ActionScript 1/2 :: Hit HitTest - Reset And Replay A Move Clip?

Sep 11, 2010

Ok, so i am working on a platform game, I am new to making games, but I enjoy it! I need a little help with resetting a Move Clip if there is a hitTest! MY EXAMPLE: When the HP bar hits the bottm, my character resets. I want him to reset AND reset the the MC, or give full HP again. So, how can I take my code below and make it so that when the hitTest is true, it ALSO resets my movie clip?


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Jun 30, 2009

I am new to flash and im trying to make a game. Im stuck on hitTest. I have many black boxes falling down and I want the game to reset when the black boxes touch my red circle. I used this code for my boxes:

myInterval = setInterval(addbox1,500);
function addbox1() {
[Code] .....
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[AS]onClipEvent (load) {
startDrag(this, true); }[/AS]

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onClipEvent (enterFrame) {

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Hittest With Multiple Array - Without The Rest Of The Array Numbers Being Reset

Mar 20, 2009

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Actionscript 3 :: Replay A Movie Using Replay Button On Stage?

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Flash :: Mouseevent - Why Does Animation Reset When Move The Mouse

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I have 2 overlapping movieclips on the stage. Both are instances of the same movieclip, but with different names. One bigger then the other, due to a magnifying effect. (I have tried to out-rule that code by the way, so its not that). The intention is to make both movieclips play when the mouse is over the stage and then stop as the mouse leaves the area. Seems simple and I have done that alot of times with other animations.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: [CS3] Movie Clip Buttons Replay Over Local Connection

Feb 5, 2009

I seem to have a problem with re-playing my movie clip buttons for a second time.

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The idea is that when on the 'home' page movie clip buttons can be used when both SWFs are running. This works from the original loading, but once navigated to another page/section and then returning to 'home', the buttons on the menu1 file stop reacting.

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Also, if anyone knows how i can reduce the amount of repeated actionscript I would be eternally gratefull.

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Jul 1, 2009

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replay_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,replay); function replay(evt:MouseEvent):void {dpCuspSub_mc.gotoAndPlay(1);}
I'm a graphic artist who has just started learning Flash, so please simplify as much as possible.

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IDE :: Reset Drag And Drop Items Without Restarting Movie Clip?

May 11, 2009

Sounds strange, but let me explain. What the user sees: Loading the page, color swatches fade in and slide over into place, row by row. Once in place, user can drag and drop swatches around, place side-by-side, etc. The script necessary to attach to a button so that all swatches can be reset back into place where they were, and not generate a replay of the initial movie clip from the beginning. (a goto and play is not what I'm looking for) Here's my code so far:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: HitTest Movie Clip Hitting Another Inside In A Movie Clip?

Mar 25, 2011

I have in my root:

1 Movie Clip instancied as a "cursor" 1 Movie Clip instancied as a "Mc_Obstacles" with others 5 Movie Clipsand the 5 Movie Clips inside the "Mc_Obstacles" are instancied as "Obstacle" , all with the same instance...I want this: when the mc "cursor" hit one of mcs "obstacles" gotoandstop to frame X then i did in frame with actions in another layer:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: HitTest With Movie Clip?

Sep 7, 2009

I'm making a droid (bad guy) move down the screen. If it hits the robot (good guy) the baseHealth will go down 2, same if it hits the bottom of the screen. If it hits the beam movie clip then it will go to the top of the screen and continue downward. The beam movie clip is a laser that slowly move outward, and I want the droid to go to the back of the screen if it ever touches any frame of the beam. However, when the droid touches the beam nothing happens, though it seems to work when it touches the robot or hits the bottom of the screen.

addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveDroid);
function moveDroid(e:Event):void{[code]....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Mouse Drag On One Clip To Move Another Clip

May 13, 2011

I trying to create an animation that will demonstrate the basics of steering a sailboat. There will be a movieclip top view of the boat hull. Another movie clip will be the boat tiller. One end of the the tiller will have a grip that the user will drag with the mouse. Dragging the grip will turn the tiller turn right or left on its axis. When the user drags the tiller to the left, the boat hull turns to the right, and vice versa. I can get the tiller to rotate in a circle around its axis. However, making the tiller turn no more than 15 to 20 degrees left or right, and creating an event listener that will test when the tiller is turned left or right, then turn the hull the opposite direction as a sailboat would react.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Scrollbar For A Movie Clip - Move The Clip Within A Certain Ratio

Nov 22, 2004

how I can create a working scrollbar for a movie clip? I've managed to get as far as inserting two buttons that allow you to move the movie clip up and down, it's just getting the scrollbar to be able to move the clip within a certain ratio that I'm finding hard to do.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Implement A HitTest With A Clip With FT Added?

May 1, 2003

Im 'TRYING' to use your FreeTransform proto from, with the drawing movie ive been making (for the last century lol) namely with lines using the draw api and duped circles (which have textfields inside)..

I think for my requirements I need 2 types of free transform, 1 for transforming lines, the other for transforming circles with text inside. It seems rotation with your FT kills the text inside my circle so I figured I would remove the rotation handles for one style. Also Im after;

1) manual control over FreeTransform as I only want it enabled when a user selects the 'transform' button in the tool bar (disabled otherwise)

-> so I have set 0 for autoRemove, so that I can addFreeTransform to all clips on 'moveComponents' (button clip) "down" event and removeFreeTransform on 'moveComponent's (button clip) "up" (ie not selected). Seem ok/logical?

