Actionscript 3 :: Get The Time Which Is Spend For Loading The Flash Object?

Mar 15, 2012

how to get the time which tooks the flash object to load inside the browser, from the creation of the object untill it's ready state ?

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Setting Time To Spend On Each Frame?

Jun 13, 2010

Trying to set time spent on each frame in an animation, its an ActionScript 3.0 project.Problems:1) Frame rate - Can this be disabled? For now I just have it at 120 to go as fast as possible, but since I'm specifying the time spent on each frame it would be nice to not have this at all.2) Actionscript - I tried putting in the following code snippets...In frame 1...

function PlayNextSlide() {


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Flash :: Handle A Time Object From Php In Flex (parse It To A Date Object)

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Flash Site Loading Time On Smaller Bandwidths

May 9, 2009

I have a lot of questions about how to optimally load my newly created flash site (very large file size). I have created an entire site in Flash (one swf). It will take quite some time to load on smaller bandwidths, so I am wondering: Is there a way to have the main movie clip load, with the others loading in the background, instead of the user having to wait for the entire site to load.

Also, if I add a preloader to the entire swf, how can I get the flash movie to start before it reaches 100%? If not, is there a way to add preloaders to individual movie clips within the site. If not, how can I quickly break my fla apart and make my movie clips into separate swfs. After this, how do I add preloaders to those? Any general tips to greatly reduce fla or swf file sizes?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Movie Keeps Loading & Replaying At The Same Time?

Sep 4, 2010

I recently downloaded a template for Flash that didn't have any type of video included. I decided to include video in my completed project and for the last two months (working in CS5), I have tried to get assistance in making it work correctly...even contacting the company who MADE the template and they told me they couldn't assist because I changed the entire template & I guess they didn't want to figure it out.Here's my problem and if this has already been answered, maybe someone can just post the link directly and I'll follow it.hen the page opens up, the video starts automatically and seems to work fine and then another instance and another begin to play but not the video, just the audio. I have two videos in my movie and both do this.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Image To Flash - Fade In Time

Aug 10, 2009

I have a piece of working code. I'm loading an XML file full of images to flash and using them in a slideshow. The code works fine, but here's my issue. The first time an image loads, the fade-in time is about half as long as it should be. I've reduced the image resolution and drug out the fade in time so it's not terribly noticable. But I still see it. Once the code has cycled through the entire file of images, it starts over and repeats. At this time, (being the 2nd run through) the images fade in exactly how they're supposed to. I'm guessing that once the images have been loaded in the cache, there is no download time etc. [URL].

Here's the code:
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;
var myTween:Tween;
var xmlRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("imageData.xml");
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Real-time Data Loading Flash?

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Now I want to animate the dynamic text fields when the new data load into the text filed.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading The Flash And The Dynamic Image At The Same Time?

Aug 24, 2009

i have a flash image viewer about 260kb large, it includes 3 images inside the swf itself which im going to switch dynamically, each images is actually a holed out (masked) png so i can overlay that image with another image which i dynamically loaded using loadClip()

so what i have here is a movieclip in the stage that contain a layer of the internal png with another mc to load an external image sandwiched below the previous

i searched the forum to see if i can find anything about loading the dynamic image together with the actuall flash files but it appears i failed to find one...

i would like the dynamic images is loaded together with the flash itself

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Flash CS5 - Moving Object Around In Circle One Degree At A Time

Aug 2, 2011

I have an object called point that I can move around the screen with my mouse. This object has a vector mapped through it (_v1) using the center of the stage and "point"s x,y location in order to draw the vector (note all of this is working fine). My problem is occurring when I set up was a button that simply sets a value to true if you press it. The idea behind this button is that when pressed, whatever location "point" is at, it will move 1 degree clockwise in a circle around the center of the stage (this is all happening in the frameHandler so I can keep clicking the button to make it continue around the stage).

The code I am using is based in an if statement listed below:
if(clockwisePressed) {
var v1angle:Number = _v1.angle;
v1angle++; //increase the angle by 1 degree
if(v1angle>180) {
v1angle -= 360; }
[Code] .....

