Professional :: Stopping Previous Functions And Tweens OnPress

Apr 19, 2010

Trying to see if someone can guide me to a way I could stop my earlier tweens and onRollOver function when my onPress function is launched.  What I worked out here with that McX/YScale.stop(); and that target9_mc.onRollOver = null; is kind of working but I don't want the onRollOver function to stop until the onPress function begins.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stopping Movie At Its _currentFrame When Using OnPress GetURL _blank?

Jun 12, 2006

I am trying to stop/pause my MC when I click on an image.

on (press){
getURL("image1.jpg", "_blank");

But when my image loads into the new window and I go back to the main content window on where I clicked the movie has already started playing!


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Tweens Bugging And Sometimes Stopping?

Feb 2, 2009

It seems I got a well-known problem with Tweens, even when using TweenLite or TweenFilterLite, I got a project with several tweens creating the intro and they often often block/stop before their ends.

public function addPageGauche():void {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Tweens Stopping In The Middle Of Their Transitions?

Oct 9, 2009

I'm putting together a little animated Flash homepage for a site I created for my son. [URL].. If you look at it in Internet Explorer, everything works as it should. If you look at it in Firefox or Safari, though, the site title (sliding and fading in from the bottom left) and the navigation (sliding and fading in from the bottom right) stop somewhere around halfway (exactly where often changes).

It appears as if the Tweens are simply stopping about in the middle of their process. This only appears to happen in Safari and Firefox, though - every time it happens in these browsers whereas I can never get it to happen in Internet Explorer.

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Flash - Calling The Function Within That Function And Later Stopping The Loop - Starting And Stopping Functions?

Jan 7, 2012

I am making a character walk. This code will make him wobble to the right and when thats done it will trigger him to wobble to the left and then call the function again to continue the loop.I can get the loop to work fine by calling the function but how do I STOP the function? Also I want to call it later on. Is there a way to start and stop a function?

function wobble()
var ws = .1;
var dis = 1;


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Flash :: Tween Lite: Tweens Stopping Before They're Finished?

Jan 11, 2011

edit2: Well I found out what was wrong. answered my own question. * Face-palm* sorry for this waste of space. (if you come across this randomly, my solution is answered at the bottom)Edit: While mulling over my code trying to find a solution, I noticed that when my .swf freezes as it is tweening out, an animated movie clip that is on the stage also freezes mid-animation. which brings me to believe that my problems may stem from the loading/creating image portion of my code. as a result, here is my loading function to supplement the code below:

function loadImage():void {
//if it's not already been loaded)
if ((currentImageNbr+1) > imagesLoaded || images.length == 0) {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Mx Tweens Not Stopping @ The Correct Widths / Heights

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I have a simple width and height I am pulling from an xml file, when I trace it out, it shows correctly, but when I tween the width and height it doesn't quite stop at the correct widths and heights. The width and heights from the xml are 800 and 600.

new Tween(c, "_width",btnEase, c._width,w, 1, true);
new Tween(c, "_height",btnEase, c._height,h, 1, true);

When the tweens stop, the widths and heights are off by anywhere from 5 - 10 pixels.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preventing Tweens To Start B4 Previous Ended FUSEKIT?

Apr 10, 2008

who knows how you can prevent a tween to start before the previous one has ended. I have build a imagegallery kinda app. and by clicking a thumb images are tweened with a Fuse.Problem is that when you start "buttonbashing", the tweens apparantly can't finish and result is that images spontaniously end up in the wrong place, or rotated. I guess it most be possible somehow to use the FuseKit to say "first finish this tween, and only then start the next"

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Feb 4, 2009

I have a wheel that starts, loops, and slows to a stop, using 3 separate tweens, which is functioning pretty well. The issue I'm having is the transition between the startup tween and the looping tween:

Startup tween:
mWheelStartTween = new Tween(mcWheel, "rotation", Regular.easeIn, mcWheel.rotation, mcWheel.rotation+360, 2, true);

Looping tween:
mWheelLoopTween = new Tween(mcWheel, "rotation", None.easeNone, mcWheel.rotation, mcWheel.rotation+360, 1.5, true);

Visually, everything should be based on the duration of the looping tween. I played with the duration of the starting tween to get it close, but there's still a small jump. How can I set a target rotational velocity for the end of the startup tween, so it seamlessly blends in with the looping rotational velocity? Should I not be using a tween for this? I'd like to pass in a duration value to the looping tween to support different speeds....which would affect the startup as well.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Assigning OnPress Functions In A Loop?