2)Next I have a canvas, so I need selected elements to swap depths and be dragged BUT only in the canvas area,

-> Im not sure how to implement a hitTest with a clip with FT added?

3)Lastly Ive had an issue with using FT on clips with api drawn lines. It seems that the center cross hair is way up in the top left, and funnily enough the boundary (ie the surround handles bit) manages to perfect wrap itself around the line. Of course because the center cross hair is way up in the top left the rotation and resizing of the line is completely wacky.Anyway here's my 2 FT styles...

//My freetransform style for circles
ftCircleStyle = new FreeTransformStyle([3,0xFF0000,100], [15,0xFFEEAA,100], [null,"s",null,"s",null,"s",null,"s"], true, 0);[code]....

1)The AS you'll find in the timeline of the clip called 'drawArea'.

2)And to run the movie compile the fla and click the blue arrow on 'New' in the menu you see, then a toolbar will appear with a canvas.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reset The Display By The Means To Start The Motion All Over Again (reset Button)

Jul 13, 2010

Just new in forum and just new in as3 programming. All i want to do is to make some physics simulations (i'm physics teacher...). So i made my first sim with the following code, just to simulate a simple motion with constant velocity. It works ok, except the part i need to reset the display by the means to start the motion all over again (reset button). Then the motion starts but the traces of the previous motion remains on stage. I tried the null command (sp=null) but the sim could not start again because the sp nedded to be non-null...


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Make A Reset Button And Add Script To It To Reset All Of The Drag And Drop Movie Clips?

Apr 13, 2011

I have an issue with adding a reset button to my drag and drop movie clips.The problem is, if a student drags a movie clip to a wrong location on the SWF file I want them to be able to hit a reset button that would take them the same SWF that they opened and what would showup would a clear page for them to restart their drag and drop exercise.I know how to make the button for this just want the proper action script to be able for user to start over with no movie clip symbols on the page.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: HitTest For Multiple Movie Clip At The Same Time?

Dec 5, 2009

I have a movie it is a triangle.I duplicate it and I want to hitTest on the first triangle movie clip and I added 3 different line movie clips on the 3 side of triangle.I tried to write a code something like that.

but I've got error.I think it is not allowed hitTestObject for multiple Movie Clips.So is there anyone have an opinion about it?What should I do?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Hittest Multiple SAME Movie Clip Entities?

Feb 15, 2010

By using the attachMovie function, I create multiple entities of the same movieClip. Is it possible to detect collisions from the same, but multiple movie clips (And, with different Linkage Identifiers with each entity of the same movieClip.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Setting Up Hittest With Nested Movie Clip?

May 20, 2010

I am trying to set up a if function for a hit test. I am using action script 2.0 am coding all in one layer not within movie clips so dont give me code in that format unless nececary.I have a movie clip with instance name src_resolute and I have another movie clip that is nested inside another movie clip named endbar.What I am trying to do is when src_resolute hits endbar I want it do gotoandplay the next scene.The parrent movie clip of the nested movie clips instance name is background.If you need any more infromation let me know but basicly what I want to do is when my main character(src_resolute) makes contact with the nested movie clip(a movie clip I have drawn inside of another movie clip) I want it to jump to the next scene or more specificaly scene 4.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Use HitTest To Detect If A Dragged Clip Is Over Any One Of 3 Different Targets?

Jun 20, 2007

I'm trying to use hitTest to detect if a dragged clip is over any one of 3 different targets - when it is I want that target to blink. And then when I drag off I'd like the blinking to stop. Make sense? I'm struggling a bit with the following code:

square_mc.onPress = function() {
for (z=1; z<4; z++) {
circle = _root["circle"+z+"_mc"];


The "eval(circle)" part isn't really working.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Mouse Of One Clip Onto The Next It Fails The Hittest And Traces?

Jul 16, 2007

I am attempting to build a xml driven drop down menu where everything is taken from xml. now the problem arises with submenues. I have them being created fine, but it's the mouse out that won't work. I want to use a hittest to check if my mouse is over any of the submenues and if not just to trace something so I know it's working.

The problem is when i mouse of one clip onto the next it fails the hittest and traces. There isn't a space between the two MC's so I dunno what would be causing this. I have read sen's guide but I'm not pulling things from the library. Everything is being created at run time so I can't use the attach movie, so I am just positioning them below each other.


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IDE :: HitTest The Line Drawn In ^ With A Clip Called Enemy?

Mar 3, 2010

im making a game where when you click a line is drawn in the direction you clicked. I need to use hitTest with it, how would i go about doin that? here is the stuff.This is on the main timeline, it links to the gun. "bullet" is an empty clip


gun.onEnterFrame = function ()
var angle:Number = Math.atan2 (_root._ymouse - this._y, _root._xmouse - this._x);[code]....

i Need to hitTest the line drawn in ^ with a clip called enemy. How would i go about doing that?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Set The Hittest To False So It Just Reads The Box Of The Clip, And Not The Shape?

Sep 15, 2002

I can't get the hit test (true) to work on a clip that animates (all it does is grow in size). If I set the hittest to false so it just reads the box of the clip, and not the shape it works just fine. The clip in question is simply a circle.

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