Flex :: Display The Content Of These Pages?
Mar 30, 2011
I have XML pages with some defined structure , now using flex I want to display the content of these pages. The purpose of using Flex is to give better look. If I can use something else which will provide a good UI to display then also its fine.
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ActionScript Code:
//Declare page vars
var currentpage = 1;
var nextpage = (currentpage+1);
var previouspage = (currentpage-1);
[Code] .....
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ActionScript Code:
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theText.html = true;
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<icons><icon image="shoes.png" tooltip="www.shoes4crews.co.uk" content="I made this...<![CDATA[<a [code]....
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Jul 1, 2011
I am calling one method at an interval of 3 sec. This method reads a file from server and then display its content. The file which is getting read is a log file which gets updated at regular interval. The issue is once some content read by AS then it is not getting updated that means after every execution of the function content of src variable below remains same even thou the source file is updated.
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Aug 22, 2011
I created a scrollpane in as3 and set its source to another object, which contains several rows of icons. The scrollbar in the scrollpane is getting the right length, which means the object was loaded as expected, but the contant is not showing correctly.
I created a Thumbnail class for this file to load and make each individual thumbnail. Here is my code, the red text is where each thumbnail is loaded:
import fl.containers.UILoader;import caurina.transitions.*;import flash.events.Event;import fl.containers.ScrollPane;
var urlRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("pics.xml");var urlLoader:URLLoader =
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Oct 11, 2005
link to a tutorial that explains how to display data in a grid/table style view. I'm trying to create a catalog (using xml), I know how to display the information retrieved from the xml file, I just don't know how to display it in a grid/table style. And also the next and previous buttons I got to work while showing one at a time (kirupa xml gallery tutorial).
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Jul 30, 2003
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Sep 11, 2003
I've been working on this catalog system for awhile now, and have it working almost perfectly. But one problem still remains...
I'm dynamically loading content (jpgs & text) into a scrollpane from an xml file. It should display an image, and then below it some associated text. My problem is that when the content loads in, the first jpg isnt visible. I'm pretty sure its there because all the other jpgs load. What I think is happening is that the scrollpane is displaying the text below the 1st jpg at the very top of the scrollpane, which leaves the jpg above the scrollpane and thus not visible.
When I first started this catalog. I was loading the content into an MC I had manually created and was attaching to the scrollpane via attachMovie. I had the same problem as above in this scenario as well...and to correct that what I did was make a box that went around the entire are that the jpgs and text loaded into. This allowed the jpg to show up.
But now that I'm dynamically creating both the holder MC and the textfield, I'm back to losing the 1st jpg image. It seems to me that the scrollpane needs something above the jpg holder MC for it to be displayed.
Here is the code I'm using to load and create everything.
Here's the code:
[AS]tFormat = new TextFormat()
tFormat.font = "Verdana";
tFormat.size = 10;
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Oct 26, 2011
I've been asked to incorporate a cover flow into a project I'm working on. Although there are many components available I've been asked for it to loop round i.e. the slideshow has no left and right end, when the last item in the XML is reached it seamlessly keeps scrolling by going back to the start of the array. Does anyone know of a coverflow component with this function?
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Feb 20, 2012
I want to display HTML formatted content from various sources inside a Flash Flex application. Flash supports HTML formatting in its text fields, however it is very limited compared to a web browser. Are there any scripts out there that will convert common HTML formatted text into a format that Flash can handle? My particular use cases are:Displaying HTML formatted emails inside FlashDisplaying RTF files inside Flash (after running an RTF2HTML conversion on the server)Displaying random HTML content copied and pasted from other sources into Flash
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Jul 1, 2011
This method reads a file from server and then display its content. The file which is getting read is a log file which gets updated at regular interval. The issue is once some content read by AS then it is not getting updated that means after every execution of the function content of src variable below remains same even thou the source file is updated.
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May 31, 2008
I want to pass the state and city variable to the swf file from the swfobject and then display the content of the variable from the xml file.
<script type="text/javascript">
YUE.onDOMReady(function() {var so = new SWFObject("assets/promoKiosk.swf","amenities","628","600","8","#FFF" );
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