So what is happening here is that clockwisePressed has been set to true so this fires off. My vector (_v1) is set up to tell me the angle (already converted from radians to degrees) but it's a read-only value. So I assign it (_v1.angle) to v1angle so I can mess with it and increase it by 1 so I'm moving clockwise around the center of the stage. Then I just check to make sure that it falls into a range between -180 and 180 (if I trace _v1.angle around the stage, 0 degrees is to the left, 90 degrees is straight up, 180 degrees is to the right, and -90 is straight down). Now using the formula I derived from this thread but converted to work with 0 degrees pointing to the left and the value for Y going up the further down the stage you go, I came up with

x = centerX - radius * cos(angle)
y = centerY - radius * sin(angle)

Now when I make a sample chart on paper and use these values on my calculator, this works like a charm. If I plug in an angle, the radius, and center I get a point right on my circle I draw on a sheet of graph paper. However, when I actually try this in flash, the "point" jumps all over the stage. (Note that _v1.m is just the magnitude of the vector between the center of the stage and "point" which is the same as the radius). So I trace everything and the values for cos and sin don't seem to be coming out right. For example, if my angle is -1.9581 and I take the cos of that on my calculator I get something along the lines of 0.9994 but flash traces Math.cos(angle) to be -0.3777. Isn't using Math.cos(-1.9581) the same as putting -1.9581 into your calculator and hitting cos?

Below is the corrected code that works:
if(clockwisePressed) {
var v1RadAngle:Number = Math.atan2(_v1.vy, _v1.vx); //get angle in radians
v1RadAngle += 0.0174; //increase the angle by ~1 degree more or less
//Now just move the crosshair and get it ready to be redrawn
point.x = centerX - _v1.m * Math.cos(v1RadAngle); //_v1.m = radius
point.y = centerY - _v1.m * Math.sin(v1RadAngle);
clockwisePressed = false; //remove button pressed boolean

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Professional :: Flash - Site Shows Infinite Loading Time?

Jun 23, 2010

I am having an issue with my recently created flash site.  I have loaded and tested this site on many different computers.  There is a preloader which shows percentage of site loaded and bytes loaded.  As far as I am concerned everything works great.  When the owner of the company I designed the site for goes to check out things he gets an infinite load percentage and the site never shows up, only the preloader screen with an "infinite" percentage.  The only difference between his setup and mine is he uses AOL online.?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Optimizing A Flash File To Reduce Loading Time

Feb 25, 2007

i have a fairly large flash file and i'm wondering what i can do to reduce/compress this anymore to make it load a little quicker??

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Advanced Pre-loading Techniques - Reduce The Loading Time To The Minimum Possible?

Sep 21, 2010

I have a game built and I would like to reduce the loading time to the minimum possible.One of my ideas is to load the essential assets and some lower quality images the first time, leaving the higher quality images and some of the functionality out at first (for instance things like buttons that change the background color), and once the player enters the game, the rest of the functionality and its assets (images and sounds) will be loading in the background using the Loader class.So once the non-essential assets and the high quality images have loaded they will fade in and substitue the lower quality assets in the most subtle way possible.

Also... Would it be better to have various instances of a "Loader" class and try to load everything at once, or load stuff in order with a single instance of the "loader" class listening to the Event.COMPLETE event ?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Does Loading Same 50kb Image At Same Time Mean Actually Loading 150kb

Mar 2, 2005

I tried searching for an answer to this on the forums and it seems you can't duplicate a movieclip that has a dynamically loaded jpg in it, I mean you just get a duplicate empty movieclip?What I want to do is have 3 copies of a pic, each tinted a little differently, and have them converge and reveal the "composite" of this pic. Do I then have to use loadMovie 3 times?Does loading the same 50kb image at the same time mean you're actually loading 150kb?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Xml - Load The First Image And Keep Loading The Rest With One Loading Time

May 21, 2008

i was creating my portfolio using xml gallery script from this site. the thing is that it loads one picture at a the with a preloader between each load. is there a way to load the first image and keep loading the rest so there will be only one loading time? here is my action script:


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Flash :: Object Not Loading In Safari?

