ActionScript 2.0 :: Change Instance Behavior On-the-fly
Jul 20, 2006
Is it possible to change an object's instance behavior on-the-fly? In other words, can I change the instance of a movie clip object to behave as a graphic through actionscript?
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Apr 9, 2010
is it possible to dynamically change one instance of an object without effecting the others? I've created an input text field in the library and when the user hits the "add text" button, it adds an instance of the input text field to the display list. They can then format the text how they wish (color,alignment,etc..). When they hit the "add text" button again, a new instance of the input text field is added to the display list, but when they try to format the new input text field, all of the fields are effected. How do I get around this?
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Sep 13, 2004
Can an instance name change by the way of a variable? In the attached file, I am currently developing a hittest assessment. I want to convert most of these boxes to componets so it is easier for people outside the department to use. However, I am having trouble with the hittest zone. I am using a componet for the hittest zone. It has an instance name of "dropzonetrue".
Then, as of now, I have a variable set up temporarily in the first keyframe as
correct = "true"
dropzone = "dropzone" + correct
In the Test mc, I have code listed using the dropzone variable as the hittest criteria, rather than the instance name of the component. However, it is not working. Is the instance name of the component going to always override the variable name?
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Jun 25, 2008
I am trying to change width of ComboBox instance. I want to change width of the original box, not the list. List width can be changed with inst.dropdownWidth=myWidth; ComboBox width can be changed by free transforming in Flash IDE, but that is not exactly ideal. There should be a code solution for this (I hope). Anyone know or know where to find out? I could not find it in the documentation strangely enough (or maybe I just missed smtg obvious).
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Jul 14, 2009
I'm making an activity where you drag and drop text (in mc's) into a specific column. There are two columns, the left is for workplace responsibility the right side is for personal responsibility. I've made the actionscript so that I can drop multiple targets into any of the correct spaces they're supposed to go to and I want the text to appear in that particular spot.
At the moment I have dynamic text, and when the text/mc is dropped into the box I have the code ( - and so the instance name shows, but since you cant have whitespace in the instance names its not formatted the way I want it.
I tried using:
textOne.text = "Team Player";}
But that doesn't work..
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Jan 27, 2012
I have 2 instances of a button wich is red and has a white label I have to edit the buttons so one button is red, and the other is green I was doing this, but when applied Also the title of label goes green instead of being white...
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Nov 19, 2005
I'm stuck on this annoying bug of Flash:to animate a character i have different graphic symbols of hand positions inside a single container graphic symbol; that way instead of having to swap different symbols while animating and tweening, i just have to change the number on the "single frame" input box on the properties of the symbol.
It worked fine a few sessions ago, but now it won't let me change the frame number if there's a tween before that keyframe; tha keyframe isn't participating on any tween, and may even have some frames between the previous tweening one. The only way it will change is if i remove the first tween or add a blank keyframe between them, wich of course isn't an option when animating... i know it would work if i add a new layer and continue there, but it'll add a lot of mess to the already busy timeline.
The strange thing is that it remains working on some frames, from the previous session, and if a cut and paste them i can change the frame number freely; but if i try to build a secuence from scratch, it won't let me, even on a new document.
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Sep 10, 2011
I adopted and existing site, and am making some changes.
Publish settings:
Flash 8
Actionscript 2
A seperate movieclip named page4 shows in the library to have 6 uses. On the clip are two text boxes both static and one has a movieclip button overlayed. Selecting any of the three changes the propery panel for allowing editing. However. Even though I can see the reference point (the cross) of the movieclip page4, I can find no way to get flash (CS5) to show me the properties to allow giving it an instance.
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Sep 11, 2009
How do i correctly change a variable from an instances timeline? I need the variable hero.landing to = true when a particular frame is hit in the timeline.
I used to add the instance simply with addChild(name);
and the AS in the timeline was:
MovieClip(this.parent).hero.attacking = false;
However i add the child to the gamelevel instance like:
and the code: MovieClip(this.parent).hero.attacking = false;
only temporarily changes the variable, it resets back to its previous immediately after the frame is reached.
For example, hero.attacking is true until it hits a certain frame at which point i want it to be set back to false. However now that i add the child into the gamelevel instance, it only temporarily sets hero.attacking to false, and then resets back to true after.
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Nov 8, 2009
five instances, five different numbers on theText. Five different names for each instance.
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Dec 1, 2005
I've got a map, of those you roll over the mouse on the sections and it displays the section name.I want to add to these code, the instance of changing the colour of the section, so sections are more visible each time you move your mouse over the map.[code]...
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Dec 6, 2008
I dont know what I am missing here but what I want to do is change the text inside a dynamic text field via actionscript. the code I am using runs in a loop within a function. Trace is outputting the correct values.[code]...
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Nov 4, 2009
On my stage I have about 10 different objects that are all copies of the same MC symbol in my library. I gave them all instance names: block1, block2, ... block10. In the code for my Document class, I wrote:
for (var i:int = 0; i < numChildren; i++) {
The first time I ran my code, my trace looked like:
Later, I changed around the z-axis for a few of these objects on my stage (Ctrl + SHIFT + DOWN/ UP)
Then I ran my code again, and I got:
instance 16
instance 17
Why does affecting the z-axis of these objects affect their dynamic names?
