (6 seconds) SWF movie with Adobe Flash Professional CS5 that I would ultimately like to show in the header of my siteWhen I double click the SWF file on my desktop it works just fine. When I upload it to my website (or any other SWF host for that matter) and click the absolute URL it does not play (in any browser).I suspect that the file isn't ready for web publishing. Essentially, during the creation of the SWF file, I did the following:Made a short movie in Adobe Premiere CS5 which I saved as f4vI used the Import Wizard in Adobe Flash CS5 to import the f4vExported the movie as SWFThis results in a stand-alone SWF which works fine when double-clicked on the desktop, but not in any browser once uploaded.Alternatively, instead of exporting I have tried to publish the file, which doesn't allow for the SWF file to play in a browser either

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Professional :: Playing FLV Files Sequentially?

Jan 29, 2010

I have three flv files that I need to play sequentially, one right after the other in the same location (box) in an html document. I have segmented the video because of it's size. Does any one know how I would make this happen or where I can find some sort of tutorial that can assist me with this? I also have another project in which I have 4 animations that I want to play in sequence but they are in different locations on the web page.

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Professional :: Playing An Animation Then Stopping?

Jun 9, 2010

i have a graphic that basically is set to pivot onto the screen using a motion tween. my problem is once the animation plays the graphic disappears whereas i would like it to remain on screen and displaying its last frame

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Professional :: Swf File Not Playing In Browser?

Feb 22, 2011

I have a problem with a swf file which will not play in web browser.It played fine until I updated my site.I tried typing the absolute path to the swf file in the browser address bar and found it straight away. When I clicked on it the screen stayed blank.I checked the path to the file and the flv file was relative to the document and not the site.

swf plays fine in flash player, flash, and locally on dreamweaver.I moved the swf up the file tree and changed the links accordingly but still would not play.I also tried saving it as a new swf from flash, but that doesn't play either.I added another swf to the containing folder and that played fine in the browser.When I open the fla file in flash it only shows a flv playback movie, not the elements, I think this is because it was created in after effects.Here is the link to the containing folder, the swf file is Home_page_movie_V2.swf

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Professional :: Several FLV Files And Pause While Playing?

Aug 4, 2011

I've made several FLV files and they all pause while playing. A 3 minute video 640x360, 37MB will pause 4 times. If I open the page and let it sit about 3 minutes before playing the video, then it will play smoothly but since no one will ever do that I must resolve the issue. Also, once it plays all the way through, then it will play smoothly, but again, I need it to play smoothly the first time someone clicks on it.[URL]..

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Professional :: Play Another Tween After The First One Is Done Playing?

Aug 25, 2011

I create some tweens in as3, but I want another tween to start only after this one is done playing, how to write that part of code in as?

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