ActionScript 2.0 :: Delaying Whats In A Text Box?
Jan 23, 2004
i was wondering if you can delay whats inside a text box... for example, when an action is made, the text box will show "action done". kinda like a status bar, now what i wud wanna do is for the x number of seconds i wud want to set it back to blank text box again... is there any way to do that?
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Jan 23, 2004
i was wondering if you can delay whats inside a text box... for example, when an action is made, the text box will show "action done". kinda like a status bar, now what i wud wanna do is for the x number of seconds i wud want to set it back to blank text box again...
View 7 Replies
Aug 4, 2009
Can you make a variable that well...let me give an example
var aNumber:Number = new Number(1);
ok thats a number right?
var aName + aNumber:Ext...
Trying to combind any variable name plus a number attached to it. so instead of
var aName1:Movieclip;
var aName2:Movieclip;
var aName3:Movieclip;
I could just do a for loop and inside of it...
var aName + aNumber:Movieclip;
how would i go about this?
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Aug 13, 2005
I have a loop and in it i am attaching a movie clip (basiccly its just a row with data). The movieclip has a alpha fade in it. Now I want to delay each attachmovie function so that the movies are attached one by one rather then trow them all on the screen at once. (plus it looks better with the alpha fade).
I tried the setInterval but it wont work (ex.:Interval is 1 sec, and if im going to attach 6 MC, flash wait 6 * 1 sec, then show them all)
And is it possible to attach a movieclip inside a othermovieclip thats not on the same frame (the other MC is on frame 10)?
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var pointBuffer:Number = 500;
var totalPoints:Number = 1000;
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Sep 12, 2009
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overflow: visable, but im pretty sure this isnt right.Im offering my first born child for this simple information > GOGO!
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Oct 21, 2009
I have a situation that is driving me nutsthe site in question lives hereI have that 16 sec tweenLite intro fading up the title, then down, then all the elements of the stage fade in.which is fine and looks great.BUT the video that plays after the intro will sometimes play before intro is done which is not great.I have done the code all in the timeline as I am not class savvy is there any way that I can pause the video instance or have the playhead pause until the intro is over.
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Jun 24, 2005
I'm making an image gallery that has an MC as a background that resizes itself due to the size of the image. How can I use the loadMovie function when the button is pressed it will resize the background to the size THEN display the loaderMC that will load the image.How can I achieve this effect? I'm wanting to use the reusable MC (from Kirupa tutorials) or something that will load the image and show a status bar for the loading.
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Nov 17, 2011
basically I want to load an external SWF into my flash file, which I can do just fine, but when I load the swf in, it loads EVERYTHING in the swf into the new flash file...What I want is for it ONLY to display the contents on the stage. I work with large images that span way beyond the stage...then I move the images and when I export the swf it looks like a camera zoomed in and tracking around a large image. BUT when I load the swf into another flash file, it just loads it in with no regard to the do I get it to JUST load what I can see on the stage? here's my current code:
button_1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToLoadUnloadSWF);
import fl.display.ProLoader;
var fl_ProLoader:ProLoader;
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function info1() {
new Tween(guitar1_info, "_alpha", Strong.easeOut, 0, 100, 2, true);
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private function filewrite():void
//some code 1
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Jul 31, 2010
I have been trying to execute functions in a sequential order, but I am totally stuck, and I dont know what else to do. I basically want different movie clips to be faded in and out, but one after the other... just like a movie intro with the name, stars etc.. text fading in, text fading out, etc etc... Maybe this is TOTALLY retarded what I am trying to do, but I didnt want to do the classic motion tween in the frames, cause thats just too tedious, and on the other hand I want to learn AS3.0. So here is the code, I am fading in the first movieclip, and displaying/delaying it with the timer function, so it sits on the screen for 4 seconds, until it fades out and stops. Problem is that both clips act the same, and I dont know how to delay //text 2 (clipTwo).
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
import flash.utils.Timer;
[Code] .....
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I'd like to have the caption appear after the user hovers for 2 or 3 seconds----rather than immediately.
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Dec 21, 2007
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Feb 13, 2008
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And in the attachment you will see the fruits of this haaard work. My question: Is there a (simple and clean) way to "lock" the button for a few seconds when it has been pressed? Press the big grey ..thing in the attachment swf file multiple times for one of the many reasons~
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Oct 1, 2009
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Apr 25, 2011
I am still using flash MX. I'm pulling random text from a textfile (array.txt) into movieclip instance textbox.[code]All is good, but now my question is if I can have a text effect as well. For example having the random quotes typed out as they appear.
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