Professional :: Listeners That Responds To Button / Sliders On Frame

Feb 19, 2011

I am writing a little app, and have buttons and sliders on one frame 1 of the stage, and then a help screen on frame 2 of the stage. I have some event listeners attached to the objects of the first frame. When I move to the second frame, and then go back to the first frame, all the event listeners have gone out of scope, and no longer work. (at least that is what I think is happening). I think the best way would be to add something like add Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE listeners to each object, and have the listener function add the event listeners that I want for each item.

So I would have:
public function Document(){
iSlider.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, added);
iSlider.removeEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, removed);
myButton.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, buttonAdded);
myButton.addEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, buttonRemoved);
In each of the listeners, I would add / remove the listeners that actually respond to the button / slider.

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Professional :: Removing Event Listeners On Leaving A Frame

Mar 15, 2012

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Ok so attempted solution - I can use a currentLabel on the main timeline to check if the correct frame is reached then use a function if (label is x) put listeners on else take them off... works but then I have to have these objects hidden on the timeline  and then add visible=true/false to my framelabel listener.. This works but part of my functionality here is that these movieclips that move are buttons that the user clicks on and they explode and dissapear- but now they dont because I have a code that says on that frame they should be visible..
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ActionScript 3.0 :: Frame Of Nested Object - Remove Only The Event Listeners From Objects Only On Frame 1?

Jan 21, 2011

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btnGoThere.onRelease = function(){   _root.gotoAndStop("there");
} //end event handler
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Feb 9, 2010

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ActionScript Code:
// velicities along x/y
var dvx:Number = 0;


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Apr 16, 2010

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Aug 30, 2010

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stop();function buttonClick(event:MouseEvent);void{gotoAndPlay(2);

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Event Listeners Disappearing - Movie To The Correct Frame That The Corresponding Content Is On?

Feb 23, 2010

I am using Adobe Flash Professional CS4 with all the latest updates. The FLA is an Actionscript 3.0 file. I am creating a basic flash site with several pages that change when the user clicks links on a left side navigation bar. on the pages are sub tabs that change out different content(text) based on what the user clicks on the current page. when they click a button it triggers an event listener, the event listener runs its function which changes the definition of an already defined (String) variable, and the page goes on to a frame checks what that variable is and then leads the movie to the correct frame that the corresponding content is on.

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Apr 30, 2011

I create my sprite and eventlistener like this:

public function init():void
var mySprite:Sprite = new Sprite();;,100,150,50);


But how would I and a image to the sprite so the TouchEvent responds to touching the image?

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Mar 22, 2010

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I have created a movieclip that is simply asking a question and the user chooses from a list of Radio buttons.I have set this up and it works fine, but I cannot figure out how to set up a "Next" button or a "Submit" button that, depending on the radio button choice made, the user goes to a specific frame or label.I bought the Adobe Flash CS5 bible, but there seems to be little information on controlling Radio buttons, only how to set them up to test.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Tree Component Disabled But Still Responds To Keys?

Jun 15, 2006

I've got a Tree component on the stage that allows users to select a node (which sets the enabled to false and sets the focus off the tree) and then they can enter data. The problem is that if they click on the tree (still disabled) they can now use the keys (arrow keys & first character of the line keys) to navigate within the tree component

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Feb 5, 2010

In AS2 I need code for a button, on the main timeline, to go to a frame in a mc off the main time line. I have attached a picture of the time lines in case I have not articulated my needs well.

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Professional :: Moving Rewind Button Code To Actionscript Frame?

Jan 5, 2011

I was told that putting code on buttons is bad practice now. So, I'm trying to move my button codes to my main actionscript frame. I did it find with the play and stop/pause buttons. However, the rewind and forward buttons are proving more difficult How would the code look if I transferred it from my button to my actionscript frame I'll post the code I have right now in my rewind button.

on(press){this.onEnterFrame = function(){frame = theTargetClip_mc._currentframe;theTargetClip_mc.gotoAndPlay(frame-6);}}on(release){;delete this.onEnterFrame; }rect" answers.


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Want to make an Image gallery that responds to a swipe gesture. Found some tutorials but they were a bit vague. Someone an idea where I can find some good ones? How to test this on a windows pc? I do not have a certificate (I know that there are some illegal cert. on the internet), just want it to test it on a simulator?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Motion Is Random And When The Element Is Moused Over It Responds To The Action?

Jul 13, 2009

I am looking to add some life to this graphic in flash: My goal is to have the "Hey Jude" element drop into frame and be suspended by the two strings that are attached to it. i.e. similar in fashion like a swingset

I have looked all over the web but have yet to find any leads/tutorials on the matter.I would also like this element to be physics based so that the motion is random and when the element is moused over it responds to the action.

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Aug 9, 2010

1. The old main logo was not as wide as the new one, so now the entire new one is not clickable (to take you back to the main page). How do I fix this?

2. For the life of me I can't figure out how to make text (or a button if need be) link to a specific flash frame. If you look on the site, there are a couple of spots under "What We Do" that I need clickable to take them to the Contact Us page.

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Flash Cs5 :: Change Frames In A Movieclip, Event Listeners Pointed To One Object In The Previous Frame Are Removed

Oct 20, 2010

I have a movieclip that contains two frames, each frame contains a different set of buttons.

it seems that i cannot add the event listeners to buttons that are not in my current viewed frame.

so.. problem one: is there a way to add event listeners to all the elements in the movieclip even if the elements are in a different frame.

problem two: after I added an event listener to some elements in current frame and then I move forward to the next frame and go back to the same frame, all the event listeners are removed and i need to initialize them again. is there a way to resolve the issue without the need to re-initialize the event listeners ?

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