Actionscript 3 :: Find Out Which Out Of 6 Instances Clicked
Nov 15, 2011
In I have a button, the listener is in Main and I'm trying to find out which instance I have clicked so I can pick out the price of the drug and make a purchase.
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Mar 19, 2011
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coming from php i would just set up an associative array like list array('speed'=>array(false,false,true,...),'weapon '=>array(true,false,....and so on I can not for the life of me figure out how to store this information and then use it as a variable name end result should look something like this .. i just don't understand how to do this in as3 .. it seems unnecessarily convoluted.
foreach($upgrades['speed'] as $key => $val)
UpgradeScreen.'speed'.$key.visible = $val);
this would dynamically call
i know the above is incorrect.I want to create this so that it is completely dynamic and the instance names can be feed in dynamically as the array or whatever is being looped.
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Aug 17, 2009
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Jul 7, 2010
I have many MovieClips and each has a name like "mcDummyClosed" and then and instance name "slideDummyClosed". Another MovieClip has a link to e.g. slideDummyClosed which I then call DummyClosed. I add a MouseEvent.CLICK event to DummyClosed.
Now without adding slideDummyClosed to the stage nor any other MovieClip can I with a string containing it's name get that instance? I've tried using getChildByName() but that only seems to work if I've already added the MC to be found and added before. My code looks something like this:
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var class_ref:Class = getDefinitionByName('fran.MyOwnClass') as Class;
var element;
for (var i:uint = 0; i < this.parent.numChildren; i++)
But I want a better way (more efficiently, without checking all the MCs).
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Aug 24, 2009
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It is posible.That the movieclip have a child share with more objects
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Sep 22, 2009
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