Flex :: Use It For An Enterprise Level Application?

Oct 11, 2009

I'm wondering if anyone has tried to use Flex to power the front end of an enterprise level application at all, and if so, what advantages/disadvantages did you find when doing so. I'm currently looking into a possible project that would have global users requiring enterprise level access and performance, and wondering if it would be prudent to call upon some of my contractors flex experience with this project.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Application Level Vs Document Level Class Paths?

Oct 2, 2010

This is making me a little kooky today. I thought I could defined a library path in PREFERENCES > ACTIONSCRIPT > ACTIONSCRIPT 3.0 SETTINGS then that library would be available to all AS3 FLA files, but that doesn't seem to work for me. If I use the PUBLISH SETTINGS and define the library path everything is fine.

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Feb 21, 2011

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It will communicate with server via the Internet. Flex / Air feature set (offline SQL is Internet goes down, Rich communications, rich client environment etc), the fact that we run Macs + PC makes it looks like a great choice. I know HTML 5 has offline SQL and stuff, but flex feature set is way more comprehensive / usable etc..Is anyone doing any big corporate Flex / Air projects that need to last a long time? Or are you pushing HTML and its new technologies to provide a more safe investment.

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Data Integration :: Find The Application-level Configuration Folder?

Feb 24, 2010

I hope i'm in the correct forum to ask this. I am trying to find the application-level configuration folder for my Flash CS4 program.
I assumed it would be in C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Flash CS4enConfigurationComponents
But it is not. Should I have such a folder? And, if so, where should it be?
Or do I need to create it myself?

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Nov 18, 2009

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-bash-3.2$ ./fmsmaster -consoleAdobe Flash Media Server (Master)Console mode.FMS detected IPv6 protocol stack!FMS config <NetworkingIPv6 enable=false>FMS running in IPv4 protocol stack mode!Host: uberserver IPv4: starting...Edge (13199) started, arguments : -edgeports ":1935,80" -coreports "localhost:19350" -conf "/opt/adobe/fms/conf/Server.xml" -adaptor "_defaultRoot_" -name

The assert errors continue until I terminate the process.

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Flash :: Media Server 4 Enterprise Load Balancing?

Dec 4, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Level Select Screen So The Buttons Unlock Complete A Level?

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if(this.number <= currentItem){


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ActionScript 1/2 :: OnLoad Working At _root Level But Not At Mc_target Level?

Aug 26, 2010

I have two layers in my FLA both with empty movie clips as follows:In mc_Empty1, I attach a faded background movieclip as I wait for mc_Empty2 to load a SWF.  Once the SWF is loaded into mc_Empty2, I want to remove the faded background movieclip from mc_Empty1.  When I load the SWF from the main timeline, the onLoad() function works and removes the faded background from mc_Empty1.  However, when I load the SWF from mc_target, the SWF loads, but the onLoad() function does not.  Here's my AS2 code:
//Loading SWF from main timeline
mc_Empty1.attachMovie("mcFadedBg", "mc_FadedBg", 1);
mc_Empty2.loadMovie("My.swf");mc_Empty2.onLoad = function():Void{    trace("loaded"); //This works    removeMovieClip(mc_Empty1.mc_FadedBg); //This works}

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Flex :: Show Data At Group Level In Flex Advanced Grid?

Aug 6, 2009

I am working on a grid example in flex using advanced grid control. I know we can easily group data by specifying the field name. At the group node level, other than the gorup name I want to be able to show data in the rest of the cells ( calculated data ) and I am looking for some dataRowBound event or similar to be able to hook some data in it.

Example: Grid displaying list of towns grouped by state. At the group level ( for each state) I want to show the total number of towns in each state. Here how can i show the total number in the town column.

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Flex :: Adobe AIR Application To Receive Back Events From Native Windows Application?

Oct 8, 2010

I'm trying to develop a simple mxml Flex application to start Skype from the AIR/Flashplayer runtime. Is it possible to get back events from a native Windows application? In the simple example of Skype, the OS returns control to the Flex app when Skype exits. But what about native applications which have their own event model and wants to communicate with the Flex event model. For example, a Face detection system which shows "Hello" on a Flex app when the camera detects a face. Can this be done in the current Flex framework?

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Actionscript 3 :: Resizing Container On Resize Of Application Window In Adobe Flex/AIR Application?

Mar 4, 2011

I am working on an Adobe AIR Application. The size on Application window is 800X600 and is contains border container and border container contains many controls. What I want is to if user re-sizes the application then that container should also be re-sized according to scale. i.e If user maximizes or minimizes the window then that border container should also be maximized or minimized respectively.

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Flex :: Come Back In Main Application On Click Of Logout Button Which Is In Application's Component?

Aug 4, 2011

How I will be back in Login Page after click of logout which is in application's component.


<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" width="100%" height="100%"


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Flex :: Delete Application Storage Directory Instance / Data When Uninstalling Any Air Application?