Sep 16, 2006

is that possible? i'm a complete beginner when it comes to flash and actionscript... so if it sounds like i dont know what i'm talking about... it's because i don't!let me describe my situation...I have about 20 boxes... and on each box i want to assign the onPress to trace the value corresponding to an Array at element "i" in the console...instead of doing:

box1.onPress = function() {
trace("the value is: "+hypotheticalArray[1]);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Tweens - Get The Previous Image / Piece Of Work To Fade Out Before Jumping To The Selected Key Frame

Oct 19, 2009

I curenttly making a simple online portfolio using flash (as3). Each piece of work i'm displaying resides within a mc on the main time line, and within that each piece of my work lives in its own keyframe, so the site has a basic 'mc.gotoandstop("label")' navigation. I can get my images to fade in using a AS tween, but I want to get the previous image/piece of work to fade out before jumping to the selected key frame and fading in the selected work. Currently, the innards of my button function reads something like:

tween (fadeout)
tween (fade in)

but this clearly not the right way to go about it? Is there a way of putting slight delay after the fade out tween in the function? To let it fully fade out before fading in the new work?

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Adding OnPress To Mc, It Kill's The AS On The RollOver And RollOut Functions Of The Button Within?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Variable Tweens In Functions?

Nov 10, 2010

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function clickHandler(MouseEvent){
var myTween:Tween = new Tween(object, "width", Strong.EaseOut, 1, variableWidth, 1, true);

Is this the only way to do it, or can I change myTween parameters within the function without declaring a new tween each time?

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Professional :: Tweens Affect Other Tweens?

Jul 13, 2010

I'm working on a slide show which includes 3 sections that fade in and out automatically as well as can be navigated via buttons.Everything is working fine until I include a 3d tween animation of a hanging doesn't have any action script - just a 3d tween where the sign swings however once I include it in the slide show, the whole thing goes crazy:The fade in and out of tweens don't work.sometimes the slide show skips and everything start moving very fast as if the timeline was fast forwarded... can someone please helpe me and point me in the right direction of where to even start trouble shooting it?  The problem is that it acts as if there was some kind of script added however there's no action script included in the hanging sign.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Deleting/Stopping Functions From Running?

Feb 11, 2009

In AS3, how do you delete or stop a function from running? For example in Frame 3, I have a function called createAnimation(); running, and when the user goes back to Frame 1, I want createAnimation(); to stop running, what is the best way of stopping or deleting the function?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mp3 Player Functions - Create Next And Previous Song Buttons

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Replace The Tweens With Flash's Built-in Tweens

Jan 2, 2012

When I want to ask for a small fee for my app, I'm not allowed to use TweenLite. So I started thinking I could probably replace the tweens with Flash's built-in Tweens. BUT I'm also using rotationY. Flash doesn't support this as far as I know. Are there Tween engines out there with a copyleft?

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Professional :: Why Don't My Shape Tweens Save?

Feb 16, 2010

I'm trying to save a file that has several shape tweens.  I create the tweens and preview the file and everything works perfectly.  However, when I save it and reopen the file, the tweens are gone.

Attachments: (55.8 K)

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Professional :: Consecutive Tweens On Same Object?

Mar 16, 2010

I'm new to Flash, In CS4, is it possible to add two consecutive tweens to the same object (symbol instance)? Say I want to have a shape move in from the left, wait a few seconds, and then move back out towards the left. Thus far, the only method I've found is to create a copy of the object (a new instance of the symbol), and animate it separately. But that creates extra objects, and getting the positioning right is very difficult. Isn't there a way to have one tween end and another begin (possibly after a delay) on the same object in the same layer? Or in different layers, which might be preferable?

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Professional :: Multiple Tweens On The Same Layer?

Jun 21, 2010

I seem to remember reading that you shouldn't do it.I was mad at Flash CS4 and CS5 because I wasn't able to make the animation work like After Effects, as far as animating something, having it rest, and then animating it again. I know you can do this already, however, if you add easing you could mess yourself up as the ease gets applied to the entire tween. I wanted to be able to tween something with an ease, then let it rest, then tween it again, again with an ease.

Tonight I discovered this: Place CTI over last frame of first tween, select object, copy. Go to next "slot" and Insert Blank Keyframe, then Paste in Place the object. Make some more frames. Then after it all make a New Keyframe (content from preceeding keyframe gets copied into it, then add more frames, select them and Make Tween. I now have 2 tweens on the same layer, each with their own easing that can't get stretched out of place.However, when I did this I noticed, before making the second tween, that I was not able to just click the object and Make Tween from there. I had to actually make regular frames and convert them

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Professional :: Scale Timeline And Tweens?

Jun 23, 2010

I just finished animating a scene with multiple layers and multiple motion tweens on those layers. But after testing it, i decided that it is too fast. Does anyone know how to scale everything on the timeline without changing the framerate?Also, how can i scale the size (transform) an object that already has a motion tween applied to it? I want to scale it on each frame in the animation, not just the first. I've tried, and it changes the animation where i scale it on the timeline.

