ActionScript 2.0 :: Counting Number How Many Times Button Clicked

Jul 5, 2004

How to count how many times the btn have been click. After counted the number of btn been click, according to the number, load the sound that match with the number of the btn been click.

At the first frame :[Code]
Sound = new Sound();
Sound.attachSound("firstSound01.wav","secondSound0 2.wav");

At the btn's action:[Code]
on (release) {
if (count == 1) {
[Code] .....

With using these code, the sound come out when I click the btn is firstSound01.wav,the second time i click the btn the sound come out still firstSound01.wav. How to make it come out secondSound02.wav when I click the btn after first sound finish.

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[Code] .....

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