Dec 22, 2011

how can i delete storage directory instances or folder while uninstalling any air application. In my application when i first time run my application, application copy some data from application directory to application storage directory. now i want to delete all data and application directory folder also while uninstalling application.

I am doing that because when i launch any update then application is accessing old data which conflict with my application new features.

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Flex :: Gui - Switch Between Different Applications(mxml File With Application As The Root Tag) In A Big Application?

May 16, 2010

I'm new to flex. Now I'm writing an flex application. I plan to split my application into some MXML files(Application as the root tag). How can I switch from one mxml to another?BTW, what is the best practice for design large flex application? Just one MXML Application and many MXML component or many MXML Application?

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Actionscript 3 :: Using External Xml Data In A Flex Application Without Compiling The Source Into The Application?

Jul 15, 2011

I want to read xml data to a mxml application from a xml file on my filesystem. The example I found was for AIR,link2, link3. But I want to target the Flash Player runtime. If I use the the tag, I can do it; however the xml compiles into my swf. How can I retain the xml file in my release build?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Swf From Third Level Into Container In First 'home' Level

Dec 26, 2011

I'm doing a bigger aplication in flash (as2).Image, there is a main "home" flash with several menu buttons.Clicking these buttons, I load external swf into an empty container in this "home" flash.[code]clicking buttons in this second level, will load external movies into an empty container in this SECOND LEVEL swf.This works fine, but now, coming to the THIRD LEVEL (don't think there will be more in the future) problems come up, some scripts won't work.Now (I'm a as2-beginner) I think, loading external swf ALLWAYS into containers in the first "Home" flash should solve the problem.But I don't know, how to load an swf from the third level into a container in the first "home" level.In the "home" level, I have a "close" button, that will unload the container content.I need to go to a certain scene "content_2" in the home swf, too.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: LoadMovie - Jump To Level 2 Upon Completing The First Level?

May 9, 2004

i have game im doing, and i want it to jump to level 2 upon completing the first level, but the problem is, the level 2 is a seperate swf, i've tried to use

on (release) {

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Flex :: SystemManager.addEventListener Of Sub Application Is Not Working In Main Application?

Mar 31, 2011

i used systemManager.addEventListener in sub application...... it is working well....but when i load sub application into main application through swfloader it doesnot working..

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Ios :: Embed Adobe Air / Flex Application Inside A Standard Application

Aug 29, 2011

I have a native (Obj-C, standard Xcode project) application and I'd like to integrate a partners iOS application (or specifically, it's functionality) into it as just another view in my application. The problem is that their application is a Flex/Air app. I really don't understand the Adobe compilation process on how it gets from a bunch of flex code down to an IPA. I don't see intermediate projects, shared objects, etc on the disk to produce that IPA. It looks like it doesn't rely on the Apple tool chain... as I understand it, you can produce the IPA on Windows as well. Is there any way to build that Flex app in such a way that I can import it into Xcode so I can link against it and use it as a library from within my application? While I specifically used iOS as an example since that is the most important platform, we'll want to apply this solution to our respective Android and Blackberry 6 apps as well.

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Flex - Application.application.nativeWindow.activate() On Windows?

Dec 8, 2009

I have an AIR application with a system tray icon. When clicked it shows and activates the app. This is working as expected when the app is hidden (docked), however if I select another application so my app is in the background clicking on the system tray icon does nothing.

Oddly I also have a contextual menu on the system tray icon, which has an option to restore, this calls the same event handler as ScreenMouseEvent.CLICK, yet works.

I expect it's something to do with the contextual menu changing the focus, perhaps it's a bug in how AIR works with the system tray, perhaps it's just something I'm missing. Would be good to know if that's the case.

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Flex :: Launch A Separate Air Application Through My Current Air Application?

Sep 1, 2010

I've been trying to launch a separate Air Application through my current Air Application.Both apps are compiled using the Adobe Air 2.0 SDK. The methods I have found so far involve passing the Publisher ID in addition to the Application ID, but I believe the Publisher ID became redundant past Air 1.5.3? Below is my current implementation whic seems to correctly ascertain the Air Application's version number, but when I try to launch it, nothing seems to happen.

private static var _air:Object;
private static var _loader:Loader;
private static var appID:String = "someOtherAirApplication";[code].....

I have changed the app-config.xml (app descriptor) on the application I am trying to load to allow browser invocation.The version number of the app descriptor of my application I am trying to load is "V1" which the versionDetectCallback seems to pickup. If this is the case I would expect to be able to launch it but this doesn't seem the case.

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Android :: Load Flex Application In Mobile Application?

Mar 7, 2012

I want to load a flex application in mobile flex application and also i want it to interact with the parent application. Right now I am trying to load the swf with swfLoader in mobile app, but it gives me security error. And also should I want the parent application to be generic in terms of child application as in down the line if someone wants he can have another child application with same name run.


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