ActionScript 2.0 :: Cant Get A Spotlight Effect With Gradientfill To Work?
Apr 26, 2007
I cant get a spotlight effect with gradientfill to work right i create an object that represents the gradient and then i tween it from small to huge... and draw a box the size of the screen and fill it and on each updateMovement I redraw the gradient with a alpha 0 center and a 255 edge...but it doesnt center right at matter what i do. It always is off Center...(oh Im using Stage.width/height since it needs to be dynamically resized based on browser...)
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package {
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Jun 26, 2004
Realistic FLASH spotlight beam, not using a circular mask. I am in desperate need of some information, about realistic spotlights designed with flash. I need the kind that shoot a beam with a round circle on the floor. I have found a great example, at and the owner even shared the fla code with me, but I still don't quite understand how to modify it to work for me. He offered to help, but he only speaks spanish and I only speak English, so we can't communicate.
If you go to his web and view the stage, the beam sweeps the stage and changes the angle and size of the beam. I need a longer and narrower beam. The length of the beam is too short for me, but the idea is just what I need. Does anyone know of any tutorials on this subject? Or possibly other samples so that I may study them in detail.
1. Is a mask necessary to keep all the beams the same length as they scan? As the angle changes, the beam length would change unless a mask or something cuts them off at the floor level always.
2. Motion tween could probably be used to move the beam?
3. Would it be necessary to skew the beam as it sweeps as when it is slanted like that, the width of the beam gets wider as it sweeps away from you and more narrow as it sweeps closer to you.
4. Did you need to use alpha anywhere possobly when the beams cross each other or maybe when it is first turned on?
I would greatly appreciate any advice anyone can give, or steer me in the correct direction for some tutorial information.
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Jun 26, 2004
Realistic FLASH spotlight beam, not using a circular mask.I am in desperate need of some information, about realistic spotlights designed with flash. I need the kind that shoot a beam with a round circle on the floor. I have found a great example, at r even shared the fla code with me, but I still don't quite understand how to modify it to work for me. He offered to but he only speaks spanish and I only speak English, so we can't communicate. If you go to his web and view the stage, the beam sweeps the stage and changes the angle and size of the beam. I need a longer and narrower beam. The length of the beam is too short for me, but the idea is just what I need.
Does anyone know of any tutorials on this subject? Or possibly other samples so that I may study them in detail. 1. Is a mask necessary to keep all the beams the same length as they scan? As the angle changes, the beam length would change unless a mask or something cuts them off at the floor level always. 2. Motion tween could probably be used to move the beam? 3. Would it be necessary to skew the beam as it sweeps as when it is slanted like that, the width of the beam gets wider as it sweeps away from you and more narrow as it sweeps closer to you. 4. Did you need to use alpha anywhere possobly when the beams cross each other or maybe when it is first turned on?
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Mar 24, 2006
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startDrag("/coin", true);
MovieClip.prototype.startScratch = function(width){
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Jul 27, 2009
I'm trying to create a cursor that follows the mouse around and leaves a fading trail behind it, and know I would never put something so "1998" on my site, but I thought it would be fun to try and recreate one anyway for my own enjoyment. Okay this is the issue that I'm running into the fading ball cursor does actually work but for some odd reason after about 4 or 5 seconds it leaves a small trail behind it that does not fade all the way, it's almost as if code was resetting and starting all over by dropping the current execution of the code and starting over????
Here's my code. I'm using FLASH CS4 with all current updates
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, moveBall);
function moveBall(e:MouseEvent):void{
var ball:Ball = new Ball();
ball.x = mouseX;
ball.y = mouseY;
var fadAway:Tween = new Tween(ball, "alpha", Strong.easeOut, 1, 0, .5, true);
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Jan 11, 2010
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HTML Code:
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.text.StyleSheet;
var myLabel:TextField = new TextField();
var labelText:String="<span class='defStyle'>Hello world.</span>";
var newStyle:StyleSheet = new StyleSheet();
[Code] .....