Mar 31, 2011

I've built a form, and next to my form element I've placed a flash object. When the page is loaded, the form is display: block, and the flash object is display: none.

The layout looks something like (the img is there so that if the user doesn't have flash, the gif animation will play instead):


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Flash Object Not Loading In Older Versions Of IE?

Aug 29, 2011

I am trying to load a flash object and I am having a hard time getting it to work in ie6,ie7, and ie8. The flash object is a button for an uploader. The flash object loads in firefox, chrome, safari, opera, and ie9 fine. I have searched google for answers and I have not been able to fix it. Here is the code that i used to load the flash object (it has changed various times with no luck in ie6-ie8)

<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="../flash/s3_upload.swf" codebase=",0,0,0" width="266" height="46" id="s3_swf_1" style="visibility: visible; ">
<param name="wmode" value="transparent" />


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading The Object With The Part Pushing The Object To The Array At The End - Not Working

Aug 4, 2009

I created an array in the var declarations with Code: var private eDrag:Array In a function that adds imported mcs to the stage, I also added code to push each to the array. Here is an example of a block of code loading the object with the part pushing the object to the array at the end:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Removing Loaded Child Object B4 Loading A New One

Feb 19, 2012

having trouble removing loaded child object b4 loading a new one i can load a child object with this script if button is pressed:


but having difficulty unloading child object when just that mc_char.btn_darkangel button is pressed. Cause otherwise it just adds another instance then another and another and the different instances kinda pile ontop of each other my question is how can i incorporate removeChild script so that mc_char.btn_darkangel doesn't just pile instances of image ontop of each other

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading An Already Loaded Object Into Another Object?

Feb 24, 2010

I'm loading a .jpg into an object, and what I'm trying to do is load that same .jpg into another object later on in the script without requesting it to be downloaded (since it should already be in memory). Here is an example of what I'm using:

var my_loader:Loader = new Loader();
my_loader.load(new URLRequest("photo1.jpg"));


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Only Loading One Swf At A Time?

Aug 4, 2010

My UILoader component seems to only want to load one swf at a time. ie if it loads "gallery-sketches.swf" first then it wont load "gallery-graphics.swf".If it loads "gallery-graphics.swf" first than it wont load "gallery-sketches.swf". They work just fine individually but one cancels the other out when you put them together.Here are my errors (the "2","9" and "5" are tracing a random number generator and I'm 99.99% sure they have nothing to do with the error):



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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML Only Loading 50% Of The Time?

Jul 12, 2006

I have some XML AS that creates buttons and loads data into some text fields. Also loads an image when you click a link...It works great most of the time! But I have noticed sometimes it just doesnt load the text and I need to click onto another frame and click back to make it work... I am guessing there is some small thing missing from my code?


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IDE :: Unable To Use Swf While Loading For First Time?

Feb 12, 2010

I am loading an external swf animation and playing an audio which should be synchronized with the loaded swf i have used the loader class for loading swf and sound channel to load sound, when the audio gets fully loaded only we are calling function to load swf, at that time audio remains stopped when the swf too gets fully loaded, we are adding swf int stage and playing the audio. In local system it works fine but when we upload it its not synchronizingly properly for the first time The issue what i see is that swf (only one is there) gets loaded frome inbetween ie the first ceration animations are missing. and audio is playing from the begining why is it so....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading In An Swf On A Time Delay?

Sep 4, 2009

I have a rotating menu that when clicked rotates and loads in swf movies, OnClick.

The problem I seem to be having is that because the swf movies load in on click it seems to be causing the rotation of the menu not to run smooth.

Question: Is it possible to get the swf movies to load in once the action of the click has completed its action. some kind of 2 second delay before the movies load in??

what happens: you can click or mouse scroll through the menu, when you click, the action repositions the selected Item (ActiveItem) in the center and resizes larger. this works great, is it possible after this action is complete to then load in the swf movies?

to see how the movie runs at the moment this is the link: [URL]

you will see at the moment onClick the movies load straight away which makes the rotation not smooth when rotating around.

