Professional :: How To Play Flash SWF On PSP

Nov 28, 2011

I have a swf file that I need to convert to my PSP. I have looked on the internet and found many programs but they are all trial and you must purchase to fully complete the conversion.I only need this for a one-time presentation, thus I do not desire to go out and buy a program.

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The code is:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">


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Mar 27, 2010

I have inserted services.flv into [URL]. I am using Dreamweaver CS4, and all dependent files, including the  flash video are present:

I am able to successfully use the "Live  View" function within CS4.  I am also able to successfully preview  within IE and Firefox.  I've put all files in the appropriate location  on the remote server.  All files are in my /wwwroot/, except the two  files that are in the Script folder, which is in my root.  My domain  host claims flv files are supported, and Adobe technical support  eperiences the same behavior as I, they can play locally, but not  remotely.  Adobe technical support claims the cause of the problem is  the remote server.

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<script  type="text/javascript"><!--swfobject.registerObject("FlashID");//--></script>
to  this script:  <script type="text/javascript"  src=""></script>, but using this script generates a lot of CSS and other errors.
Nothing  works.  The ActionScript code I used is:
//Link to websiteSite_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,visitSite);
function visitSite(e:MouseEvent):void{    var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("");    navigateToURL(req,"_parent");}

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<object id="FlashID" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="550" height="450">
<param name="movie" value="moviewebsite/pollardsmovie.swf" />
<param name="quality" value="high" />
<param name="wmode" value="opaque" />
[Code] ......

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Oct 26, 2011

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"Adobe® Flash® Player has stopped a potentially unsafe operation. The following local application on your computer or network: /Users/myname/Documents/Websites/mysite/version 1/site/Scripts/expressInstall.swf

is trying to communicate with this Internet-enabled

To let this application communicate with the Internet, click Settings.You must restart this application after changing your settings." 

Ive tried following the settings button and adding "/Users/myname/Documents/Websites' to local storage settings by site but no joy the content still wont play and every time I refresh or test the page I get the same message. I want to add the whole websites directory so I don't get this message again, when testing other sites pages and content.

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Jun 24, 2010

(Flash CS3, Dreamweaver CS3, Mac OSX)
I can encode Flash video, and place a nice skin (controller bar) into the file, within Fash, but when I place the final .SWF file into my Dreamweaver page (Insert-->Media-->Flash), and test it in a browser, the vid will play automatically and there is no skin (controller bar). The skin file is residing in the same folder as the .FLV and the .SWF file, but for some reason the skin refuses to allow itself to be seen.

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Jul 1, 2010

know if the ActionScript 3 Flash Video Gallery ([URL]) can play .F4V files?

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Professional :: Make Videos Play Only Inside Flash?

Sep 7, 2010

i have encoded(converted) some video files through Adobe Media Encoder to f4v. and i play them inside flash, through a flvlplayback component.I've placed the videos inside the same folder as my swf there anyway i can protect the videos to be shown only inside my swf file?via the cue points and actionscript or something??something like a code to be placed at the begining of the clip, and be checked inside my swf file (while loading the video, into the playback component). if the condition was confirmed, the video that the video files don't play with other players outside my swf file..

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Professional :: Possibilities Not To Play Application In Flash Player 10?

Oct 28, 2010

What can be the possibilities if an Flash applications is running perfectally in Flash Player 9 while some time same application not running in Flash Player 10?

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Nov 15, 2010

I am migrating from Flash MX to Flash CS5 Pro. Is there a way to load a movie into the flash player and play it to a viewer without installing the adobe server software and the price that goes with it? Is there a way to just have the movie file stored on the server and just get the flash player to call the file and buffer it?

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Professional :: FLV Video Import In To Flash Stop/Play

Nov 20, 2010

I have imported a flv video in to a flash8 page and want to get the video to stop on load?when importing the video there are no option other that to included the skinning play/stop/pause etc buttons but no option to stop the video on load!

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Professional :: Flash CS5 Unable To Play .FLV Files On Macbook Pro

Jan 18, 2011

I have a colleague who is trying to put together a Flash package for me  on her macbook pro.  It needs to play an flv file. She is unable to play  flv files on her computer either in Flash or using the Adobe Media  Player. I have no problem playing the same files on my macbook pro,  we're both running the latest OS and have version 1.8 of Adobe Media  Player. She went to the Adobe site to download the latest version of Adobe  Media Player, hoping that might include whatever component is missing on  her system. Because of Adobe's decision not to distribute AMP that  didn't help. 

She has Flash Professional CS5 11.0.2 on her system.  When  she imports an flv video into a Flash project and tries to play it she  gets an error message saying it can't stream the video. Note that the  video is on her hard drive, it is NOT on the internet so no streaming  should be required. The actual error message is: "the video player is in the connection  error state. It enters this state when a video stream attempted to load  but was unsuccessful. There are two possible reasons for the error: no  connection to the server or the stream was not found." Since it's a file on her hard drive, and she has loaded the file  into the Adobe development environment successfully, the one thing we  know for certain is that neither of these reasons is correct.

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