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Aug 31, 2009
I have the elastic movement snippet (from Keith Peters), which works fine except for Flash 7 player and higher. In Flash 7 leafes just scatering outwith no elastic interaction. Compiler doesn't throw any errors.I tried Actionscript 2 static strict type variable declarations, but no success.
1 frame
this.createEmptyMovieClip("leaf_elastica", 50);
if(!max) max=4;
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Oct 12, 2005
i dont understand why the easing effect doesnt work on my movieclip_mc ? I see so much fantastic effects we can do but tutorials are not really clear about easing : too much theory and not so much practical demos I m sure something like a basis position and an end position are missing?.
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Mar 22, 2006
i found this nice Mac OS X Dock Menu effect on [URL] (the second link from the top), the thing is, it only works when it is published for flash player 6 or lower... why it doesn't work when it is published for flash player 7...
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Jul 18, 2006
how the actionscript in this works. i want to be able to make the effect work on different objects and at different sizes..
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Jan 15, 2009
On the stage I have 3 objects on the stage which are on top of each other:
top: transparent button (which controls the mc underneath)
under this button: an image which is a mc
under this image: a graphic background with text that describes the image, and a new trans button which will send the users to a separate url.
Problem:The button to go to the url does not work.
To make things simply, I have the top button setting the alpha of the mc to 0% onRollover, in order to view the text. And reset it to 100% on RollOut.
how I can still get this effect with the rollovers, and get my url button to work too?
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Feb 14, 2010
I've created three keyframes on the main timeline, the first is empty, and so is the third. In the second I have a movieclip that contains a classic tween. The movieclip has an alpha of 0 at frame 1, and 100 at frame 15, then at 45 it does the same in reverse until frame 60. On the last frame (60) of my movie clip I have the code:
ActionScript Code:
For some reason when I test the movie, the fade effect will not work, and the screen will just be blank. I have the
ActionScript Code:
Code on frame 2 but none on the other frames.
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Jun 14, 2005
check out: [URL] The typewriter effect here is very fast, much faster than when I use onenterframe to produce the effect. Does anyone know how this is done?
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Jun 16, 2003
I really like the text effect Pom used in the footer contest, and would like to use the same grid-type method of creating mc letters but with a different effect. i understand how to change the parameters and shapes of the letters, but can't seem to figure out which piece of code is purely for the explosion effect. basically, i want the letters but with the 'Repel' effect from[URL] here is Pom's AS:
and here is the .fla using the repel effect using pre-made mc:
View 6 Replies
Aug 25, 2010
is there a way to change the code and create attraction effect instead of push effect?i tried but without success...!
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Feb 7, 2006
in a nut shell I have found this wicked piece of open source actionscript.
It responds to the cursor and was wondering if it is posible to modify the x_position and y_position actions and make the action respond to a moving object???? (a movieclip with a variable name)
is this to complicated to attempt or is it doable??
var rows, colm:Number;
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Jan 29, 2004
I want to be able to make a movie clip (that acts as a button) so the roll over effect finishes before the roll off effect is triggered. Like if a marker circles a button, i want the circling animation to stop before the roll off effects happens. Anyone know how to do this.
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Oct 22, 2009
Several months ago I created this, The Halo Galactic Map. After talking with a lot of people on their opinions and such, I wanted to take it to the next level and replicate the map found in Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 shown here.
Based on my knowledge of Photoshop and some... and by some I mean very VERY little Flash... I took it upon myself and another member of the community to create this.
All was going well until the member decided it wasn't his cup of tea. Basically, he didn't like that he couldn't do it well enough.
Ok, so I've installed Flash and tooled around with it for a bit, but I want to get going. I know this isn't the best place to post this thread - I know there are probably better places - but I just wanted to know where and what to begin with. I have the whole thing planned out in levels, layers, and motion...
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