I can't seem to get the mouse scroll to work the same function as the click at the moment also.....thats for another day

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading All The Loaders At The Same Time?

Oct 18, 2010

I'm trying to learn something new: "contentLoaderInfo" and need some advice. I'm loading a bunch of thumbs so far, and will be loading the large version of those images later (after I get this part working) for a gallery.
I declared all the loaders and the URLRequests. And listeners like this: loader1.addEventListener.COMPLETE, processLoaderOne;   loader2.addEventListener.COMPLETE, processLoaderTwo;etc.
If I try to load them all in successive statements,
loader1.load(URLRequest1);loader2.load(URLRequest2);loader3.load(URLRequest3);loader4.load(URLRequest4); and in the functions (processLoaderOne, processLoaderTwo, etc.) if I try to place the content on the stage by saying: loader2.x=loader1.x+loader1.contentLoaderInfo.width, it doesn't work.
I get this message: "Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference."
But if I "daisy-chain" them together by loading one loader (and use contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, processLoaderOne) ) and put a load statement to load the next subsequent loader as the last line in that function, it works OK.
Is there any way to use the first method, loading all the loaders at the same time? And using Event.COMPLETE in their addEventListener declarations?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML Loading Fails 1st Time?

Nov 13, 2009

I have a flash file that loads 3 straight XML files, one after other.And in every single code I have the sucess condition, like this:

ActionScript Code:
if (success){

Later, I added a function and an Interval to do the verifying:

ActionScript Code:
goBack = function () {

Didn't work also. Las try was a completely stupid addition: a variable counter that increased it's value 100 times (doing the XML calling and loading everytime), to check if the problem was some delay issue. 5 minutes later, it didn't work also.The second time I load the f**king page, it works like a charm.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: SWF Slowing Down Over Time Ext Loading /gc?

Nov 22, 2009

I have a main movie in which I load two types of external movies, pages and themes. My main swf slows down which each click of one of the menu items. I've tried doing and unloadAndStop for the external swf's but that does even put a dent in the flash player memory usage as shown by System.totalMemory trace.

A theme will load in an empty movie clip(acting as a container) on the stage, then a page will load in another empty movie clip on the stage. For example, pageContiainer movie clip will receive page1.swf. themeContainer will receive themeNeutral.swf.

I'm thinking this should not be an issue, as each movie clip simply receives an external swf, which is then replaced by another external swf upon a given load command. But I can't seem to get the looaded SWF(s) out of memory and the System.totalMemory just keeps going up and up.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Optimize An Swf Loading Time?

Jan 31, 2010

i'm making a website and it has some parts with flash such as the background. You can see the site here: [URL] You will see that the preloading of the background is too long beacuse i have 4 images as background in the library. the images are 950 x 650 pixel jpegs that in the library use the Photo(compression). So when the swf is on loading it take a lot of time.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Images Loading One At A Time Instead Of All Together?

Feb 26, 2009

I am building a flash site and currently I'm not using an timeline or any images in the library. I'm using the image loader class to load in all images for each page. The trouble is that images load one by one. I want them to wait until they are all loaded before appearing together on the stage.First: Is this best practice? What do professionals do when it comes to loading images / pages.Second: Even if I add a preloader they still load individually. Here's some example code which loads the contents to my map.swf

public function Map()
img = "PageBack.png";


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Two Movie At The Same Time?

May 15, 2004

I have two swf file and I load the them at the same time in main.swf. but both the movie get load at different time because of the dissimilar size and the movie which loaded 1st play 1st and the movie which gets loaded 2nd play 2nd. I want the both the movie to complete its loading and play at once. is there is any way?

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Slow Down An Object That Have Rotating CW 1 Time?

Aug 16, 2010

Without adjusting the fps how would I slow down an object that I have rotating CW 1 time?

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