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Jan 17, 2010
i have four buttons instances (of same object) on the stage first_btn,second_btn...fourth_btn). i created an array (btnArray) and stored buttons instance name in it. After this i created an timer event to cycle through all the button for certain interval.the code is:-
function timerListener(e:TimerEvent): void {
while ( i <= (btnArray.length - 1)) {
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Mar 20, 2009
Does creating a new instance of an Object that uses an identical name to an older instance, delete the previous instance? Or should the original instance be deleted first? The code uses a ridiculous amount of XML vars. Isn't it less memory intensive to parse the XML and save the properties to an Object, and then delete the XML Object, rather than keep the XML Object around and reference it's child nodes directly? Is it better form to break up a huge XML file (>600lines/3200vars) into smaller chunks?
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Aug 3, 2011
I've been wondering if it's possible to change the backend of the LLVM implementation from ARM to something else for instance C or C++? Currently Adobe uses a Actionscript3 frontend (which I can't currently find - closed source?) for the LLVM to produce iOS applications. I'm wondering why there isn't more options for other backends? Of course there are limitations to going this route, no loading of external swf files at runtime (to name just one), but the iOS applications seem to manage really well with this feat. I did find this pdf which talks about the AS3 LLVM frontend, but no guidance to where the code is or how to investigate... I just think it's a missed opportunity that Adobe are missing and wondered how much work it would be to do such a feat?
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Apr 7, 2010
Basically i want to run a loop that will change all of the colors of the movieclip instances.... so i have setup an array[code]...
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Sep 9, 2011
Ive made a button (Convert to symbol > Button)and set that up, then made a new layer for a dynamic text box and gave that the name btn_txt so my plan is to just have instances of that button and be able to change the text through actionscript2this is my code and i thought it would work but nothing happens
ive traced one of the text fields and it returns with undefined ive also tried using _level0. but that does nothing
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Sep 26, 2008
I want to change the movieclips' width whose instance names are in an array. However I can't change this value even for one instance.
this.holder_mc.onEnterFrame = function() {
_root.edges[1]._width = 24-_root.holder_mc._x;
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Jun 29, 2010
what I"m doing. I have a game with several stages. When the user presses the button for "stage 1", I would like the background to change. When the user presses the button for stage 2, I would like the Html background to change again. I understand using ExternalInterface with Javascript is the way to do this but I'm at a dead end. I've tried just loading images onto the stage, but that was too much of a memory problem. I'm using swf object: my code so far"
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May 6, 2010
this may be a basic thing, but i couldn't find an answer by serching internet. I have created a simple button - Istance name = "btnsample"and there are two layers layer 0- button design with rollovers - layer 1- dynamic text field - instance name = "txtbtnlabel"btnsample.txtbtnlabel.text = "new button label;but it's giving followin error :-119:Access of possible undefined propety txtbtnlabel through a reference with static type flash.display:simpleButton.
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May 24, 2011
So I have a code, shown below:
and I want to add multiple buttons, not just this one. I figured out by trial and error that I couldn't just consecutively list the instances, I also found I couldn't just replicate the code and change the instance names. I just need to know how to go about having multiple buttons/clips.
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Jul 2, 2004
I have a problem and I hope that u can help me out. The thing is that I'm going to have several buttons on my page but I want them all to have the same animation or behavior when clicked on. Is it possible to use variables to label objects?
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May 30, 2009
I just exported a FLA file as a quicktime movie in CS4 using the 'animation' setting, and it produced quirky results. A 'ghost' of each object was left on screen, apparently at the point where a keyframe was present in the original FLA file. Don't know how else to describe it, and I don't think there is a way for me to upload the movie for anyone here to see? Anyone experienced this? or know a way round it? I did manage to get it to play right when exported with the 'DVC PAL' type codecs, but the quality was awful. All the other options produced results at least as bad as the first attempt.
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Nov 22, 2011
I have a project in Flash Professional CS5 and ActionScript 3.
I have a movieclip symbol (referred herein as "background" with scripts on various keyframes inside of that symbol. I need to hide or show another symbol (referred herein as "object") sharing a stage with "background".
To put it another way, I need "object" to be hidden when "background" reaches a certain internal keyframe. However, as "object" and "background" are both children of the same stage, how do I do this?
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Jul 3, 2011
I would like to improove the behavior of my buttons in this way: i have 3 buttons (pix1, 2, 3)when you roll over each button the color is can i do to let the color grey when my mouse roll out off each button? for exemple I roll over on pix1 the color become grey and after I roll out of pix1. the color stay grey. It is just when I roll over on pix2 or pix3 that pix1 become back black and pix2 or pix3 become grey.for the moment it is like this : http:[url]......
I wrote this code: // size of the stagevar largeurScene:uint = stage.stageWidth;var hauteurScene:uint = stage.stageHeight;
//bt01 is a button called btserie01. I have juste written pix01var bt01:btserie01 = new btserie01();bt01.x = 90;bt01.y = 150;addChild(bt01);[code].........
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