Actionscript 3.0 :: Images Loading One At A Time Instead Of All Together?
Feb 26, 2009
I am building a flash site and currently I'm not using an timeline or any images in the library. I'm using the image loader class to load in all images for each page. The trouble is that images load one by one. I want them to wait until they are all loaded before appearing together on the stage.First: Is this best practice? What do professionals do when it comes to loading images / pages.Second: Even if I add a preloader they still load individually. Here's some example code which loads the contents to my map.swf
public function Map()
img = "PageBack.png";
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Feb 20, 2011
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function loadThumbnails()
for (var i:int = 1; i < 4; i++)
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I am trying to load multiple images into a scene and then cycle through the images one at a time.So, here are the essentials what I've put together in AS3:First I set up a counter and a Loader
Then, after loading a list of images from an XML file, I call a function that I called "createImages". This function then takes the list of images and creates a bunch of loaders:
So far, so good! I now have a bunch of loaders each with a different name "img1","img2","img3" etc.
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Jun 21, 2007
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var photos_xml = new XML();
photos_xml.ignoreWhite = true;
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Dec 9, 2005
Explaination: MX 04' Pro Thumbnail Nav. loading images with XML Loader resizes and displays images when users click on Nav. reading XML Problem: Users click Thumbnail Nav. first image gets loaded and loader resizes to image. However the next choice by user on thumbnail click, the second image doesnt get resized in the loader. It goes beyond holder. Here is my code for Thumbnail and Loader:
Now the first image loads fine and the loader sizes to file from XML. However, when users click second choice from Thumbail the loader doesnt resize to new image size. It only gets resized on the first selction or if users click the next or prev. buttons then the images fade correctly but nothing fades back in. Now if they do hit next or prev and then hit a thumbnail option it loads and resizes.
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Jan 26, 2009
im loading multiple images but how do I make sure the program will start once all images have dispatched a complete event. like make a universal loader for all the other "small loaders" if you understand.
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Sep 21, 2010
I have a game built and I would like to reduce the loading time to the minimum possible.One of my ideas is to load the essential assets and some lower quality images the first time, leaving the higher quality images and some of the functionality out at first (for instance things like buttons that change the background color), and once the player enters the game, the rest of the functionality and its assets (images and sounds) will be loading in the background using the Loader class.So once the non-essential assets and the high quality images have loaded they will fade in and substitue the lower quality assets in the most subtle way possible.
Also... Would it be better to have various instances of a "Loader" class and try to load everything at once, or load stuff in order with a single instance of the "loader" class listening to the Event.COMPLETE event ?
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Mar 2, 2005
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May 21, 2008
i was creating my portfolio using xml gallery script from this site. the thing is that it loads one picture at a the with a preloader between each load. is there a way to load the first image and keep loading the rest so there will be only one loading time? here is my action script:
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Oct 20, 2009
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<comps:ExercisesScroller id="scroller" x="300" y="100"
and so forth this works. But instantiated in CDATA it does not work:
import components.ExercisesSCroller;
private var custScroller:ExercisesScroller;
private function init():void {
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Feb 19, 2012
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Apr 1, 2010
I want to have an AS3 app load images from url supplied by the user. But I don't want a malicious user to be able to load an SWF file in place of the image, such as with an altered extension "maliciousSwf.png". Well, not sure how big a security threat that is above and beyond the ability of the hacker to decompile swf, but I think that ideally such behavior should not be allowed.
So, is there any way to prevent this? When people allow users to load images in their Flash apps, do they somehow guard against loading of SWF? Or is this really absolutely no big deal?
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Nov 15, 2010
How would you defer loading of other graphics on the page until after the images in a Flash gallery's images.xml file are finished loading?Is there any way to detect for this, or would I only be able to check if the flash swf object is finished loading? I'm pretty sure the swf object would be loaded/ready as with document.getElementById('flashobject').onload = function(){}; before the corresponding images have loaded though, instead of after.
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Mar 23, 2011
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Feb 20, 2011
I'm a more desperate search for answers and need to load multiple images at the same time. I'm trying to use the same loader but don't know if this is best practice (and it isn't working). Ami I close?
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Dec 20, 2011
Can I create multiple jpg images at one time to symbols in flash?
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Jun 2, 2009
I have 10 images that are set to a loop. I wrote a .as file to control how the fade it. The first one works great, but after that the fades seem to get less and less till the last one seems to just pop up on stage. Here is my code:
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.Bitmap;
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Feb 11, 2002
How can I get different images to display base on the time in Flash?
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Jan 27, 2011
I have an all flash website that works by having each portion of it to load and unload in the center of a frame based off the navigation chosen.Load times on everything but one part of my site are ok.The dimensions of the part inside the frame are 968x674.I know that's relatively large for a flash file, but that can't be changed at this point.Within the page there are objects that come up when you find an item on the screen.Its a dialog box and it shows text, an image, and has a voice over that reads what the text says.After you're done looking at it, there is an x-button to dismiss the window.There are 15 of these and they are exported to the actionscript.I add them in the actionscript via addChild.
The other huge thing is there is a ton on the screen.It starts you off in an environment, and when you click 3 different sections, it zooms into that portion allowing you to look for the items you're trying to find.There is also a man that talks and animates in the beginning and at the end.We are planning on taking out the end part and putting a text box up. URL...The two parts of the site we are trying to optimize is the main menu when you first are at the site, and the "Explore" section.(Just click on the cloud on the front page.
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Jul 5, 2010
I've made an image gallery which loads images from an XML-specified folder. My function doGallery(urlPath); is using an URL-Path as an argument, which allows me to load new images and create a new gallery with these at runtime.The function will store loader objects in a gallery array, which is then cleared and overwritten once a new gallery with new images are made.So far so good. However it seems as if I have to re-download the same images as I have already once loaded, if I decide to go back to a previously visited gallery. I assume this is because I overwrite and clear the array which contains my previous loaders. Could anyone confirm this and possibly offer a solution? I hope I'm making myself clear enough for you to grasp my issue here.
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Aug 4, 2010
My UILoader component seems to only want to load one swf at a time. ie if it loads "gallery-sketches.swf" first then it wont load "gallery-graphics.swf".If it loads "gallery-graphics.swf" first than it wont load "gallery-sketches.swf". They work just fine individually but one cancels the other out when you put them together.Here are my errors (the "2","9" and "5" are tracing a random number generator and I'm 99.99% sure they have nothing to do with the error):
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Mar 7, 2011
I would like to implement an inspection time task using Actionscript. The idea is to dynamically change the time interval between masked and unmasked images based on user responses. The "inspection time" is defined as the interval at which the user achieves certain accuracy. There are various factors affecting the accuracy of that interval: monitor refresh rate, flash vm frame rate, Timer event accuracy, render time. Anything else? How do I determine the actual inverval the user sees? High accuracy is required, since typical performance is from 20 to 80 msec on that task. I assume the limiting factor is the monitor refresh rate. If it's 60Hz, I would only be able to increment by 16.7msec.
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Jul 12, 2006
I have some XML AS that creates buttons and loads data into some text fields. Also loads an image when you click a link...It works great most of the time! But I have noticed sometimes it just doesnt load the text and I need to click onto another frame and click back to make it work... I am guessing there is some small thing missing from my code?
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