ActionScript 2.0 :: Repeat A For Loop From Start

Mar 16, 2009

I've got a game going where portals are randomly placed across the map every X seconds.However, I can't figure out how to stop the portals from spawning on top of each other. I know how to easily do the collision, and check if they're too close to each other.Pretty much what I do is create the portal object, then randomly assign it X and Y values. Then, I do a for loop that loops through all the portals in the portals array, check THEIR X and Y value, checks to see if they're too close...then what? I can't just go "okay, it's too close" and randomly assign it new X and Y values, otherwise it could be on top of ANOTHER portal.What I'm looking for is something that will check the X and Y values of all the portals, then if it is on top of another portal, it will assign new X/Y values. Then, if these are on top, it will do it again. And again, until it gets the job done!

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for (var i:int = 0; i < egarticleXml.articlelist.articleitem.length(); i++)


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[Code] .....

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<object width="150" height="150"> <param name="flashvars" value="offsite=true&lang=en-us&page_show_url=%2Fphotos%2F49111858%40N06%2Fsho w%2F&page_show_back_url=%2Fphotos%2F49111858%40N06%2F&user_id=49111858 @N06&jump_to=&autostart=true"></param> <param name="movie" value=""></param> <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="


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Apr 24, 2011

I'm trying to broaden my horizons with it and so I'm trying to do an update of a quiz program my employer has. Everything has worked well, except for the timer. The button that starts the game has two options, "study" or "exam"; if the study is selected, there is no countdown, just the score keeper. If the exam option is selected, the timer is show (counting up). But, press "Start" and while the quiz begins, the timer, in either case, does not.

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Minutes = "00";
Seconds = "00";
Centiseconds = "00";


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Here is the action scrip that I created. Correct it if you can.

Process.visible = false;
Cycles.visible = false;


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Make MC Repeat Look Better?

Apr 1, 2010

I don't know much about flash.. I've created a MC with tomatoes falling.. when the MC repeats itself, which I want it to, looks too "rough". I am hoping to make the transition a little smoother.. I've read a little about mathematical random function, but it looks so complicated.Here is the flash: http:[url].....

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Making Random Not Repeat?

Aug 25, 2009

Im wanting to change the variable numSound. At the moment it is a random number 1-5 which works well but I dont want repetition. Tried all sorts of things but no luck.

private function randRange(min:Number, max:Number):Number


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Repeat Only Some Frames Infinitely?

Mar 19, 2010

1. starts with 2 guns crossed centered

2. the shoot at the same time and start dragging towards the edges of the screen like this: <------ (center) ------>

3. fill the centerish area with smoke from the gunfire while the guns are moving away

4. as the smoke clears my name appears in the middle

5. then a few more frames of smoke coming out of the guns (i want this part to repeat, only this part though so theres just infinite smoke coming out)

now i'm still a bit fresh to flash. here's what i have down. i got my gun pics and the tilt up when fired and got them to drag away (motion tween). i also got my name to fade in from a frame in the middle to the end. i still don't know how to make the bang, or smoke (then make the smoke vanish), and then have the last few frames repeat.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Random Do Something Without Repeat

Mar 22, 2012

I've 3 movieclip on stage which is mc1,mc2,mc3 at first they are alpha=0 What I want is when i click on revealBtn, 1 of them will show up as alpha=1. But with my code below, sometimes I need to click about 5 times or more only can make all those mc show up.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Toggling Repeat On And Off?

Feb 26, 2010

I got some code to make a  video loop indefinitely with the nsvid4_loop function, but i want it t  be toggleable via a button I am trying to set up a function to do that (vid4loopwitch).. i'm getting stuck though on how exactly to incorporate the one nsvid4loop with its event listener into the function for repeating  it is probably pretty straightforward i'm just still learning my way around AS. check the code to see what i have so far.. i just need to know what i need to add  to the vid4loopswitch function to get it going. it is really hurtin my brain

var nsvid4:NetStream = new NetStream(nc);
nsvid4.client = this;"clips/video1.flv");


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Arrays :: Randomly Do Something Without Repeat?

Mar 22, 2012

I've 3 movieclip on stage which is mc1,mc2,mc3at first they are alpha=0What I want is when i click on revealBtn, 1 of them will show up as alpha=1.But with my code below, sometimes I need to click about 5 times or more only can make all those mc show up.Is there any solution for what I wanted? I've try splice but it's still not working well.

var mcArray:Array = [mc1,mc2,mc3];
for (var j:int = 0; j < mcArray.length; j++)


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Random Int Without Repeat

Jan 15, 2009

how i should go about making a function that returns a random int w/out repeating? i was thinking:


would this be sufficient? i'm tracing my output and sometimes i don't see anything. is this because it could take a while to iterate through w/out a repetition and that may cause the variable to be undefined during that call of the function?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Repeat The Tween

Aug 18, 2009

I designed image viewer and the main functionality of the code is written in an external class - AS file. The connection between the fla file and the external class work ok. In the fla file I added some movie clips as buttons and when I press them, the external pictures are loading successfully.

A) When the picture is loaded, I am using a tween , and the picture is moving inside the screen.For this I call inputfade() function from the external as.

B) When I choose another picture to be loaded, I want the current picture to move outside from the screen, and the new loaded picture to move inside (same as explained in A).For the current picture to move outside I used outputfade() function, and for new loaded picture to move inside I am using the same first function inputfade()

Here is the main code:
//moving inside
public function inputfade(){
var easeType = mx.transitions.easing.Bounce.easeOut;


I have a problem with the part, when the picture is moving outside from the screen (when outputfade() is finished,) I can not add new coming tween. (- I can not call any new tween function).It seems that any code related to tween (exept yoyo)or other type of mc motion is blocked after after finishing the function outputfade(). I also add with some trace (�test�); after finishing the inputfade function and the trace work. Also interesting this.yoyo() function works as well after finishing outputfade, which is not same case with calling inputfade();

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