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Professional :: How Many Motions Tweens Can Have On A Timeline

Nov 7, 2010

"How many motion tweens can you have on a timeline."  Yup.  The answer is one...... or is it?  I had a long discussion with my tutor (who is the greatest tutor in the world) and he wanted to think about it. I said to him that I thought that one motion tween was wrong because you can click on an object in the timeline, make it a motion tween, and double click it and make several motion tweens.  So, essentially, you can have more than one motion tween on a timeline. 

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Professional :: Motion Tweens That Don't Stretch The Object

Jul 29, 2010

I am still making some language flashcards. there are about 20 on the page. when i click the card it is supposed to 'flip' so you can see the translation. the first card does pretty well but then as I continue to the next cards, the tween becomes worse and worse. for some reason as the card flips, its dimensions get thrown off and it becomes really wide or really tall. I want the flip to be a strictly horizontal flip over the y axis. What am I doing wrong?

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Professional :: Resizing Certain Frames And Tweens On 1 Layer?

Nov 8, 2010

I have created a series of classic tweens in one layer starting on frame 30 through frame 60.  How can I shrink just those frames and scale the tweens with them so they are proportionate to what I had originally, without moving those frames over before frame 30?  So I want them to still start on frame 30 but I want to end at 47 now instead with the tweens still there and proportionate distances that I had originally set up?

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Professional :: Scaling Symbols And Motion Tweens?

Jun 30, 2011

I created an animation with various symbols and motion tweens, mostly on outer level timeline.  At the end, I realized the resolution was too low for a quality quicktime export.  After scaling the canvas from 550x400 to 1650x1200, I tried scaling the rest of the objects using the "edit multiple frames" brackets, but every scene I try to do this to, only a few of the frames are scaled.  They start scaling and moving around all over the place fluctuating between the original and new positions.  So i have to go back and manually scale/reposition the tween spans.  Am I doing something wrong with the edit multiple frames thing or something?  Or is there an easier way to do this I haven't seen? 

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Professional :: Button Controlling Motion Tweens

Oct 4, 2011

I am wanting to create a button that, when pressed, will make an image move along the X axis.  However, I want several other buttons to move that object along the X-axis to other locations regardless of where it is currently.
I want the object to move from one spot to a second spot, stop, and then move from that new location to either its previous spot or a new spot.
Basically having multiple buttons controlling where 1 or more image goes.  I have seen banners that will scroll horizontally when you click different Menu buttons.  The banner slides along the X-axis and stops to reveal the name of the new page on the banner (i.e. Home, About Us, Contact Us, etc.).  When another menu button is pressed, the banner slides again to reveal the new title page name (ie. Home, etc).

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Professional :: Does CacheAsBitmap Helps For Performance Of Shape Tweens

Aug 2, 2010

I have an image converted into MovieClip (background) and I have a mask MovieClip (bgMask) set to mask the image MovieClip like this:

In bgMask I have a few linear gradient shapes which I animate with shape tweens using keyframes. If I don't set cacheAsBitmap for both, nothing will happen since what I need is alpha masking and it will work only then. In this scenario is cacheAsBitmap working for me or agains me? (not that I have any choice). Still I could try to replace some of the shape tweens with MovieClips with solid shape in them and just move them around to uncover some part of the background, and where I want a smoother transition I would stick to the shape tweens. If the object that I've set cacheAsBitmap true to is no longer being animated moved sized and so on, would it be better to set cacheAsBitmap to it to false?


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Professional :: Make Tweens Move At A Constant Speed?

Feb 14, 2012

I have Adobe Flash CS 5 and have been having difficulties trying to get a created tween to move at a constant speed. I have been converting a graphic I've created to a symbol and turning it into a motion tween, however I have only figured out how to move the tween on a frame by frame basis. Is there a way I can map out the full trajectory of the tween and then set it to travel along that pathway at a constant speed rather than moving from point to point within a certain number of frames? The desired result is a green circle that will bounce off the edges of the computer screen/window as it moves along at a constant speed in the appropriate direction. I am a flash novice and have been fiddling with the program for a few days

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Professional :: Get Shape Tweens To Symbols To Show Up When At The Top Of Its Hierarchy?

Mar 29, 2012

I am trying to animate using a heirarchy of symbols and motion/shape tweens for the first time. I have my character built using symbols and groups of them are already in subgroups (I click on one symbol and I can go into that one and there's more inside that). When I go into my character's eye symbol and click the upper eyelid, I can shape tween a blink. It works fine when I scrub through the timeline while still in the character's eye symbol and it still shows up when I publish a preview. But when I go out of that symbol to the top of the hierarchy and play the animation in the frame, I can't see the blink. I don't know why it's happening, but I can't edit all my shapes without knowing where the ones I've already moved are.

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