Professional :: Tweening From 2 Vector Poses?

Mar 10, 2012

I have a problem with shape tweening. I have 2 base poses of a man throwing something, made in Illustrator. I imported them in Flash pro CS5.5 and split them. I want a tween morphing animation with these 2 poses. I set up the shape hints and the are all yellow in frame 1 and green in frame 65 (the second pose).
Now its animating very strange, I thought the points will corresponding with eachother, but the morph is quite ugly, all lines draw through eachother.You can see 2 screenshots of Flash and 2 screenshots from the movie I rendered in the files included.

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Mar 10, 2010

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function tweenparent(e:MouseEvent):void{
//create vars for x,y cordinates of clicked county (child)
var calledx:Number=allcnt_mc[xmlData.row.NAME[e.currentTarget.ivar]].x;


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Dec 3, 2011

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What I'm doing is:
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ActionScript Code:
1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type>[code]....

which surprises me as ConfigurationVO inherits from NodeVO.Is the compiler really not able to figure out that a Vector of a superclass should be able to hold a reference to a Vector of a subclass?

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Jul 23, 2011

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var v:Vector. = new Vector.(100);

v[90] = "Ninety"

v[190] ="oneninety" //RangeError: Error #1125: The index 110 is out of range 100.

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Motion Tweening Error : Motion Tweening Will Not Occur On Layers With Ungrouped Shapes .....?

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When watching the animation, the first word (web) looks fine, on the second word (design) the tween fails on the last couple of frames of that clip (the blur filter disappears), the third word (and) is OK, and on the forth word (development) the blur filter is not applied to the last 16 frames of that clip.I broke each animation into its own MC thinking that was causing the issue, but that didn't fix anything.

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Professional :: Performance Optimization Vector Vs Raster?

Jan 28, 2011

I am trying to improve the frame rate of a game that draws many floor tiles. Currently, the floor tiles are vector graphics and stored as different frames in a movie clip. I wanted to experiment with rasterizing a floor tile and seeing if that would provide any frame rate boosts. I did this by converting one of my tiles (one of the frames in my movie clip) to a png and replacing the vector version of this tile with this raster version. I then tested two worlds--one filled with tile A (vector) and another filled with tile B (png).
In all my tests, world with tile A (the original vector version) outperformed the world with tile B. I am guessing that the reason I am not getting the expected performance gains is because I am still rendering the tiles in the old style and not using any strict bitmap drawing calls?why it is that this method fails to boost rendering speed? Would I have to switch my rendering code to strict bitmap draw calls?

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Professional :: Change A Vector Object's Color?

Feb 5, 2011

Why is it that I can never change a vector object's color? I mean I would think it'd be as simple as changing the fill color but that does nothing.
And why is it that copying and pasting vector objects from illustrator very inconsistent? Sometimes I get the exact copy, and other times their's three anchor points missing, very much screwing up the look of the object. Also, when I import a vector png image made in photoshop to flash, the fill is hollow at times.

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Feb 2, 2012

I had something wrong in Flash Pro CS5, all vector shapes and text fields are too sharp and output is very good and smooth ( Normal ) !

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Professional :: Export Vector File From Web Flash Application?

Oct 6, 2008

want to know if it is possible to create a vector basedfile (PDF) from a web based Flash application. The applicationwould be a 'Design it yourself' type deal, it would just be a fancytext generator. All this will be designed by the user using theflash application . What I want to know is once the user has finished designingtheir text, can this 'creation' then be exported as preferably aPDF, or Jpg, etc. once the user submits the design?

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Professional :: Reduce File Size Vector Graphics

Jun 16, 2010

When it comes to imported vector graphics are there any methods to decrease the swf's file size as much as possible? So far I have:

- imported an illustrator ai file (strokes 'expanded' in illustrator and unneeded swatches/ brushes etc. deleted and with no raster images embedded)
- exported the file in illustrator as swf and imported that swf into flash
- imported ai file and breaking it down to flash shapes
- optimized those shapes as much as possible
I rather use vector as much as possible. For a banner for examle, I've imported vector images of trees. I couldn't get it below 40 kb so I exported all illustrator files to png files which helped. Can detailed vector images be optimized just as much? Or is it better to use bitmap files when it comes to more detailed graphics? Does it matter if it is a vector images made in flash or a imported vector file even if both have the same number of paths?

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AS :: Professional - Change Color Of Vector Shape In Library?

Jul 7, 2010

I am working on a project that some one else created. There were very orgainized, but my question is this: There is a starburst shape, and in the property inspector it is labeling as yellow burst, and that's how it shows in the library. But one instance of it is red in the movie, and I can not find it to change or delete as they called everything dynamically. how this was done, or how I might locate this object?

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Sep 18, 2010

I'm trying to make straight lines grow out of a stationary dot, like veins. I've tried shape tween, but it only works for shapes, not lines. I'd just get a blank workspace when I hit play. I've also tried motion tween, but I can't get the line to grow continuously to a point.

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Professional :: Allow Other Applications To Use Vector Image Data In Flash CS5?

Mar 30, 2011

Specific to Flash Professional CS5. With its export options greatly reduced, there seems to be no way to make Flash graphics accessible by other programs. Is there any workaround?Currently, Flash can output two kinds of vector images: SWF and FXG, neither of which seem to be importable by most applications, including Fireworks and Illustrator (which write to FXG but not read from it), and Catalyst doesn't seem to write to anything other than what Builder uses. In other words, I know no way to export Flash files to vector formats (besides using Flash CS4).

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Professional :: Shaky Text Scaling Convert To Vector?

Apr 26, 2011

So when I scale text in a tween, it doesn't look at all smooth. I tried to compensate by increasing the frame rate, but even 60fps doesn't fix it. So I'm pretty sure that the scaling is limted to pixels. I immagine I can fix this by converting the text to vector art, so it will scale at less-than-pixel intervals.

Is this a correct solution? If so, how do I do this?

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Actionscript 3 :: Vector Number Does Not Extend Vector

Nov 16, 2011

I am currently being confused by the Vector class.I wrote a beautiful XML to TypedClass parser. Works beautifully and without fault. UNTIL a co-worker noticed we got a Conversion Error for Vector.<Number> to Vector.<*>.

Every Vector I've ever tested all extend Vector.<*>.

Vector.<Sprite>, Vector.<String>, Vector.<Point>, Vector.<Boolean>, Vector.<TextField>, Vector.<CustomObject>, etc etc etc. ALL of them.
<type name="__AS3__.vec::Vector.<String>" base="__AS3__.vec::Vector.<*>" isDynamic="true" isFinal="false" isStatic="false">
<extendsClass type="__AS3__.vec::Vector.<*>"/>


But then when I use describeType on Vector.<Number>, Vector.<uint> and Vector.<int>.

<type name="__AS3__.vec::Vector.<Number>" base="Object" isDynamic="true" isFinal="true" isStatic="false">
<extendsClass type="Object"/>


Now I have accounted for these 3 vectors individually as even uint and int does not extend Vector.<Number> as I would have expected.
And my parsing function works for all types correctly again. But my confusion comes as to WHY this is the case, and why I couldn't find any documentation on the subject.

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